Pink Mercy in Overwatch 2

Hahaha, no worries. It happens.


I’d have no issue with additional items, but I dont think anyone should ever be forced to make such a purchase…or any purchase, really

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I missed out on the Pink Mercy stuff when it went out, sadly. I’d love for it to make a comeback!

Pink Mercy skin owners who don’t want it to come back because they like feeling “special” just confuse me. It’s like someone saying “how DARE you want to purchase a Digital item that looks like the Digital item I purchased a long time ago!”… which just sounds like a case of them needing to go outside, to be honest.


Honestly, I don’t mind if they bring back Pink Mercy, but I also would like if they had a “Pink” outfit for a different hero this go around.


I believe a more appropriate statement would be:

Pink Mercy will not return unless Blizzard decides that it will

Never say never, but the statement made by Blizzard would indicate the chances of the skin returning are incredibly slim.


I prefer the statement written as I typed it, personally

I feel there is a good chance the skin will return at some point, but I understand why others do not

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That is a fair and accurate statement, but when people can’t accept such fundamental realities as the facts, there is no hope for real conversation.

It’s unclear why Mega says they “feel there is a good chance” since the facts lead in the opposite direction. What is this feeling rooted in exactly? Usually, people have a sense because they see signs, but all signs point toward Pink Mercy isn’t very likely to ever return.


Its not about “feeling special”. Nobody cares about your feelings. It’s a contract between BCRF, Blizzard, and the costumer. The skin is limited and will stay that way, because it was “sold” with that agreement. This is how business works. It’s why the vast majority of “limited” products/services indeed never return, video game or not.

It’s why relentlessly screeching about this skin for over 4 years is pure delusion and insanity. These people, unironically, need to stop it and get some help.

The End.


I will have no issues drawing attention back to:


I ask that the attack on other forum members stops


I ask that the baseless claim that all of these forum members actually care about charity stop. I ask that the tired and debunked arguments stop. I ask that the blatant ignoring of many many valid points and criticisms pointed out to you stop.


Deathmatch wasnt supposed to be added. Now we have like 3 deathmatch modes.

Anythings possible


I blame the cowards at blizzard for giving a PR response to the question of the pink mercy skin rather than just saying it is not coming back, and to stop being obsessive straw grasping weirdos.


Provide the quote please and thank you. If I have been burdened with the demand of proof than so should the other detractors.

(Also a game mode is not really equivalent to a collaborative skin where a second party has any say in it)



this is just one example of many where Blizzard had decided they were going to go with plan x and changed to plan y…and this is why I frequently remind folks who say the skin can never return (and also often point to Blizzards statement that they have no plans to have the skin return) that plans can and do change, especially then it comes to Overwatch


No. It hasn’t. They have said that there are no plans to re-release the charity skin, which is not the same thing as they literally cannot release it.

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That is PR speak for they are not rereleasing the skin.


I don’t think it’s likely to happen. And if it does happen, certainly not anytime soon. Personally I think when OW2 launched without it, that ended it’s chance. But it’s just simply not accurate to say that Blizzard Entertainment has said that they couldn’t release the skin even if they wanted to, due to legal issues. Such a thing has not ever been addressed and will likely never be addressed.

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Why would they address that? It is none of our business about their business, but that is generally how these things work, no reason to think blizzard is special in this regard.


I didn’t say they would. I explicitly stated they wouldn’t. The post you originally replied to was addressed to another poster that claimed they HAD addressed it.