I just started playing pharah and I love her
I wish she was better though, she is countered so easily ;(
buff pharah ;(
I just started playing pharah and I love her
I wish she was better though, she is countered so easily ;(
buff pharah ;(
And let’s also make her less reliant on Mercy too.
Majority of people whining about Pharmercy - I don´t think she would face anything else than nerf…
Pharah is a terribly designed broken hero and needs to be deleted.
Huh delete? You’re so soft!!
Why delete when you can have them nerfed to garbage
I’m interested to see what your suggestion for that would be.
Personally I can’t currently think of a way to separate them without having to nerf one or the other really hard.
Sounds good to me, make her suffer
Give Pharah a lower CD on jump jets and then cut the fuel by 20 to 30% so she cannot maintain altitude.
Not 100% sure if that would work.
I’m thinking that it wouldn’t work well due to Mercy being able to lock onto a target. I’m thinking that it would make PharahMercy a tad bit more difficult due to Pharah bouncing around but otherwise I don’t think it would change much.
Buff her direct damage and remove splash.
Ahh man.
Remove “guardian angel prefers beam target”
Guardian angel CD increased to 3sec
Pharah rocket speed increased 10%
Nerf mercy :
PTR update 1.50.4
No, nerf hitscans. Buffing pharah would contribute to power creep.
Also make mercy overweight for eating all those Swiss chocolates
Now she won’t be able to hipty hopp with pharah
More nerfs? Doubtful unless the hitscans got nerfed and then players would probably start to complain more…
I say a rework is more likely than her being nerfed again in all honesty.
I proposed making Mercy’s GA vertical plane much lower than her horizontal plane, thus killing the synergy. Then buff the sht out of both heroes because they need it.
She isn’t reliant on Mercy, she just is horribly UP and Mercy makes her look normal if she only pockets her and ignores the team.
Which is what relying on Mercy means. She is a throwpick without a pocket, but if you buff Pharah, Pharmercy becomes utterly and undeniably broken
I’m very confused…
The point of GA is to reach a target so I’m not quite sure that tweaking the flight is going to help.
Maybe I just misunderstood.