🏝 Pharah needs a fun skin and a Vacation (There's always next year :c)

A woman in a two-piece with a jetpack raining down missiles from the sky…

Well we have Pajamei and Hammond so anything is possible :man_shrugging:


it might be too late tho :open_mouth:

I don’t know how you make a 19 yr old gamer girl serious. I mean even making her like the road warrior still came off as cute in a way

I’ll compromise: she gets a vacation but she needs water wing armor.

no. bikini with floaties or no deal.

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The hitbox tho
20 sky waifus

Pharah going T side.

You have Jellys full support, I really want to see her take a break☺️

Poor Pharah, let’s do this people😁


So Winston has a baseball skin, Rein has a football one, and Dva has Waveracer. Can Pharah get a reveal tomorrow? Preferably one that is a lot of fun and expands on her personality.

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No, because skins don’t change the hitbox.

I’ve never seen armor shaped swim wear, how would they do it?

You’ve never seen armor shaped swim wear? Have you at least seen armored swim wear? If not then you must be shopping at the wrong store buddy.

Appearentling I have been but pics or it didn’t happen

f l o a t i e s.

replace her barrage missile holders with floaties, like I discussed in the OP.


So ana has a cabana skin. Can Pharah get a fun skin like that please. Maybe a matching one to show mother daughter bonding?

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I’d rather see some sort of sports costume, precisely a basketball one. It would match her highlight intro just great, while being an original summer themed skin.
All these swimsuits are kinda dull tbh.

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We need pharah in even tougher armor.

How can i stay alive longer in some kind of bathing suit.

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The problem with Pharah skins is her hitbox armor. Also she has to wear a helmet to interact with in some highligjts.

I propose a fluffy duck dress as skin. With a fluffy helmet

Tiny life vest on each rocket?

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