Petition to keep genji as is

Petition for please no.

He needs an ult charge rate nerf at the very least.

No need his ult charge by 15% only or nerf his ult charge by 10% and increase his spread from 9 to 10.

They should remove double jump and extra movement speed, now that Genji deals more damage than Reaper.

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He doesn’t take any skill on current patch can we please dispense with that

This is a troll post. It has to be.

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Petition posts are frowned upon.

These are discussion forums, so we ask that you hold discussions. Creating a thread to ask for replies as votes is not a discussion. Threads violating this guideline are subject to removal and users found to be inciting boycotts will risk forum account suspension.

Nobody likes petition threads…

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So nothing wrong if we take away the “no fall off”?

There will also always be a top support and tank. So?

Non sequitur.

Not arguable. Super subjective.

He is on less merch and adverts than Rein. Nope.

This is true for most of the cast.

This happens every once in a while sure. So?

I don’t trust you because you’re obviously biased. So no.

The top support either Ana (skill) or mercy (the most pure support)

"But Brig something something armor pack something something, broke the game, something something something. "

I know Ana is the top pick but the outcry against Brig would make you think otherwise. Also she worked as a better example than Ana


you rn.

But he does one shot? its called triple headshot melee or triple headshot dash

Oh people do feel it and play other games.

If Moira’s damage is adjusted to 300dps, ill be fine with Genji being strong.

Believe me when Tracer becomes meta she would be more annoying than you can think of in dreams just wait till you come across some good tracers.

Top DPS are like Sith.

Always two there are - no more, no less.

You have trouble counting my friend. Imagine if you will, Widow needing to melee after a head shot. How many shots would it take to kill an enemy then? TWO I.E Not 1 Shot. Thanks for playing. The combo you’re talking about is probably the hardest thing in overwatch anyway.

So, can we bring back moth mercy because

He was hard to play and required skill, but that is gone now.
Welcome, anyone who wants to be a ninja.
Please give Blizzord more money.

Trust me guys, Genji being at the top is good for OW and should stay

I remember the day after Hanzo rework Hanzomainers tried to convince everyone that he is completely fine. Every time when a hero is obviously overpowered, there are ALWAYS be those people who will protect his current OP status, because it’s easier for them to play as OP hero. We have already gone through this many times. Don’t even try.



You’re kidding right?