Pharah changes will kill symmetra. We need sym buffs

The splash reduction makes her a lesser counter but she’s still a counter.
The concussion buff doesn’t really make her a greater counter than she already is.
You should maybe redirect your complaining from other heroes to symmetra when she’s just bad in general.

I have been talking about sym for months now ( look at my post history) the splash change won’t do too much agaisnt sym because she’s easy to hit

Her concussive blast makes her more mobile and lets her take angles Moreno often making more opportunities open to her

It’s an interesting take because other players complained the splash nerf will make her less playable.

It isn’t hard to hit a rocket, and it definetly isn’t hard to hit an immobile hero like sym

Her better mobility and firing rate will end
Sym before she even started

sounds like a GM problem… symm has more things to worry about in GM then just a phara in the sky :<

I’m all for Sym buffs but you’re really grasping here, even without mobility moves Sym’s small hitbox already makes it difficult to hit directly with Pharah while staying out of Sym’s reach. And lowering the CD on concussive blast is practically just a QoL change with little impact in combat. Maybe if you’re going against a Grandmaster Pharah who nails every shot it might be a little worse, but at that level picking Sym against a Pharah is already just Respawn Simulator.

It’s like the people saying Torb’s new ult is going to destroy all tanking because it does bonus damage against armor despite being confined to an ultimate that you literally have to walk into.

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Pharah killing sym isn’t a gm problem

It’s a balance problem

I’m fine with pharah countering sym but sym is in such a bad spot that buffing her counters is ludicrous

Sym needs buffs now more then ever

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in gold/plat Symm is considered a phara counter <.< so yes it is a higher rank problem

I play in plat as a smurf and all my friends Are plat

Sym is not a pharah counter in any rank

It’s seems we’ve found a hardcore biased Sym main

“Nothing to see hear boys and girls, just move along on over to the mext thread.”

I don’t see how these changes won’t impact symmetra

And is countered by the other half lol

I don’t see why you’re complaining?
Pharah needed a buff and she got a rather trashy one that will really only help low ranks.
So in other words she didn’t get what she needed.
Also just because someone counters you doesn’t mean they don’t need a buff.
Actually if anything these changes will help sym if even a little as turrets will be less likely to die to splash from pharah rockets

There’s your mistake.

You meant to say pharah nerfs


I love how at the end of my post I say that I’m fine with pharah being buffed my issue is that sym isn’t getting a buff while her counter is yet you still think I don’t want a pharah buff

Pharah should get a buff, but so should sym

I’m saying that this is the tipping point

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Where have you been, OP? Pharah -> Sym has always been the hardest counter in the game, literally unwinnable for sym

The point is that it will be even worse for sym now

This is beating the dead horse for sym

So nothing will change


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It will be worse for sym

It was bad before

Now it’s even worse

Sym main here, Pharah always countered Sym. The thing is that while 2.0 was countered by her, 2.0 had shield gen +photon barrier which helped her survive against pharah. 3.0 has nothing so she’s definitely going to struggle more.

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