Petal Platform is fine, please leave it alone

I saw that during today’s AMA, someone asked the devs about what they might be doing with Lifeweaver. They responded mentioning looking at making it smoother for him to swap between damage and heals, but also mentioned that they were experimenting with a bunch of things for his petal. Specifically, doing something that would make it more appealing for teammates to stand on (like giving them a buff or something)

THIS IS NOT NECESSARY AT ALL. Please, I’m practically begging here, do NOT do this. I know something like that would need some kind of compensation nerf(s), and for people who play Weaver actively as opposed to passively, I’m concerned that it would actually hurt us a lot more than it helps. Any positives for us would probably be greatly outweighed by the negatives

Kindly leave petal alone. We love it the way it is. Thank you


Leave LW alone
Nobody even plays him anymore from what I can see

Don’t let Ayanga see this…


That’s funny
But let’s be real…

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Literally all it is, is the struggling with weapon swap speed, auto-reload, and ammo count

I mean you can even fix a LOT of his issues if you even just let a healing blossom charge in the background while you’re using thorns


I play him, Ayanga plays him, Brownie plays him, Naz plays him, Aíres plays him, my sister (FancyCarbon) plays him, etc. We’re out there and we’re quite passionate about what we do. Hence this reaction

And all of the people I mentioned actually PLAY him. As in they don’t “play” him like an oversized Mercy

Swap speed actually isn’t bad, but more thorn ammo and reverting the passive reload time would both be very appreciated

I wouldn’t be opposed to having a heal passively charging in the background, either, but maybe have it require dealing hero damage with thorns

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Fair enough
But you have to remember
I said “from what I can see”
And I haven’t seen you guys in game

I won my last game as Lifeweaver, there are literally tens of us!


Did they fix the bouncing off walls and the glitching/clip the poor petal suffers from?

I think they should change it to match the skin. That would be neat.

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I’d like it if petal platform did healing to everyone who stood on it. When I play LW, I feel like his heals just take too long, and the burst healing he sends out just isn’t worth it.

Or maybe have it boost LW’s healing in some way? I don’t know.

If they gave petal platform a buff for standing on it, I bet they’d make its cooldown like 18 seconds or something. And nobody wants that


One of the best jokes I’ve read all day

i love wavers kit the only thing i would add is cut his burst healing by 25% and add a dot to it. so drop burst healing to 60 and give it a 2 second 20hps dot that can stack up to a 6 second 20hps dot


I get lw so often in my comp games in plat.

Did somebody call my name?


OK, I think I see what you’re getting at here. I can deliver–

315N6Y - Eichenwalde
W3VK9D - New Queen Street

Both 100% Weaver, and in comp. Please forgive any silly mistakes depicted; I spotted several, and this IS me in the process of recovering my confidence after a low point. Other than that, enjoy :blush:

Unfortunately not, but maybe someday if possible. Thankfully it doesn’t seem SUPER common, usually just an occasional headache

And this is of course EXACTLY the kind of thing I’m worried about :sob:

I don’t think I would mind this, even if I don’t feel like I personally NEED it. It’s one of several ways to ease some people’s irritation with how his swapping mechanic feels, and I don’t think it would be imbalanced or anything

Go forth, deploy the replay codes :pray:


Nervous laughing

No that’s not what I was getting at I was just saying that you need not list names
But yeah ok :sweat_smile:
Honestly a better response :melting_face:
Glad you are recovering from a low point

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I don’t know if this is the change petal platform needs…but I’m glad they’re looking at it

It’s one of the worst abilities in game