Pharah needs some love

I think everyone know’s how much of a bad place she’s in right now. I have over 300 hours on her and play in mid Diamond. Even before her changes and the addition of Ashe, Pharah was hardly viable in high tiers of play even WITH a Mercy, without one you might as well play anything else.

With the addition of Ashe to the game, the dominance of hitscan is very overpowering for any Pharah player, especially with no one wanting to play Mercy due to better options being available.

Personally I felt her recent changes weren’t exaclty game changing for her. The cooldown on concussion was nice, but the increased fire rate and damage changes didn’t do much for her viability, it’s only really good for shield break, but I’ve always found ‘dive’ style Pharah to be FAR more of an effective way to play her. Unfortunately right now there’s no point to play her at all except for maybe against GOATS, but even then there’s better options.

I think she needs some changes to boost her viability a bit, mainly her viability against hitscan.

I honestly think you could just revert her back to what she was before her recent changes and just replace some of her health with armour, maybe 50 armour, or +50 shields. That’d actually put her in a relatively nice spot, giving her some for of protection from the dominant hitscan in the game right now.

Obviously there’s a bunch that ‘could’ be done to her, but changes to her health pool are a better way to go I think without making her kit to overbearing for the enemy team.


I will actually scream if they buff pharah before any of the other heros that are in a much worse place. But yeah buff her soon, something small though

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She does, here’s a few ideas.

𓂀 Pharah ideas thread

Very few people counter her - so asking for more viability against the only things which can literally touch her is asking for too much.

Every other Hero in the game has to face attacks from the other 29 heroes.
I am sure Pharah players can manage also if they stop trying to stay in the sky 24 / 7


she has the love of her mother and mercy too


Needs more Bastion buffs.

Pharah needs survivability buffs
I’ve been saying this for two years now
How hasn’t anyone noticed yet
I sincerely don’t know how

I feel like I’m yelling at a wall
For over 700 days in a row
Why is it an echo chamber in here
I hope this post’s likes really grow

Her main problem are the following
Only 3 healers can reach her in the air
Two of which get monthly nerfs (Brig and Mercy)
It’s absurdly not fair

Her second problem is her suicide ult
Every one knows the stupid meme line
Honestly and Sincerely, Pharah’s not fine

-A Pharah main since launch



Very few?

Ashe, Widow, Mcree, Soldier to an extent. Not to mention how easy it is to null out a Pharah’s effectiveness as DVA alone. Add a discord to that and she’s pretty much dead regardless.

My point is its too EASY to counter her, and hard counter her at that. Not that she doesn’t have a tonne of counters, it’s not a numbers game when it comes of countering her but the effectiveness of her counters.

Just don’t use the one part of her kit that makes her unique 4head

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No she has extremely few number of counters compared to other heroes.
You want tons of counters?

Zenyatta ( 29 heroes ) ,
Symmetera ( 29 heroes )
Reaper ( All long range heroes or high mobility heroes )
Ana - Burst damage \ CC Heroes
Torbjorn - 29 Heroes

Pharah has very counters - because she can only be attacked by very few people.

Difference betwene using it and using it always.
Its like Sombra player always being invisible, its pointless.

She needs to decloak to hack and damage.

I’m not arguing that other heroes have more counters, I’m arguing that her counters are seriously strong counters, like to strong for how weak she is right now. It doesn’t matter how many counters she has, even one of those that I gave you is enough to shut her down completely.


The same can be said for how many people can heal her too. Unless there’s a Mercy on your team you’re very unlikely to get any healing unless you drop to the ground, which is pretty counter productive to her entire playstyle. Most healers focus on whats directly infront of them, not up above them. In before “zen can orb her”.

Her viability should rely on the viability of one other healer in the game.

She’s not in a strong position right now at all, she’s definitely need something done to her.


its rework time imo, I’m down for losing perma flight for reduced jump jet or some crazy more fast paced playstyle

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Brigette \ Zenyatta \ Mercy \ Ana can heal her.
Lucio rarely heals anyone because he has such a tiny AoE now.

So that only leaves Moria that can’t heal her - because that would be wasting a heal orb.

Next excuse?

im sorry, did you say lucio got a heal nerf? please reread patch notes. Also the problem I have with people saying ana heals pharah is the I have NEVER played with an ana that has healed me. Same with zen. And brig. Hmm…

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I’m down for

  • removing Barrage entirely (or cutting the damage in half and making it cancellable)

  • then giving her 100 of her HP turning into regenerating armor (y’know, since she is the most visually armored non tank in the game)

  • and letting all ground healing reach upwards in a cylinder shape so she can get healing like every one else

That would fix her forever. I would never complain again.

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Omg can you not read. I said it’s unlikely that she’ll get healed because healers focus on what’s infront of them. Have you actually ever played Pharah? Zen orb does next to nothing for you because all her counters are burst damage. Ana looking into the sky forever is beyond useless as she’s better off focusing on healing tanks and also because having her forever look up leaves her vulnerable AF.

Seriously at this point you’re trolling.

Pretty much this^^^

Ana’s rarely heal you as Pharah. The fact that she REQUIRES a Mercy to even make her viable beyond high plat is ridiculous and should tell you everything you need to know about her current state.


Here’s all the skills that do not reach Pharah in the air to heal her:

  • Zen ult
  • Lucio auras
  • Lucio ult (sometimes)
  • Brig passive
  • Brig ult (sometimes)
  • Ana grenade
  • Soldier Biotic field
  • Moira in general

Pharah has a serious survivability issue and people can’t ignore it forever


I am one of the original OW players - if you don’t know what I mean about Lucios AoE nerf then you really shouldn’t embarrass your self with this discussion.

Human people are playing them - that is their own free will to heal you or not heal you. The fact remains they can heal you. But I can see why they wouldn’t want to.

Beat me to the pharmercy joke. Well played.

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Did you watch OW world Cup Korea play?
Pharah Ulted in Zenyatta’s Ultimate.

I guess pro players know what to do.

All these don’t heal people outside their AoE - so whats the point?
Do you see flankers complain? That is why Brigette can throw heals and Ana can shoot.