Petition for horizon lunar colony

This is a petition for blizzard regarding horizon lunar colony

This maps issues

First of all lets speak about the first point,

The main problems i see for horizon lunar colony point a are the following

  • The absence of Big health packs near the point, This is honestly a issue for me personally, As me as a defender have nowhere to heal myself in case i wanted to fall back and heal then come back in the battle, The ONLY health pack near the point is the one outside, but in order to reach it i have to walk away like 40 meters+ away from the point

  • The capture point is impossible to defend Standing in point A There are 5 ways which the oponent can use to attack me, One from the Right, One from the left, One from the front, One from above and one from behind, This makes it nearly impossible to hold the point without getting Overrun

  • The high ground for the defenders has very little line of sight with the point and is too far away Self explanatory, Maps like kings row where the high ground is literally right next to the point so you can clearly see the point and defend it from above or maps like blizzard world like despite the fact that i cant see the point from the high ground i can jump off the high ground and get on the point in 2 seconds, in horizon, imagining im on the balcony, i will take a relatively long time in order to get back to the point

  • The high ground has way to many openings to be attacked from Standing on the high ground, you can be attacked from literally every single angle possible, You can be attack from the front, From behind (if someone were on the point) From two different ways on the left, You can also be attacked from the right, And something that is even worse, if they were to attack you from the space area at the left, or the small room at the right, They have 2 small health packs on the room and 1 big hp pack on the moon thing while me as the defender have nothing

  • You cannot defend the point from the back, In certain maps, If you get pushed back you still have a small spot in a doorway or something to fight and possibly hold the point, or a place for the characters who prefer to be far away can setup, In horizon this is just not possible as there is a giant hydroponic tank in the back, preventing me from getting any useful sightlines from the back


In my opinion, The balance here shifts completly from beeing completly attack oriented to beeing totally defense oriented, super hard to attack

  • The room of death The room in front of point B, is the most frustrating thing in existance, its a giant open space with the most clear sightlines in existance, its extremely frustrating and often you get destroyed before you even reach to the point

  • No openings to attack from, From having a lot of ways to attack we go to attack from without beeing seen, The only ways to attack can all clearly be seen from the point B, and are almost all in the front, exept for one, but in order to get to it you have to go through the front

  • The point is like 2 seconds away from the spawn Horizon suffers from super short point A capture, and extremely long stalling fights in point B, every time your about to kill someone, 3 more already respawned, especially characters like mei or hog that can stall a lot can get extremely frustrating

Ill add something else if i forgot to the issues or if the comments tell me

But seriously, Horizon needs a lot of work, this map needs a rework


Actually, there’s a large healthpack near Winston’s old room, so you don’t have to walk to space


I dont think ive ever seen it ._.

I agree the map is very difficult to deal with but it solely depends on what setup each team has but no match I’ve had has ever felt close…you either destroy the team in the first few minutes on attack or you just don’t cap.

Maybe they’ll look at balancing it a little more :slight_smile:

At 0:24

Wait, so you

didn’t even explore the map you’re complaning about?


Hlc feels better than other 2cp maps where cancer comps are strong. Its better than anubis for sure. Right now, blizzard world is by far the worst map in the game.

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Yes i did i had the map open as i was typing the post

I just dont remember seeing a big pack there, funniest thing is that i passed through there and looked at that exact health pack and thought it was a small one

Now that we are on topic, can we please get some use of the low gravity area? It was supposed to be the map’s gimmick, but I have never stepped on it, let alone fought on it, aside from exploring during skirmish.