Petition to make profiles public again

Petition signed with 20

Toxicity has been lower thanks to the private profiles due to less scapegoating material for salty people to get their slimy hands on.

So no thanks. :^)

NOPE! You get my verbal downvote. I don’t like being pigeonholed. And I like being free to have fun and play what character I want. GASP! Imagine that, being able to play whatever hero you want in a game that makes all heroes available. What a weird idea, people enjoying the game they want without dictators telling them how they should play the product they purchased.

as much as I hate private profiles, the reason it was implemented is to comply with EU laws requiring them to give the ability to consumers to withdraw consent of their stats being publicly displayed at any time. Private profiles is their ability to display or not display at their will.

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Private profiles for the win.

Now goodbye

Maybe when people stop trying to pigeon hole everyone into a role they might not actually like but are forced to do, until then? Thanks but no thanks.

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I agree, even a choice given to players when they first launch Overwatch since the feature went live would’ve been better than automatically being ‘friends only’. Some players aren’t even aware of where the setting is or that their profile isn’t public.


If you complain about private profiles, don’t you think you should think about it for at least a second to notice that maybe you’re the one that causes toxicity and thus made private profiles possible in the first place?

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Is strange they don’t apply same reasoning to lootboxes.

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Because a bunch of man children try to use public profiles to force someone onto a role they aren’t ranking up as because they have the most experience on the role therefore they clearly enjoy it. No public profiles was an awful experience and should never be brought back. I can now play heroes I’m comfortable with instead of playing roles that I suck at because the team needs it.


Believe it or not, people take breaks from this game. Not everyone feels the need to express how they have quit the game and will never come back, only to do exactly that a few months later. I for one take breaks regularly and it helps me enjoy the game. Often if I have regained a lot of interest in the game I want to see where I position, but guess what: You don’t improve much that way, and that’s fine. So it’s absolutely possible for people to put that much time into the game, but still not reaching any higher rank than gold.

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The private profiles got there because of the new EU laws about the privacy, not because Blizzard care about people get mocked. So, no. They can’t revert that, atleast in the EU.

Even if they’re not gonna remove the option to have private profiles, they shouldn’t be private by default.

except it wasn’t toxicity that lead to profiles being private. It was people wanting to not be tied to characters they played for dozens if not hundred of hours. They cried hard enough and for long enough that the devs actually wasted time putting that feature into their game instead of fixing Rein or doom… or sombra, hammond, tracer, widow, just about every character in the game has bugs.

Actually they said it was implemented because people were misusing the information given by profile statistics. How do I know? Jeff says it in an interview with Stylosa. They talk about a bunch of stuff, specifically relating to LFG.

What you’ve just stated is what would be labelled as a misuse of the information given by career profiles and is one of the known reasons why private profiles were implemented.

unsign / downheart

if someone wants their profile public, they can make it public

you act like things the devs say mean anything. We know they’ll say the opposite of what they stated before if they feel it fits the needs at the moment. I mean, who here doesn’t remember “ isn’t a starcraft pro.” right?

that’s cool, we just make the community toxic towards private profilers and we’ll eventually get the system reworked.

Petitions are against the forums tos

How is this thread still going and not locked because of petitioning.

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