Performance Based SR Should Be A Stronger Factor

In lower ranks, Performance Based SR should be a much, much stronger factor in climbing than it is right now. And I’m not saying “Performance” as in superficial things, like Gold medals only. I mean Performance as in the number of impactful plays, time on fire, good ultimate usage, number of picks/death ratio etc.

Today I had almost 3 leavers in a row. I had one idiot who queued for Support and said on chat 2-2-2 ruined the game and he would play Battle Mercy because “he can’t DPS”. This is the first time something like this happened to me, but it happened today.

I don’t deserve to be dragged down by these people. I and many others, we don’t deserve to lose as much SR as we do because we happen to have random matches with this kind of stupid individual. They deserve to lose much more SR than they currently lose, and we deserve to lose much less than we are currently losing.

Stop with this illusion of teamwork in lower ranks. It doesn’t exist. Until mid-high Plat you won’t see semi decent teamwork. People with the best individual stats should climb much faster than they currently do, and people who make stupid decisions and leave often should be much lower on the ladder than they currently are.

I get it. The game is supposed to be a grind. But it shouldn’t be this INSANE of a grind. Part of the frustration is how much everything feels out of your control. You should be able to feel you are getting the proper feedback according to the quality of your individual performance, and not according to the actions of randoms who can act completely stupidly.

Like I’m legit sick of this game. Every time I decide to give it another shot (like today), I get another disappointment and more frustration. I don’t know if it is just bad luck. I like to play in teams but I hate to feel like my hands are completely tied and I’m just a toy who depends on other’s performance. I mean who likes this?


That should only be a factor when it gets fixed on those heroes where it barely happens despite good performance.

I wouldn’t mind performance SR being big factor if it did track more than just raw numbers. It’s easy to track things like accuracy, damage/healing/shielding done but there are many factors that can affect those and other things that are of importance that can help win or lose the game that should also be taken into consideration.


Sure. It is complex. It is nuanced. There are many things which should be tracked to analyse how good a player is. Not denying this. But I think it is possible to do a fair assessment in some way.

But the main point is, the current system is BS, especially to everyone who starts low or average. The system should be better at making players who perform better for their rank’s standards climb faster, and making players who are obviously worse drop quicker.

It’s too late for this game. They’re well into “try to retain the old, and screw the new” territory.

How would they pander to smurfs if they could climb faster?

Stop looking at a handful of games, everyone at every rank get bad games all the time, you have to look at your overall performance after, idk, 50-100 games and see if you actually improved.

One day you’ll lose 100sr and the next you’ll gain 150sr but you won’t post about it on the forums when you win.

Comp is a grind.

When i go 50-3 at 2800 on an alt i get 24 sr

It is the most frustrating game on Earth. I have never played something so stressful, so cruel as this game is. Solo Queuing never feels rewarding.

In any other game, you legit feel like you get proper, coherent feedback for your individual performance. You do something good, you feel properly rewarded. You feel you are “in control” of things. Not in this one.

It is like punishing someone who performs well or average in an exam, because their classmates performed poorly. It is like doing a Math test and getting B+, but having to swallow an F grade because the average between your classmates was F.

Every game is a dice roll. “Plz, no leaver, plz, no troll, plz, group up”. It is ridiculous.

I think Blizz needs to come out and say whether or not they track accuracy for PBSR. Because sometimes you have to shoot where there isn’t an enemy. It’s called cover fire.

Here’s how I think matchmaker should work btw. How matchmaker should work (imho)

the grind is just ridiculous atm. dps pbsr should be weighted more to wins to stop them throwing for the whole team and derank them faster if they do. tank and support you can walk away with insaine above average stats but it still wont overcome a dps soft throwing.

There’s a reason PBSR isn’t the end all be all, even in ranks where it exists.

Take that Battle Mercy thrower you mentioned. Normally, Mercy isn’t the type to get kills. But if someone strictly focuses on that, of course they’ll get a ton more elims than someone more responsible with their pistol. That means a better EDR, and they’ll lose less SR and gain more SR than your average player by literally throwing.

And on the flip side, you and your other teammates are down a healer. That means it’s tougher for you guys to stay alive, which naturally results in more deaths and fewer kills than normal, so your EDR will be abyssmal that game. And the system will just see your bad stats, say “oh he didn’t perform well that game” and punish your SR accordingly.

You now have a system where, out of 6 people, only the 1 thrower benefits because they’re not focusing on their own job. How is that a better outcome?

Not only cover fire but I play sometimes as Bastion and shooting in to a doorway will deter the other team not to use that way and funnel them in to a area where it is easier to handle them…

I think the placement factor or what OP call it should be split in two… A general base line where you statistics for that match are compared to the average player in that rank and hero. The other half is compared to your personal performance average. And this should have a heavier impact when increasing or decreasing your SR.

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I think PBSR should be done away with entirely and also the LFG should get some upgrades. QoL for the LFG

Performance based SR sucks (in my opinion) in ways because: It lazily compares your play of a character, let’s say Junkrat, vs someone else who played junkat in your elo. The performance based system should be rating for YOUR plays in your team in that specific game. Not against some random other junkrat player in a different game, with different setting and composition.

It doesn’t work well in its current form and those who hit, Diamond? Get to enjoy OW as it should be with PBSR out of the way.

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It should be the complete opposite. PBSR has no business on OW any longer. It’s an old, archaic mechanic that still encourages hero-squatting (even with Role-Based SR) and no longer does enough good to justify its existence outside of placement matches. Can we please get rid of it for everyone instead of just Diamond+.

“But it moves people out of ranks faster”
If a player out-skills (or under-skills) their current rank by that large of a margin, they are going to tilt more victories (or losses) into their teams favor than not and climb (or drop) regardless, it’ll just take a bit longer. However, it’s not a phenomenon that happens regularly enough to force this archaic system on to everyone.

“But smurfs”
Smurfs can stay at what ever rank they want for as long as they want. PBSR does virtually nothing to discourage this.

“But then players will just get carried to ranks they don’t belong”
This happens regardless of the existence of PBSR or not. If you want to bring up the point of them dropping out if that rank faster, see my first point.

Every team should be encouraged to play for the win , not pad Hero stats. Please remove PBSR for everyone.


iF yOu FoCuS oN yOuR oWn PlAy YoU’lL cLiMb…

Also “the other team has just as many throwers/ragers/etc.”

Irrelevant. If you perform well, you should gain more and lose less. If you perform poorly, you should lose more and gain less. It’s not a hard concept.

The middle ranks are just middling with so many players who should either drop out or rise up, but can’t because of the people who go “this is a team game…people will just chase stats.” People want to win. The people who want to win should be rewarded. Those who don’t - those who go 5:15 while flaming their team “screw you i bought this game I play how I want” and holding W while emoting at the enemy shouldn’t bring down the rest of their team’s individual rank.

It’s asinine.

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Lol this is the thing. People shouldn’t be GREAT and TREMENDOUSLY better compared to a rank to climb from a rank. This is ridiculous. Can’t anyone see how distorted this is?

People should be significantly better, or above average when compared to their ranks to climb. And they deserve to climb reasonably fast if they are above average compared to their rank’s standards.

In the current system, you have to do a stupid amount of grind based on random factors to get out of the rank that is below your actual rank. You only feel like you have great individual impact and carry if you are playing with people who are way below you, like a Masters or High Diamond playing in Mid Gold.

Even Plats constantly lose in Gold. I’ve seen it again and again. They are above average there but they simply aren’t skilled enough to climb as fast as they should.

Agreed. The goal should be to everyone to the rank they should be at as fast as possible.

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Been there but it was in the twilight zone between gold and silver…
I noticed one thing but this is from a support perspective… It´s hard to be better than your team… And climb!
That is why I think that the performance based challenge rating should be more personal.
If you die less, kill more, absorb more damage and heal more than your average the SR in the end of the match should be reflecting this!

There are to stats I always check after every game even in quick play and arcade games is my death to healing rate…
If my death is below my average I`m happy and if the healing is above I´m happy! I see this as a challenge an ongoing one to improve!

Thought you left Jessica? Hmm guess I can’t be sad one of my favorite jokes is still around.