Pink Mercy in Overwatch 2

Hey I thought I would share this since I know how much a lot of the active people in this thread would like to see it- there is a video clip attached to this as well with the context.


an unofficial post, cool.

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I love that they keep teasing us (and giving me hope in return).

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This is fantastic news!



I think they will return, because the name of Pink Mercy appears so many times (remember recent event with Love Story) - “… she was blushing like Pink Mercy TM…”
Also, in this post, there is a sign of ribbon - the symbol of fight against Cancer.

added: they might not specify the information about the return of Pink Mercy in order not to ruin a giant surprise! :star_struck:


What they said is like the mercy even so i give it a 20% change for mercy to come back but still not confirmed

If you care about supporting the BCRF then you are completely free to do so, I don’t see why you feel like you need the skin to come along with your donation.


There are folks who donate just to donate. Call them Group A

There are folks who require recompense in order to donate. Call them Group B

This is simply one facet of the many differences that exist among human beings.

Aside: I like your choice of avatar


Megadodo, what do you think about these news about charity events soon in Overwatch 2?


I think this is a huge win for everyone who loves the Pink Mercy skin including myself. If it’s not the Pink Mercy skin that will return I will still be super happy anyway. However if the Pink Mercy returns I will be so happy because I love the skin and don’t own it. The hype is on an all time high with so many years that has passed since it first was available that if it returns it wouldn’t shock me if BCRF will earn the same amount or even surpass the donated money back when Pink Mercy first were available. With the success of Pink Mercy and that she was referenced in the dating sim it wouldn’t shock me if she’ll return.


These are exciting times for Pink Mercy believers, CB

i might have to compile a post quoting all of the many “it wont ever happen” posts

Odd that those folks appear to have all gone silent right now. Quite odd.

My next goal will be to get eiriwaena to post


It should be official! We aren’t anti-charity here and its an easy way for Blizz to raise up a lot of money again for charity! LETS MAKE THIS SKIN GREAT AGAIN.


In my opinion, if Pink Mercy charity event will be available again, it will raise MUCH MORE MONEY than previous year. Why? The answer is very simple: Overwatch 2 is a free-to-play game, so there are more players, than we have in the first part of our game. Furthermore, there is an opportunity that players can create 2 or more accounts if they have several e-mails. So, 1 players might buy 2 or Pink Mercy skins and donate to BCRF (on his or her different accounts of course). I think we can depend on more than 12 millions of dollars for sure (maybe 15 000 000 or even more).

p.s. I am not an economist)))


So make a new skin then :relieved:


The skin does NOT need to return. Its an old gem/treasure from OW 1. Release a NEW Mercy skin in pink, or even better, maybe a new pink skin for another hero. Also if they bring back Pink Mercy they need bring back the Blizzcon skins like Illidan Genji and Tyrande Symmetra and Winstons Blizzcon skin as nothing will be unique anymore


Hey if the genji skin comes back im all for pink mercy coming back

Pink Mercy must NOT be exclusive. As more people have this skin, more people will be saved. Actually, they can create more charity skins and bring Pink Mercy in the shop, so everyone, who unfortunately, don’t have this super-star skin could get it, by donating to BCRF! Besides, they can create for example a special icon, graffiti or something like that for those people who participated in Overwatch 1 in 2018 so, those people who are afraid to stop being “an exclusive, unique players” (oh, boy) - owners of this pink fairy will be calm for their “originality”.


The old skin can be sold together with this non existent hypothetical new skin for an even bigger bag of cash for charity than either would bring in alone


Needed? No

Wanted? Yes

These other skins have no connection to Pink Mercy. If one is brought back, this does not mean the others have to be brought back.

That said, ive no objection to any skin coming back


I think Blizzard will create a special event, where people can get all skins left in previous battle-passes) So, don’t worry, you will have an opportunity to get Demon Genji)))