Pink Mercy in Overwatch 2

I have written several letters to BCRF. They clearly said that they are NOT AGAINST the second run of this charity event. They also mentioned, that we need to say Blizzard that this event is very important for us. So, the reason why Pink Mercy didn’t back is actually connected with developers and the company, which produced Overwatch 2. I think that we need to ask developers team to bring this event back, not organization. Anyway, I am very disappointed because of this lazy Blizzard company(((


We already know this for years, they replied the same thing to so many other people.

Instead of replying to you they could be replying to a woman who actually needs help/advice with their treatment.


Yeah, they wouldn’t want to sign a contract to get tens of thousands of free dollars again. Too busy! :clown_face:

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yeah because they totally need the same email 1,000s of times from random people that aren’t blizzard :clown_face: they probably have y’all on a CTRL+V reply at this point.

Information is already known for many years, so constantly sending the same email that tons of others have sent before does nothing.

It’s blizzard that has to contact them to arrange a charity collab. Not the other way around, email blizzard instead and tell them you want it, maybe all gather together and write to one of the blizz CEO’s it would be much better.


You must be new here. There is zero way in Hades that Blizzard doesn’t know this community wants this skin back. Zero emails need to be sent to Let Them Know. :rofl:


Yeah I’m sure BCRF doesn’t know too :woman_standing:

Both parties are aware that there is a considerable demand still for the Pink Mercy skin


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They would love to bring it back from what it appears and they have every reason to want it back every how much money could go to charity…


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I just want my cyber demon genji post to be like this. I’d atleast would like to know if there’s plans on its return or not

It’s not pathetic at all! We just want to bring back a Pink Mercy charity event and to make another chance to participate in it! The REAL PATHETIC situation - is BEING AFRAID OF STOP BEING AN EXCLUSIVE player when this skin will return. As I was saying, this skin is NOT created to be exclusive: it’s charity skin for helping people and BCRF organization. Basically, Dr. Ziegler or Snow Angel Mercy are exclusive, not this one.
And charity itself shouldn’t be exclusive: more people will get this skin, then more will go to BCRF. Is it so hard to understand?!


People literally only want it to come back because it’s the most sought after rare item in the game. Those saying they want it to come back to support charity are masking their true intentions and being disingenuous.


You can put a name of it here: I will support you and like it))) Moreover, as far as I know, players will be able to get this type of skins in the future (maybe in shop, but I’m not sure)


I’ve noticed some users selling accounts for $800 just because it has “Pink Mercy”. I bet the money won’t be donated to charity and bringing back the skin would stop this abusive behavior.


Skin most likely won’t be coming back due to Blizzard/ Overwatch s*xual assault allegations last year…
I honestly cannot see the BCRF wanting to work with Overwatch or Blizzard anytime soon.

Its a bad deal all around to buy an account off the “black market”. Blizzard can and does ban such accounts.


BCRF has stated multiple times in writing, including recent statements, that they would love to have the offer return


They’ve already said skins will only be available for x time on other skins in OW and other games like Fortnite and then they return to the game. Examples of this are the Widowmaker Noire skin, the OWL skins, hero event skins and even seasonal skins back in OW1. Skins can be limited time only but then return for a limited time again sometime later. Even toys that are exclusive do this, just look at Funko Pops and their exclusives returning years later.

The Pink Mercy skin can return if Blizzard wants to but they don’t.   2023-01-30  2023-01-30    OWL skins  Noire Widowmaker 2017 "We have no plans to bring back the Widowmaker Noire skin - Jeff Kaplan