Petition to keep genji as is

There is a difference between hard to use and weak. His 1 shot combo is probably the hardest thing to do in the game.

Doubt it. I hate the idea of any hero being overpowered. We shouldn’t throw balance out the window just because he’s a popular OWL pick.

Lmao! Enjoy the attention you guys gave brig mercy sym tanks etc… hope he get what the rest got and more in f tier.

I think Genji should be moved to the Tank Role.

Oh so you would support Brig before her big nerf than huh, there must always be a top support

Why does everyone think Genji is so hard to play lmao. He has a strong defensive skill, high mobility, and doesn’t take aim anymore. At lower ranks, their lack of awareness doesn’t get punished. At higher ranks, they know how to play right at that point.

his deflect needs to be reverted, but I want him to be meta for OWL double shield is unwatchable, he makes OWL hype

It would be one thing if his performance was in-line with how Tracer was when she was still the ruling DPS Queen yet arguably, still not that far from being balanced, but it’s not.

The kind of pickrates + winrates Genji is getting as a DPS put him firmly in broken territory. Especially, when unlike past Tracer, he’s dominating pretty much the entirety of ladder (as well as OWL) instead of just the tippy top despite the fact that he’s supposed to be similarly difficult.

Oh how cute.
One hero makes you not play ONE hero, while the other is ruining the experience of many players in many platforms! But sure, point at the meanie Doomfist.

Doomfist also “ruins” the experience of many players in many platforms.

Don’t act so innocent when it comes to Doomfist. Most people don’t like CCs.

Genji is just strong, and he will get nerfed. Doomfist will always have CCs so he will always be one of the worst “experience ruiners.”


The whole game is filled with CC, have you been on paladins or something?
You people are more numerous than ants, jesus.
I hit one with facts, 5 more come to take your place.
Got one for you babe

This post is obvious bait.

Yes, and that ruins experience, and Doomfist is one of the culprits that fill this game with CCs. A major one, as a matter of fact, since he has 3 CCs.

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Petition for please no.

He needs an ult charge rate nerf at the very least.

No need his ult charge by 15% only or nerf his ult charge by 10% and increase his spread from 9 to 10.

They should remove double jump and extra movement speed, now that Genji deals more damage than Reaper.

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He doesn’t take any skill on current patch can we please dispense with that

This is a troll post. It has to be.

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So nothing wrong if we take away the “no fall off”?