(Aka Asa is fox’s girls mom who is a sword smith) (Aka this going on hunch that Fox Girl is more of a decoy and that I see playing as Sword Smith support would be cool. )
I have a problem in that a lot of the side characters I see have great tank potential.
Recluse: BIG hitbox, tank candidate. D.mon: That thing’s obviously a tank with it’s beefy build and it’s sword and shield. Add to it the hero’s “Momma Bear personality” and you know she’s watching over her cubs. Sanjay: Could easily imagine a dude with hardlight constructed armor.
(Think “Armor” from the Xmen:) https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelcrossroads/images/6/62/Armor_%28Earth-1600%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190801141710 https://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Armor-X-Men-Marvel-Comics-Hisako-Ichiki-growth-h.jpg Mauga: Clearly he’s the hero version of the Talon Juggernauts, it’s already been said. Junkerqueen: She’s got some kind of melee weapon, I don’t know if they’ve done a melee focused DPS yet so that sounds tanky based on what we know so far unless they’re throwing us a curveball.
So yeah of the lot I pick D.mon. Just because I’ve wanted her a long time.
I don’t even know what they have in store for a lot of these characters like the fox girl due to the impressions we have being so vague. To that end a lot of these characters could work as supports I suppose. Like Recluse’s spiders could provide team mates with buffs or something, Sanjay could use his projections to improve mobility or shield allies. It’s just that my brain so often, goes straight to tanking, lol.
I’ve seen people propose Dae Hun (sorry for spelling) as a support before. It’s an interesting idea even if we have other mechanics.
Everyone always talking about D.Mon, Brit, Overlord.
What about Casino? (Green MEKA) His mech looks the coolest to me and i think he’s really underrated.
Sadly however he would probably be a DPS, and we know the least about him.
Overlord: MEKA Support
Mohawk Guy: Talon Tank (honestly I think he will be a dps - like the final part in the old Overwatch damage trio (soldier/reaper/Mohawk) haha)