“Person A has chosen Sym in comp. Person B gives up and throws. Who is at fault?”

You’re abusing the report feature. You also provided no evidence that you get two people banned each day (which is probably an exaggeration or a flat-out lie.)


I won’t unless I get toxic. And the fact I get notified means that the banned players deserved it.

Please, get out of this community.


I can’t prove it. It’s up to u if u want to try reporting people in the same way I do and try it for yourself. Keep in mind I also report 3+ stacks that only pick dps.

We just need Blizz to notice you and take appropriate action.

False reporting is bannable. Don’t misuse the report system.

Just more evidence of false reporting.


I’m gonna say it. If I got banned for admitting this here. I’d be as happy as you, it means the forums are being checked.

I’ll give it a week. And notify u if I got banned.

But what if person A and person B are the same person? :thinking:

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why should i be forced to build around sym? i bet you concider those who don’t pick around her to be “throwing”

sorry, but playing what i want and not conforming to them, is not throwing.


You’re the guy who commits a crime and then rationalizes that is was ok to commit the crime by saying “I didnt get caught, so it must be OK”

What a piece of work


id rather not have a sym on my team BUT ive seen some put in some good work and some have allowed my team to bypass chokes or get some good vantage points with here tele. you just have to be willing to work with her.

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So that’s why I’m so dumb

That is not at all how an automated report system works. You’re just ruining the game experience for other people by intentionally getting them banned. You don’t need to get banned. You just need to uninstall.

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Both are at fault for not playing together as a team therefore ruining it for 4 other team members.

only person b. Same goes for every hero.

if im playing symm, and they ask me to switch, the issue i have, is if we are losing when they ask me to switch, why do they think that me switching is going to just magically make them better at the game?


Well clearly, the fault lies with the person who picked Junkrat because no one is left to contest Widowmaker. /s

I’d vote for person B.

I’d say, give the person a chance to show you what they’re capable of.

I had someone ask me to switch off Sym yesterday in a QP match, even though I held 4 golds. I even stated as much, “You sure you want me to switch? I’ve got 4 golds…” Which was my way of saying, “Hey, I’m more than pulling my weight with the character I’ve chosen, how about one of the lackeys switch over to secondary healer?”

Nope, they specifically wanted me to change. So I did, and we still won, but at the end of the match I still had golds for damage and objective kills.

I just don’t understand why Symmetra is such a stigma, even after rework, and even if she’s pulling her weight.

If you’re being called out for playing a character that you’re obviously contributing with in a meaningful manner, the people you’re playing with are toxic. It’s not you, it’s them.


Perfect example from yesterday when we full held on Junkertown first point and we had a bastion, rein and me as symm and other chars.

Then the rein started saying how the bastion is useless, despite that they could not advance on us and bastion got potg and 29% hero damage done card at the end, they still stuck to their closeted mind that bastion was useless and left the next game.

I was on symmetra and I certainly did not get golds nor the cards. Does that mean us 2 dps were useless, even when the enemy team could not advance? If your dps are useless, it is very noticeable. If your team is winning by a landslide, it’s very obvious everyone is pulling their weight. So why do people need to be so toxic?

Playerbase is very narrow minded when it comes to character picks and will blame everyone else at every chance they get, otherwise they’d have to admit they’re bad themselves and they can’t have that.


i vote person C who isnt on voice comms

Absolutely not. It’s difficult to get a damage or kill card when you have a Bastion on your team wrecking. At that point, your job is to make certain your turrets are placed in such a way that any flanking types are slowed down before they can get to the bastion.

The other DPS on the team are there to prevent flanking and taking down of your oppressive damage output. In those situations, you can expect not to get a card, but you don’t throw just because you’re not going to get a card, or because you won’t get POTG.

Toxicity is just human nature, unfortunately. It’s only made worse by the anonymity of the internet. People don’t behave that way in public, and for good reason, we’d retaliate. The internet is a different story. Games are a different story.