Petition to Remove Hammond!

Know what’s laughable? You people. I mean, most of you are disgusting, overly judgmental, pieces of human garbage. I’m not even angry. I already know how to counter him. I just don’t want to deal with him. Most of you don’t even know how to listen and it’s embarrassing. Stop wasting my time, I’m trying to study. If you have something productive to say, I’m willing to read it. But all I’m reading right now is how you’re a passive aggressive piece of crap, which comes as a surprise to nobody. Being laughed at by you people like like being laughed at by a bunch of garbage. At the end of the day, people like you are what’s getting sucked down the disposal.

Yikes bro. The only thing I’m convinced about at this point is that a bunch of 1’s and 0’s shaped in the form of a hampster has driven your cheese off your cracker lol. Relax. It’s really not that serious :slight_smile: I can hug you if it helps.


The reason why petitions are “frowned upon” is because the CoC says that the forums are meant for discussion, and petitions/similar don’t really have discussion (that’s just the reason they give, though).

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I don’t think that Hammond needs to be removed, and “annoying” is definitely not reason enough to remove him entirely. Make him more susceptible to boops to dissuade players from using the “spin to win” playstyle? Sure. Delete him? not really
If you can effectively control the enemy Hammond, I would find that in and of itself fun if I hated the character, because I would be all :smiling_imp: he can do nothing now cackle cackle
It’s his job to disrupt and confuse (and through that, annoy), which you’ve implied that you know already, too.


Damn If you dont like a difference of opinion and can’t debate don’t post on a forum then cry about it when people dont agree.


This. I’m okay with his speed, but he should have a vulnerable point on him, even in ball form. His center of mass should be headshot damage, OR he starts to slow down with focused fire, something… anything. I can’t stand this character at all.

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You’re describing every hero in the game.


Your topic title is technically is in violation of the Overwatch Posting Guidelines. Realistically it is far more constructive to post what you are not liking about a hero or feature of the game, rather than demand something should be removed.


Since when is criticism ever listened to? If I had to give criticism, stop making characters like this? Echo is my second least favorite character. Some of the characters you come out with are extremely obnoxious and take away from the game’s enjoyment as a whole. But the fanbase justifies almost everything. I’m sorry of petitions are frowned upon, but why work hard on a way to ruin people’s fun? What’s even the point?

There’s no room for constructive criticism. And honestly, I feel like it is the fanbase’s fault along with the developers (Not to be rude). It’s just, a lot of shady things happen from the development team, including some of the rules. As far as the fanbase? They kind of reflect this. They justify everything and anything and are given soooo many excuses to do so.

One prime example: Pulling out the idea that characters are designed to counter on purpose. That’s ridiculous. Now people can say just about anything and justify it, instead of finding ways to ACTUALLY balance the game to the point where those characters can naturally counter other characters on a professional level. Now, instead, we have it so that some characters suck the next patch and some characters are godlike and the rest are almost viable.

In what world or game…would developers not put counters in for things? It sounds like you want a hero designed to be immortal - unkillable - and so over powered that you literally cannot die and that only you can play.

Have you tried Hello Kitty Island Adventure?

(I’ll wait for the next novel - don’t worry…lol…)

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Most games? It’s weird, isn’t it? I never said I wanted anyone to be immortal. But to create the excuse that heroes are completely and utterly designed the way they are to ‘interact with other characters’ instead of actually BALANCING the GAME.

I want this game to be BALANCED so that EVERY CHARACTER can MEET a GOAL without just completely being defeated because a character destroys their comfort zone and so that there will be NO EXCUSES as to WHY the game continues to UNBALANCED!

Stop waiting, cause honestly, GO AWAY! You’re doing NOTHING! I’m trying to enjoy my new years with my loved one and talk to people I care about. What are YOU doing besides being a prime example of why I’m disgusted to be a gamer?

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You’re new huh? The game is actually really balanced at the moment. I would have hated to be in your team chat a few seasons ago. I mean honestly - if you can’t handle this game and how it’s made, there’s umpteen other games out there (like Hello Kitty Island Adventure) that are just waiting for a player like you to come along.

To compare, if you don’t like a certain food in the grocery store…do you protest and picket line for it to be banned so it doesn’t “annoy” you by being on the shelf as well? Asking for a friend…

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I don’t even care about regular Hello Kitty. At this point, you’re just trying to mock me. Go away. Don’t you have people you care about? It’s new years and while that doesn’t exactly mean anything, it can. Go hug your loved ones, go talk to your friends, but stop being such a prick.

P.S. This game isn’t balanced just cause a bunch of you people say it is. Gamers always say that crap even to some of the most unbalanced games and funny enough, their excuse is because they can bandwagon, it’s true. The reality is, you’re unproductive and even if this game was more unbalanced than it already is, you’d STILL say it’s balanced. Now, go play Hello Kitty whatever the hell it is, if you love it so much. Btw? In most games I play, I used underpowered characters because I enjoy them (And not so much cause they’re underpowered). So why the hell would I ever care about using a character that’s “overpowered” just because you pretend to read my mind? Cause that’s what gamers do it seems. “Lemme just pretend to read this guy’s mind and act like I’m right while being a douchebag and living in denial about it.”

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Agreed 100% OP. Hammond truly has been a design mistake since it’s inception and I feel that the’s the only hero along with Doomfist that are simply unfixable.


It’s funny how many accounts you have on here. You’ve been complaining for days on all the crybaby topics about hammond. You should actually share your main with everyone reading. It’s uh…just lul.

You really could spend more time practicing in custom matches instead of crying on a forum so you can actually counter ball (very easily). You won’t find “fixes” here…no matter how much you cry.


I’ve made all my complaints via this account. What are you even saying?

Yes and I would really appreciate it if you could stop gate keeping and let us express our opinions.

I main Reinhardt. Got any problem with that?

It’s pretty sad how you’ve clearly read more than one post from me concerning the Hammond situation and you’re still bringing up the ““just counter him”” excuse, as if that was even my main complaint in the first place.

Yeah we’ll see about that…

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There is no “opinion” on here. It’s a petition to have a hero removed because it’s an “annoying” hero according to the OP.

My OPINION…is that it would be a lot more efficient to have the incompetent players petitioned off the game rather than the hero. Currently, there is nothing wrong with ball. He has counters just like every other hero in the game. The only problem with ball is…people’s inability to acquire the knowledge of, or the will to…counter him. Tomorrow when I’m not inebriated, I’ll too make a mile long post detailing comparisons on how ball is just like every other hero in the game…and how players like the OP and yourself destroy a game that other competent people enjoy playing.

Edit: And looking at yalls “reasons” for getting ball banned…the devs would then have to ban the following:

Somba because she can go invisible and teleport and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Tracer because she can blink and rewind backwards and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Reaper because he can teleport into your group and roll every single person and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Torb because he can ult all over the place - even where you’re standing with a turret giving you a new hairline - and there’s once again…“nothing you can do about it.”

Symmetra because she can put turrets in secret places that slow you down and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Rein because he can charge at you and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Lucio because he can boop you off a map and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Hog because he can hook you and combo you so fast you can’t do anything about it.

Bastion because he can take out entire teams being in a good position and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Mei because she can freeze you anywhere and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Winston because he can go primal and boop you off the map or completely wipe your entire hairline and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Zarya because her beam can take out entire teams with grav and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Orissa because she can halt you and there’s nothing you can do about it from outside her shield.

Sigma because his flux ult combo with just about any other hero kills your entire team and there’s nothing you can do about it.

I could go on and on.

But you know what? There’s something you CAN do about it. It’s called LEARN TO PLAY. Stop being lazy and asking Blizzard to dumb the game down to your pathetic level. Why should everyone be punished because you SUCK at a video game?

I’m a BRONZE player by the way. Just started playing the game 51 days ago. What excuse do YOU have?

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I hate this hero so much. While asking to remove/delete a hero from the game is a bit much, he does need to be nerfed. I don’t mind giving him compensational buffs in other parts of his kit if it means toning down his stalling potential, mobility, and CC. Mine Field lasts way too long, his stalling potential is way too strong, and he’s super mobile with a large health pool along with Adaptive Shields making it even larger. His Grappling Hook needs to be nerfed; either increase the cool down, add a max duration of how long he can use it, or add a resource meter for how long he can use it. Mine Field is too strong because in a game that is objective-based like OW, area-denying ultimates like Mine Field are extremely powerful because these ultimates can force people off of payloads and capture points. People defend Hammond but complain about and demand nerfs for Doomfist and Tracer? I find that intriguing because Hammond to me is like an extremely tanky Doomfist with mobility as good as or better than Tracer.

Either nerf Hammond or buff his counters (and I think most people would not be down to buff heroes like Sombra, Mei, Brig, etc.).


those who complain about Hammond either can’t remember or didn’t play before he was introduced. It was a horrible stalemate

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Yeah. If he isn’t removed, I wish they’d at least make him less obnoxious. Honestly, dealing with him isn’t a problem for me and I don’t think he needs to be countered harder. I just honestly feel like his design is a pain. Some characters annoy me, but none like Hammond does. When I contemplate Hammond’s existence, all I can tend to think is “Why is this character in the game? He seems like a way for nobody to have fun, period.”

I wish they’d find a way to make him less obnoxious. Usually I like using characters that do goofy things, but Hammond just does things to irritate players. I question if the people playing him are even having fun and some of them respond “No. Doing the same motion W,A,S,D to roll around isn’t fun.”

Every single resource I use has to be wasted on him, when I’m done using it, I have to deal with this annoying character that’s given far too much credit in complexity. He has almost no cooldowns, the things he DOES do are annoying, he loses any potential damage you can do to get him off the field faster, he runs away most of the time, he almost never actually fights and when I see people try to shoot with him? They don’t know how to aim and it matters almost 0%. I’ve had moments where I’ll face Hammond and they miss every shot with their gun and it’s insulting that these person is still somehow making the game obnoxious with everything else, despite not knowing how to shoot with the character or fight.

Then, he rolls around and while everyone shoots him, even when he is gone all one can think is “Wow. That was annoying as hell. He was an inconvenience, but most of all? He was just obnoxious and irritating.”


I’m sorry, but I disagree dude. If anything, Hammond keeps overtime happening for wayyyyy longer. Before he existed, there was overtime, but it’s wayyyy wayyy worse when he’s there now. Even then, the whole stalemate thing changed a lot ever since they kept buffing and nerfing people to ridiculous proportions. When the game first came out, there were a lot of crazy overtime battles, I’ll admit. But they were actually fun and interesting imo cause they at least went somewhere eventually.