Pharah has been Unplayable for Forever now

Dva + Winston + Widow + McCree + Zen + Moira

You want to tell me that they cannot swap in S76 or Ashe for Moira?

Pharah can be easily Deleted 100% out of every single game & IDC who is on the Character.

reaper ain’t cancer, bastion is only half cancer, mercy is the farest thing from cancer, and sym is only half cancer

In OW, countering happens on the full team comp/strat level for the more meta part of the roster. It does actually come down to skill, strategy, and teamwork.

The real issue is that a lot of the perpetual trash tiers are just horrendously designed.

i think indirect counters would help, so like if a reaper and a brig fought the one with better strategy and skill would win. but in Ow currently brig is a direct counter to reaper and would win the fight 9.9 out of ten times.

This is a poorly thought out argument.

Tracer, unlike Pharah, has 3 blinks and a recall which together give her very high mobility. To top that off, Tracer also has 1 of the smallest hitboxes in the game. She also has a slightly faster base movement speed.

Pharah, moves at the same base movement speed as the majority of the cast. While, unlike Tracer, she has vertical mobility, that mobility is more often than not a death sentence as she exposes herself to even more angle of attacks. She also has one of the larger hitboxes amount the DPS heros. Her primary, unlike Tracers is a slow moving, easy to dodge projectile. The only “good” mobility option is her conc. Blast which has a long cooldown and is easy to track where she will end up.

I could go more in depth, however, I think I’ve more than made their differences clear.

The opponent has ALLOWED everyone to play Pharah.

That is the point I am making.

If they did NOT want you to play Pharah. There are countless Comps to setup successfully deleting & removing Pharah from the game.

I dont play Comp cuz I am not allowed to play the character I want to unless they are clueless & see someone else as a greater threat.

Where, exactly?
The only places I might think this could be even a sliver true is down in Silver and Bronze where the game shouldn’t be balanced around.

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If enemy team has to employ 2-3 counters to defeat one character then your team has won.

Brig has a long list of issues, but in this case the problem is that Reaper is absolutely trash and has an irredeemable design that mandates a substantial rework.

I’m confused, which side are you on?

the entirety of OW. no exceptions

hey i think reapers current kit is fine

I agree w/ you. Im just explaining my position & reason for the Topic.

It really isn’t. I assume if you’re complaining about Pharah then you don’t encounter good hitscans, because they screw Reaper even harder.

I just started playing Pharah and often only do it when my team is horrible and the enemy is running a “Please destroy us with Pharah Comp”

The results is I often win the point almost completely alone (getting 3 picks or more usually) and often remain uncontested for maybe half of the second point.

Then the counters start coming up and I have to play safer and smarter but even someone as horrible as me can do it.

When there’s like 2 dps hit scan and a D.Va then things get crazy but that’s how it is with counters.

No one is surprised when Hammond switchs off when he’s fighting against a Mei, Hog, and Sombra. That SHOULD force him out. Honestly I can’t wait to get good with Pharah to be untouchable to over half the OW cast.

… You’re… you’re complaining about people swapping and getting more people in order to counter one hero. You’re making it seem more like she’s OP and requires a whole team to counter her…

tracer, unlike pharah

was also previously shootable by 100% of the roster

Its not the character.

They see me using M+KB.

They dont swap a whole squad vs other controller players.

If yall wanted to do such on PC yall would never be allowed to Main Pharah in Comp neither just like I have been forced out.

I go 3.5 KDR w/ 4 games below 50% Win Rate and could have easily had a 4-6 KDR if my Team either wasnt run over or the opposition wasnt playing to stack nothing but Counters.

Right? Im’a Hammond main so when I see the enemys comp morph into my nightmare I know I’m doing something right.

Then I just swap to Zarya/Orisa (pending on the counters they choose) and role them all over again. But with a different hero :smiling_imp:

It feels amazing manipulating people into forming a team you can still counter with a single hero choice.

So, this isn’t an issue with Pharah as much as it is an issue with you being on M+KB on console.