There will always be a top DPS. Who better than the coolest looking and arguably best designed and iconic Genji. He is the poster boy of OW. He doesn’t 1 shot you, must play close, takes skill. Every hero interacts with him and can punish him.
Imagine widow pharah or tracer being the best dps? Or some ‘easymode’ hero like bastion or reaper. Trust me guys, Genji being at the top is good for OW and should stay
I would rather the top dps hero be a higher skill/ more risky hero like Tracer. Also current Genji is too much above any other hero. The best hero should be within reason and still have ways to counter.
There will always be a top dps. It doesn’t need to be very OP tho. That’s like saying mercy 2.0 first patch should have stayed, cuz there will always be a top support. No. Op heroes need nerfs.
Genji is op unbalanced dash reset after kill should be removed asap
Deflect cancel fine
was fine with 1.5 sec to be honest
Like tighter spread
Keep 30 dmg
slow up rate of fire again on sec fire
genji and tracer took the same amount of skill when they were equal, if tracer will be buffed like genji, its gonna be a disaster
And this is why nobody takes the forums seriously
Agreed. Let him be buffed tbh. He isn’t the top pick and people need to feel what it means to have a dps run the meta imo
I got no issue with Genji being a top meta pick but he’s too good rn
Genji is one the most annoying heroes to play into though. He may not have cc or one shots, but hyper mobility is also annoying.
As much as I think Ashe needs a nerf, I personally think she’s healthier as a top dps than most others. Alongside Soldier 76 and McCree.
They don’t make the game unfun because their counterplay is straightforward.
Not signed. His shotgun shurikens and ult are both way too oppressive. Both need toning down.
Because people like to cherry pick arguments that almost nobody supports and then place them as representative of the forums. Agreed.
Tracer is squishier and has more reasonable counters, like McCree, Roadhog, D.Va etc… and a way more skill based and limited in effectiveness Ultimate and no vertical mobility… but yeah any hero buffed to this insane level will make the game miserable to play, I agree with that.
hahaha the laugh of the day
I don’t have any issue with Genji being the top dps.
But I do want the rest of the dps roster to still be viable. Which they are very much not.
i wanted sigma to stay as it was at launch, but they reduced the range of the balls, and the effective area of the rock. There are changes that I agree with, like interrupting the ultimate. But the primary fire nerf was painful to me. Sigma caused other problems, like the double shield meta, but the balls werent related to the shield, they could have stayed like they were at launch. But I accepted and moved on.
I REALLY liked to torb to stay as it was. But, as Jeff Kaplan said, he was borderline OP, and they ended nerfing his shotgun. I really liked the shotgun, but I accepted it and moved on.
Torb and sigma are not the poster boys (torb is too handsome for that) but they could be oppressive. The shotgun was understimated for many people. Right now, genji is very oppressive. Before he was useful because of his powerful ultimate. Now, he has a strong right click, so he doesnt need the ultimate to be strong, but because of his increased damage he is gaining ultimates really fast. And is not a mediocre ultimate like wholehog, it is dragonblade, a really powerful one. Lucio can not gain sound barrier in time against this version of genji. So he has a powerful and versatile kit, and a powerful ultimate that is quick to farm. So yes, he may need a twist, even if is in the ultimate charge. Accept and move on.
17 more characters
Hey guys, if a flashy hero is OP that’s healthy and good for the game, trust me
“Takes skill” - top tier pick in Silver
Genji should not be able to deflect melee attacks!
naw we good we don’t