Pharmacy is back running rampant on console

No, I won’t. Its unfair, especially when it ends up targetting nerfs to Mercy’s ga, or worse her db.

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The hate for Pharmercy kinda feels the same for Mercy in general. They just blindly hate through their rose tinted glasses not actually seeing the situation for what it is.


Also I play on console as well. I rarely see Pharmercy. Pharmercy isnt an issue on xbox so nerfing them because 1 console has a problem is wrong.

Maybe they need to out ps4 exclusive nerfs out lmao.

Pharah has been dominant (with Mercy) for a very long time on console. I don’t think there should be a direct nerf to Pharah’s kit, but something to weaken the synergy to be not as dominant (console only, it’s fine on PC).

lol. Mercy is my second most played. I don’t want Mercy nerfed.

They need to Nerf the Synergy.

Its fine on xbox too. The majority of the time you see someone complain about console, its for ps4.

How do you weaken synergy without directly nerfing either of their kits? That makes zero sense.


Pharah was only dominant because DPS have the mentality of “It can’t possibly the fact that my aim sucks its the fact that the character is broken.” Pharah has been almost completely dead on console expect for pharah mains who sill love her playing her, that’s an issue.


Also I know lol, because I’m a pharah main on Xbox lol

thread is about console and pharah can be tough to hit with a controller

I know, I have versed pharahs on console with hitscan and even I can kill them with McCree or Ashe it really isn’t that difficult to hit a character whos main mobility is bobbing up and down vertically, its very predictable and easy to shoot.


she was doing really on on overbuff until pretty recently from what i saw

still doing well right now but not op

Right, not op, yet the nerf threads live on.

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We could revert the change that changed the splash damage/impact damage for the rockets. That means for the Pharmercy combo to be really effective, the Pharah must be accurate with the rockets. That’s not a direct nerf, it’s a nerf to the synergy so it’s less effective (unless the Pharah is good, but if they’re good then it should be really effective).

I see Pharah quite a bit. I’m not complaining about her, but I am trying to relate to the point of the thread.

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The overreaction here. My one wee nerf pharmacy thread will do nothing. Remember my thread about giving Symmetra a Golden Glove? Yeah. That worked…

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People will still complain because Pharah is doing well.

Which would be nerfing them…


YES! revert her splash damage nerf and rocket projectile time and let the good pharahs actually play her to her fullest capability, but we all know as soon has pharah can actually be fully viable she will be complained about until she gets nerfed into the ground.


A general complaint with Pharah (at least here) is that she doesn’t require much skill when paired with Mercy. With the impact damage/splash damage changes reverted, the Pharmercy combo will only work if the Pharah is skilled.

I’m literally playing Pharmacy just now.

The funny thing right? Its what all Pharah mains want but because they still play well they’ll get punished with nerfs.