There are some nuances in some heroes that people simply don’t understand. For instance, when I play Torb, I expect my turret to be destroyed every team fight. If it survives, it’s nice, but that’s now how it works most of the time. Overprotecting the turret lead mostly to an ineffective turret.
Yet, every time they see my turret being broken, someone screams “OMG, Torb, you are being countered so hard”.
No, I’m not. That Pharah that just spent half her clip into my turret got zero ult charge and was flying in plain sight for 3 seconds while a big red laser was shooting upwards revealing her position to everyone. Why didn’t you took her down?
Have you noticed that while the enemy team was trying to break my turret, I landed four cheetos on their Reinhardt and left him at less than half health? That my armor was the thing responsible for keeping our Zen alive? That I stopped the last push with a single Molten Core alongside our Mercy after 4 people from our team died?
But yeah, Torb is not working. Because my turret dies every fight.
I say Persons C: balance team
You mean, like the time where she had the highest winrate of all heroes? Because the 40% winrate Genji is “learning”, but the 60% winrate Symmetra is “throwing”.
Now that she is closer to 50% winrate, while still being picked by less than 1% of the players, don’t expect this to change.
Symmetra will only be considered an acceptable pick if she get the Junkrat/Hanzo treatment, which is, buff her to broken status, then nerf her back to reasonable levels a few months later.
Well guess what buddy boy, your guarantee is bull. I was talking about actual throwing, and when people literally already accept a loss and don’t even bother trying - which in my book is essentially throwing.
Besides, it’s not solely Symmetra’s responsibility to switch when things go south, especially when she’s on top. And what you call “building around her” I call “being a team player.” Don’t ignore the Sym as some obstacle!
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I feel like people aren’t giving Sym 3.0 a chance. I’m doing pretty well in QP, and both more reliably and in more situations than Sym 2.0. I’d honestly say I’m of more use to my team than on any DPS I could play other than maybe Hanzo.
I guess she might not translate well into comp, but is anyone really trying, with the blessing of their team?
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Symmetra is awesome and if you don’t agree you can flank off.
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I have a 64% winrate on her from 8 hours on her in comp. I know how to play the hero, whether the team wants to “utilize” me or not. If they wanna throw the match cause I’m playing Sym, it’s no sweat to me. I’ll just report them, avoid them, and move on.
The person throwing. Sym has awesome utility now that most comps can utilize. Shes not a troll pick now.
Depends if the player asks nicely and player A never switches and is being useless, throwing is wrong but I can understand them. both is at fault, doing work for you can mean something else for others
Picking a hero who statistically puts you at a disadvantadge, and doesn’t even begin to fit the meta is not being a team player.
You’ve clearly never stepped on a goathead. Those things puncture tires.
I mean if you look at it technically, if person B has literally said “switch from Sym or I’m throwing” and person A chooses to stay on Sym, then it’s kind of both of their faults.
Not saying person B is right. Just saying. I run into this situation a lot. Person throws unless we get rid of our 3rd DPS (even though it could work). Then it’s a battle between your pride and your want to win. For me, my pride wins 9/10 times. But it sort of is in my control.
This calling Symmetra ‘shantay’ meme is getting stale.
Person B needs to sashay away.
symmetra is a good character tbh, every time I use her I always either end up with golds and silver xD I mean before people didn’t like her because of the auto aim, so… whats the problem now? throwing because of someone elses pick is just stupid, and will most likely make person b get a report. either way I still pick symmetra, I mean…
why not watch the children get mad ?
given the set circumstances of the proposed scenario; person B is at fault.
90% of the sym players I come across don’t communicate, use teleport as escape routes for themselves only, and just spam orbs down hallways.
On the other hand, I’ve watched people like Seagull play sym and make it look really effective. But he communicates very well, is great at shotcalling, has probably thousands of hours of experience in the game in general, and switches when it doesn’t work.
Don’t get me wrong, no one should throw simply because of a hero pick, but I seriously get demotivated when I see someone lock sym who isn’t even in voice chat.
I cannot blame a Symmetra for not being in voice chat. The things that are said at the Sym are absolutely despicable. I’m sure more Syms would join vc if they were treated like people would want to be treated.
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Overwatch is full of immature retarded people that don’t understand game mechanics and throw. What’s new…
You only prove my point further.