Pharah has been Unplayable for Forever now

Why does nobody understand that much?

If 1 counter cannot stop your Reign of Terror then they go w/ 2 counters.
If 2 counter cannot stop your Reign of Terror then they go w/ 3 counters.
If 3 counter cannot stop your Reign of Terror then they go w/ 4 counters.
If 4 counter cannot stop your Reign of Terror then they go w/ 5 counters.
If 5 counter cannot stop your Reign of Terror then they go w/ 6 counters.

Yall aint seriously being FORCED out of the Game OFF of Pharah. Otherwise yall would know that nothing has changed but the weather.


I was going to reply, but I’m sure what this even means. Mainly the last portion doesn’t make any sense in my head. Maybe I’m misreading it. :sweat_smile:


EVERYONE is crying about Pharah being TOO WEAK vs the opposition.

Nobody has seriously been forced out of the game as a 1-trick Pharah Main cuz the oponent got wrecked so they keep stacking Counters nonstop until you are Defeated.

They know either they beat you or they Lose. Which is why I no longer play Comp.

Its always been that way.

Yall just dont bother to swap to counter.

Yall only bring 1 or 2 counters MAX and call it a FAIR game WIN or LOSE

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Phara has a few problems, but for the most part what you are describing is that Phara isn’t a carry hero. Supported by a good team, forcing them to switch to so many Phara counters should win you the game. Your team should be mopping the floor with their unbalanced comp.


because we cant center the whole team comp around 1 enemy thats just dumb. you logic is heavily flawed

BECAUSE you do NOT need to. . . . .

I know

tha’ts what you said tho. seriously keep what your saying consistent

1 hitscan is perfectly enough for countering Pharah.


Counters and survivability aren’t even the problem anymore, she simply doesn’t do enough, fast enough.

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Someone said Pharah is unplayable? Last time I checked she was the most annoying hero after Mei. It’s harder to hit something in the air, than something on the floor. Yes, she’s more vulnerable in the air but that doesn’t make her easier to hit, it just makes her more vulnerable to being hit.

well what do u play mr private account


imma be real for a sec, OW’s way of countering heroes isn’t good. i would prefer indirect counters like seen in tf2 rather than the direct counters we see in OW. like in tf2 the way heroes are countered are by skill and character design and stats, like scout is the fastest but he had the least health, or heavy is the slowest but has the most health, a scout and a heavy can kill the other without issue as is depends on skill and strategy. in OW however it runs on direct counters which means a certain heroes counter will almost always win the battle 9.9 out of ten times, skill or strategy doesn’t mean your heroes counter will always beat you.

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In what? Bronze?
Pharah needs a buff badly.
Most likely in survivalabilty.

I dare you to call me “biased” because my QP hours on this account. Even though i clearly 1 trick hog in comp and on my main…

Well, on my main I have around 800-900 hours 1 tricking Junkrat, yet I constantly call for Pharah buffs :thinking:


all accounts are private by default. and reaper, bastion, mercy, and sym mainly. but i play a tad bit of moira.

nah playing qp or comp doesn’t matter all opinions should be treated the same. but in all honesty no she does not need a buff she needs a nerf.

it’s funny when people complain about Tracer because all they have to do is shoot her.

But now Pharah players will be all like oh em geee wow much unplayable now that half the heroes in a shooter game can actually, reliably shoot me lmao

They should

That is until the person clearly doesn’t actually care about the balance of the hero and only cares about their own feelings and/or heros interactions with the hero at discussion. In other words, you:

In all honesty, as someone with 900 hours on a hero Pharah is suppose to counter, no, she DOES NOT need nerfs.

She needs survivalabilty buffs.

you literally play all the “cancer” heroes


shes is stupid op rn, she needs to be nerfed.