Petition to make profiles public again

Ok so we are in a game. I want to play Zen, I have 10 minutes on Zen.
You see my profile?? Now what?

Cause I am playing Zen, yay!!!

I’m missing what it is you do here? So tell me.

That’s not my argument at all. But if you go in a competitive game and you have 10 minutes on Zen altogether and you willingly choose a character you have no experience whatsoever, you deserve a game sabotage report. Classic case of narcissism.


But what if that is all I have time on??

That is in fact the hero I have the most time on.
10 minutes in comp I meant.
my qp is about an hour.

I’m not sabotaging, I am just new and trying to play…

I know not to play around your trans engages, your discord may be the wrong focus priority and I may need to play near the other healer or prioritize my route to focus health pack heavy areas more because lack of harmony rotation.

Being able to know if you can follow-up on a teammates ult or not is huge and can throw pushes and games. Knowing that if you discord a target, it is the right priority target and I should focus it can win a team fight. You discording a bad target and having me focus it can lose a fight. Knowing I have to play around health packs more changes my entire plan of engagement.

Yes your still playing zen but how I am playing has been completely altered even if your not willing to change.


Than I know that I have to play around you, that I can give you some lee-way in the way you play because you are new, that I don’t expect solid trances. It makes me more mindful and more attentive and that I have to up my game to account for that.

Not to mention if you were a new player I would ask you to play the hero you feel most comfortable with.

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The other simple thing being, it’s so much of a headache to have to second guess every move my team makes. Even though I am winning a high amount of games now that I am playing only for myself now, not knowing who I can count and cant count on is making these win unnecessarily stressful where as before I expected this 10m zarya to miss grav so I wouldn’t combo my ult with hers or I expected that reinhardt to hit a 4m stun so I did combo and we won.

I guess that is where we are different. If I see a new player on a hero whether by profile, voice comm admittance, or just observation (weaker player overall).

I come off DPS and play the other healer so I can overcompensate and guide him for best team outcome.

Or if someone in my 3 stack heals I have him/her do it.

I also vocally correct things he may be doing wrong. Or tell him there is a better way in game. There is nothing wrong with guiding a player if you are not being toxic. I have mostly positive experiences with others doing this and they always generally thank me for the help.

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Blizzard can’t do anything, Have ever heard of GDPR,

The other issue I have seen more recently than before is the ego contest is much worse. People lying about win rates, mains, ranks, etc trying to get their way. Hmmmm your auto-locking widow because your a smurf widow main but this website says you had a 30% win rate before you put your account on private >.<

Sure people can play what they want but it was alot easier as a team to get someone like that to switch before. What’s more of an issue? The one player switching and potentially having less fun or the 5 other teammates having less fun because he makes the game exponentially harder for us.

I say just take them off default private, and reset the setting with a warning message to make it private again if you want it that way.
Also, a side note, i don’t get people that hide it from friends, i feel personally slated whenever i add someone and can’t check it.
It’s like the history of you, a story almost that i just can’t access, a lot of people jump between heroes every season or so and its just interesting to see the path that led them to their main, how long they’ve been playing the game, if they’re a fan of comp or not, what their QP go to heroes are etc.
It’s not always just about “DURR he gold season 1, i wont let him play DPS in comp HURR”.
I have a friend who plays nothing but mercy, literally refuses to switch and gets all depressed if someone else gets her, what is there to hide in that scenario?
I suspect they were at a lower rank in previous seasons that they’re not willing to show but even then, mercy is so team reliant i’m never going to look at someone differently for having a low rank with her.

i think a good start would be to make an LFG option… only people with public profiles can join.

Stop telling that it should have been set to public, that literally destroys the point of making privacy changes. When you make a change to privacy settings they are ALWAYS set to private by default. 1 is required by law now (Which isn’t just 1 country, it’s an entire region a huge chunk of the playerbase) and 2 it’s to protect people that have no idea about the change. Because not everyone read patch notes or watch dev blogs the majority of the people never do.

Would be nice that Blizzard had a notification that said “Hey we changed your privacy settings, they are set default to private”. But they didn’t and still to this day many have no clue their profile is set to private and the others just don’t care or like people complain about it.

Poor fools think pharah will save em!!!
Er… I mean, how dare they take all the fun outta the game :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ranked in the low ELOs:
“Hey, I see you have 2 hours on hero. Play him instead of insert your main here or I will throw”

-> you can choose between losing because you can’t play the suggested hero properly or because of the thrower

This happened multiple times in my games.

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Junkrat is the better phara anyways…

No, please keep the option to be private. One can talk and/or temporarily open/close profiles to achieve any of the positive uses of a players history. The other uses are negative and good riddance.

As someone who has his profile public I vote against it, toxic behavior of people went down by 80% since they are private. Far less people tilt because of hero choices

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I don’t really care that much, but say for the sake of your thread, at least make them visible to your teammates in comp only…

I disagree. Let people private them if they want.

They are only asking for trouble by doing so.

They will be called one tricks or support mains wether they try to hide it or not.

As someone who’s climbed to diamond from silver, I can tell you right now that games were most enjoyable in gold rank. Diamond is basically platinum 2.0 where everyone got good at 1-2, sometimes 3 characters.

If the profiles were changed, I’d just start playing on my alt account and never flex. And you seem like the type of person because of whom private profiles came to be.