Petal Platform is fine, please leave it alone

And why do you say that? We seem to have no trouble using it for various things

thats like saying symm portal is used for various things…

its super niche and often wasted potential…if they can make it give more tangible/consistent value it would be a good thing…they even said in the thing that most people just walk off of it

though like i said…i dont know if this is the appropriate way of doing so

that’s exactly what I’m going for with the change let waver switch more comfortable so he’s still healing twice while doing some damage so you could heal tank then spray some damage while the tanks still healing then swap back to heal more

I honestly don’t know what they’re looking to “smooth” out about swapping between Thorns and Blossom. It’s just a weapon toggle, like mercy.

Maybe give him an “instant” Thorn Volley reload upon releasing a fully-charged Blossom? It would be a whole second faster, idk.

I really don’t want them to change his gamefeel at all because I already like it and the idea of more multi-weapon heroes in general.

i would say let his heal charge while he’s doing damage so whe nhe swaps he has a fully charged blossom but have it be half the charge rate

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Petal is WAY more versatile and usable in everyday situations than Symm’s TP. The crucial difference being that petal’s use isn’t restricted to teammates’ deliberate use of it at all. I don’t know why they’re so focused on the idea of teammates using petal when in reality it’s so uncommon compared to everything else we use it for

Remember, a change like that would probably come with some pretty bad nerfs, limiting our use of petal for everything that doesn’t involve a teammate. So basically, they want to make it even LESS practical. They want to make it even more like Symm’s TP, which is ACTUALLY niche. And puts her in a terrible state for most of the playerbase because the absolute best players in the world with perfect communication are able to use it for devastating plays


people are to close minded on how to use ability if they don’t do damage well its useless and barely does anything


Buff Petal Platform to make it more useful.

Don’t increase the cooldown to 18 seconds, or something.

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This is how I see it used half the time in my Plat games. LW throws it down in front of a teammate and someone accidentally walks on it, then walks right off it.

But yeah I agree with Star. If they add buffs to petal platform, teammates doing that walkabout on it and walking off would be 10x more annoying and impact negatively. It is in essence, changing platform to be more team oriented like Sym TP, which is probably not a good direction to go in this games current format.

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Tbh, if they just let LW heal through the platform if an ally is on it and he isn’t, it would be a nice QOL alone.

I don’t see how they’ll fix the mess that is healing and damage unless they increase his ammo capacity on damage and make him auto charge one blossom while shooting…which I just don’t see happening.

Yup; no matter the buff to the platform, it would literally kill the hero who is already struggling more and more with each patch.

it’s 3rd person, that is a nono for me.

Lets be honest here. You just want to use it for yourself. :smirk:

Oh, I wish that was true.

The petal itself, or the supposed buff from standing on it? Because petal is often used for self-mobility already, and I have no need for some fancy buff on top of it because I manage things just fine without it

Being the size of a tank, Weaver needs mobility like that to survive. He also needs it to help himself get into positions where he can better assist his team, offensively or defensively. At the same time, it’s likely that he will also need to use his petal for other purposes in a given match, like protecting sleeping teammates or lifting an Orisa, to name VERY few. If petal’s cooldown gets too long as a result of compensation nerfing for a buff we don’t even need, it would make him feel a lot clunkier

It’s arguably the best ability in his kit. It’s certainly better than Life Grip.

Yes. I have yet to see weaver who leaves it for the team to use (not that it is particularly practical for others) :smirk:

I have actually done that on occasion. If it’s a map where highground is important, even if I’m not jumping down at the time, I might put a petal down on the ground for teammates to use so they can be more flexible with their positioning. Ideally this happens when I’m not getting flanked or dove constantly

Usually, using petal for teammates doesn’t mean leaving it lying around for them, though. It’s generally thrown on-demand exactly where it’s needed

The trouble is that people are kinda conditioned to not step on platform except for really obvious cases such as getting to high ground on, say, Numbani or Dorado or the like. A lot of the time, LWs seem to prefer having platform around for their own purposes, such as a personal escape route.

It would also incentivise LWs chucking a platform underneath people to simply give them a buff. Grip is already hated, so I don’t think that awkwardly applying a buff that chucks a teammate up into the air is good for either party. It’s fine for messing up ultimates like Grav and Terra, but that’s not a regular occurance, and LW will inevitably be balanced around applying this new effect.

besides his lifegrip being a stupid ability and how fast he swaps from heals to dps…he is actually just fine. make lifegrip bot displace, maybe a mini buff or overtime heal or something. make his swapping fast, ezpz.

I reckon they’ll probably provide some form of non-healing utility ability on the platform.