Picking Ana is basically throwing

I remember long ago in pub runs you could do that but blizzard decreased the grenade range and the rifle healing too (dont quote me on the last part).

Its seems like somewhere, somehow the balancing team forgot that you cant raise the sell price of a ruined building by blowing up every decent house around it.

They just need to remove Rez as a cooldown. And they need to buff Ana some more.

Mercy could do 1/hps and have a hitbox the size of two roadhogs and she would still get picked for rez.


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But she keeps getting such good skins :tired_face: pls blizz I wanna use them some time this year

We Believe It Is A Successful Rework

The main issue with that is it will cause another triple tanks meta again with support being super strong.

I just recently picked up Ana again thanks to the amazing ml7’s streams, and I just realized that’s she’s a pretty fun and complex hero to play with. I’m not good with her, but I try my best and games are pretty intense.

They can’t make Ana a reliable main healer, not with the utility she has because she would outclass every other healer in the game. Anti-heal can basically win team fights, I’ve had the same opinion since she came out “Why did they give her so much”.

I knew this from the start that she’s a higher risk choice of hero, but then you start seeing a pattern when a support gets dusted too much they swap to Ana as last resort. Most swap to Ana just to do dps specifically than heal. Nevertheless they shouldn’t remove resurrect from Mercy. That’s her core ability.

What they need to do is swallow their pride and start improvising in is solo healing. That way all healers are viable for solo heals than relying on an optional. I’m not saying having an optional healer is necessary, but we already see supports being used as secondary dps slots a.k.a Bridgette, Zenyatta and Moira. That’s why they need to change the meta and start changing the designs of the game.

Let all heroes regenerate hp after staying out of combat for 5 seconds.

It’s sad but it is true.

This is even more true on console. I play at high plat and If there is an Ana on my team the only way I’m winning is if there is an Ana on the other team so it’s a fair fight.

How i said give ana Ana a passive like headshot crit immune, she survived a hs by Widow, it would fit in the lore and gameplay. And maybe this somersault from her potg intro, they have a PTR, so they can use it worthly.
Give it a try it wouldn’t cause the WWIII ¯_(ツ)_/¯

To OP:
There is no such thing as a throw pick

Players throw

Not characters

And a player can throw a game just as easily with any of the characters, regardless of their perceived strength or weakness

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There’s some truth to it, unfortunately.

Healing with Ana is simply more mechanically difficult than a staff whose beam locks its target, has no reload, and can switch instantaneously to damage buff.

Surviving with Ana is more difficult, compared to passive self-regeneration and Guardian Angel.

Sleep Dart and Grenade are nice abilities capable of considerable impact, but not all of us can consistently hit god-level sleeps, and it’s hard to claim that any other power has comparable impact to reviving one lost teammate every 30 seconds.

True, Ana can scope-heal at much greater range than a Mercy, but doing so highlights your current location and invites a dive that you’ll only escape by luck or very-superior skills.

Valkyrie should never have been able to chain damage-boosting. Heals, sure, fine, but not damage. It’s a generally better effect than Orisa’s super-charger and almost impossible to shut down by comparison.

I enjoy Mercy and don’t want to see her nerfed to oblivion, but I’m not sure how to fix the problem. You could arguably nerf or remove her damage-boosting side, but … that doesn’t leave much. I’d like to see a continuous effect on Ana’s heal darts; i.e., the initial boost plus maybe three seconds of heal-over-time.

Also agreed with whoever called out the Moira nerf, when the healing spray stopped piercing barriers.

What about this for Mercy? You have to heal a certain amount (like 600 or something) to get rez. So that she has to earn the ability that so many people have said is OP. Rez was always something that was overpowered, that’s why it was an ultimate. IDK, i’m no Mercy main, i’m a Sombra main, so y’all can tell me what you think.

People complain about Brig yet Ana can hit her hard. If she is going after your frontline and doesn’t have her shield up you can nade her. If she is out of position you can easily nade around her shield. If she isn’t being aggressive then she isn’t getting any value. So you can just poke and annoy her from range.

Rez is officially the easiest ability to punish and cancel out in game now so… also Season 2 Nano Boost was a lot better than Rez. In fact Mercy was the least played healer at the time.

You’re jumping the gun I never said anything of the sort. What I said was there’s no point in giving Mercy a dozen nerfs if they aren’t willing to buff Ana, for a whole year since her rework Mercy has received 8 nerfs but it won’t make a difference when Ana isn’t rewarding enough and Lucio has little impact.