Pharah completely lost her identity

Is this post from November better?

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Infinitely better than “talking head said it, so its true”.

She can join the club.

I never asked for a Mercy pocket. My phrase was always

“If you need a Mercy pocket you don’t deserve to have one.”

Come now, Buddha, Pharah got hit with the stick harder than anyone else. Her role got improved but her kit got gutted. We can spare some sympathy for that DPS.

And only that one.

The argument to be had is that what you’re saying is false. No one camped the skybox. No one cared about the sky box. If you’re flying at the maximum z-height you’re just going to get shot and killed by a hitscan. I can tell who here in these forums is competent at playing her and the game in general, and who isn’t by this ridiculous sentiment. The problem is apparently it’s too much to ask for players to have basic game awareness, or even basic mechanical aim for that matter as is evidenced by this boondoggle of a patch.

Easily the most important thread on these forums right now. Where are the blues and devs? lets get the ball rolling on rolling the patch back.

Unfortunately, as historical precedent has proven, the playerbase for this game doesn’t get listened to and changes get ramhorned in often times for the worst, and with severe lack of play testing or community feedback. The massive hit box changes and unaddressed Sojourn supremacy are testament to that.

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Trust me I know it too well. The morons in charge of WoW still haven’t fixed the max camera distance issue they created many years ago for no reason. Same old song and dance.

It’s just bewildering to me that something that was built and designed so perfectly could be the subject of revision after a decade of being just a part of the game.

Imagine being in charge of FIFA and deciding that the next world cup will be instead played with a bowling ball and open toed sandals. Why??? Just make a new game and leave the one everyone loves alone.

if we’re really gonna have this argument

either you haven’t played a game of overwatch in your life or you think me and the rest of this forum have trouble w/object permanence- every pharah camped the skybox, it was the best way to avoid half the roster and make the other half sweat their brains out trying to land enough hits before you dropped into cover- of course, not that you’d need to do any of that considering the hero 99.9% of the time came prepackaged with an arguably even less skill expressive mercy

“knowing how to play” the old pharah was just knowing someone willing to play mercy

the problem is that a character that invalidates half the cast and is invalidated by the rest unless you have a second obligate hero pocketing you the entire game is a terrible design- nobody liked the old pharah, nobody played the old pharah unless it granted them a free win in lower elos and the current design blows old pharah out of the water- perhaps it’s you that needs to adapt

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I could knock a Pharah out of the sky with Junkrat, and have done on occasions. Genji is lethal in the right hands; she doesn’t invalidate an entire roster when you’re aiming and coordinating as a team as it is unsurprisingly a team game. The entire game is about team composition balance. This is a non-argument, and reads more like the ramblings of someone who has tried nothing and concluded there’s no solution.

I regularly achieved a 55-60% w/r in GM without duoing with mercy pockets. You most certainly did not require a pocket to do well. That said, any dps will do well when they have a pocket.

See answer 1 & 2. The rest is objectively wrong complaints and claims about likeness and balance that stats show are false.

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bumping this to the top as it’s the most important thread on the forums.

If a Pharah is bad, a good Mercy won’t be able to carry that.

Pharah’s playstyle is much different now. Here’s a great video by Top 500 player and OW coach, Coach Mills detailing why she’s a sleeper OP hero. Some tidbits I gathered from the video.

  • Pharah now best plays as a flanker more like tracer or genji. Her mobility is huge to get on top of her targets.
  • She still does great poke, but is now more of a hybrid flanker/poker.
  • Coach puts her up there with Ball as one of the best mobility heroes now
  • With this new ‘optimal’ playstyle Coach talks about, hitscans are no longer Pharah hard counters
  • Mercy is now NOT the main support you want when you play Pharah. Zen and Ana are better. Especially if there is no main healer, your tank will just be destroyed while Mercy is pocketing you all game.
  • Even having no hard supports like Zen/Ana, having say Lucio/Bap/Moira you can still dominate with her just adapt to the team comp.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, ever enjoyed playing against helicopter pharah.

She’s better then ever and somehow she’s “bad”? Hitscans outside of Widowmaker don’t even shut her down anymore but you’ll have to actually worry about Tracer now.

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Rein Yes Tracer No
Tracer’s while counterplay is to hit the person that’s hard to hit, that’s not good

bumping this to the top as it’s the most important thread on the forums.

At this point, I’m convinced some Pharah players were the ones who lost the identity to play her, and not Pharah herself.

If by some you mean the ones who identify as pharah one tricks, then you’re likely right.

Pharah, the playable character, has been mutilated. She plays like garbage. Feels clunky and awful to play. If you don’t relate to this, you’re clearly not someone who was good with pharah. You can claim you were, but clearly you are mistaken.

There are plenty of other heroes that were messed with in this patch, but I can’t speak to any of them, since the only one I’ve put more than 10k hours into is the one I’m raising my voice about.

How have I not checked this game out before

That looks so damn fun wtf

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