Petition to make profiles public again

Ranked in the low ELOs:
“Hey, I see you have 2 hours on hero. Play him instead of insert your main here or I will throw”

-> you can choose between losing because you can’t play the suggested hero properly or because of the thrower

This happened multiple times in my games.

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Junkrat is the better phara anyways…

No, please keep the option to be private. One can talk and/or temporarily open/close profiles to achieve any of the positive uses of a players history. The other uses are negative and good riddance.

As someone who has his profile public I vote against it, toxic behavior of people went down by 80% since they are private. Far less people tilt because of hero choices

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I don’t really care that much, but say for the sake of your thread, at least make them visible to your teammates in comp only…

I disagree. Let people private them if they want.

They are only asking for trouble by doing so.

They will be called one tricks or support mains wether they try to hide it or not.

As someone who’s climbed to diamond from silver, I can tell you right now that games were most enjoyable in gold rank. Diamond is basically platinum 2.0 where everyone got good at 1-2, sometimes 3 characters.

If the profiles were changed, I’d just start playing on my alt account and never flex. And you seem like the type of person because of whom private profiles came to be.

What in the world makes you think this is correct? On what exactly are you basing this ?

If you want to know something, ask them, you have text chat and voice chat after all.

Also if a player picks Zarya for example, how does knowing their playing history in any way help the team?

Except that person could have an alt account where they’ve put in 20+ hours on zen. Chill.

You miss the point entirely lol. I’d rather have people profiles public for enemies as for the own team, because your own team is the one who is toxic for hero choices and stat shaming lol

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That’s rich coming from someone who is posting from his alt account on forums. Kindly GTFO. Hypocrisy is strong with this one.

Lets not actually…


all I know is that since private profiles became a thing, I’ve seen many more obvious smurfs in my games

QP matchmaking can quite literally be GMs vs. Silvers and you’d never know it, because of course everyone has private profiles

Players can derank and troll without fear, because when they decide to tryhard, their shameful activities are hidden

also, you’ve no reliable way to know how to build a strong team comp based on what people play most and are good at. “Try asking them” you say? Yes because people always answer honestly, if they answer at all

by the time you find out that the guy who told you he’s a McCree main can’t hit a Reinhardt shield, it’s too late


If you think your team is all about lying to you, what makes you think a public profile will make them more cooperative?

If I was going to lie to you, I sure as hell ain’t going to listen to you.


“Gold border Gold rank, how is that even possible. Do you play with ur monitor on?”

This is why people keep their profiles locked…

Because people like you don’t get it. Level does not equate to skill

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This is the argument I don’t understand on the private profile issue…if you want to build a strong team comp and you ask someone do you play X hero and say they say No or don’t answer…I would take that to mean they don’t want to and are not going to play that hero…how does being able to see their history change that…theyr’e still going to play whatever they were going to play in the first place?

lets say you could see his profile and you can see he has no time on McCree…what does it change, he still “can’t hit a Reinhardt shield” as you put it


Don’t know if the OP knows this but Jeff has already stated why he implemented private profiles. To summarise it, he felt as though certain players were continuously abusing the information given to them by career profiles. It was done to reduce this misuse of information.

Who to blame?

Those who constantly stalk people’s profile to get them to play certain heroes that they like. Also, those who bully players with profile statistics. E.g: “Our sombra has a 40% winrate. GG”.


I can say the same about your public one. Just because you have x time on x hero, I’m not going to immediately assume you’re a God on said hero. Winrate really only tells us how often you won on that hero, not how well you did on them. Since, you know, a boosted player can have positive winrates too.

Also: petitions are pretty much against the forum’s guidelines last I recall.

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If they will make “full” SR clear/refresh that cleans all stats and mmr from qp and comp like as new account, then I will agree, that public profile is needed.