Performance based SR clearly aint working

it should do much more.

More than winning or losing?

it should ban players that magically overperform on 5 matches in a row, or are new and have low mmr in qp and then high stats in rankedā€¦ like they donā€™t smurfā€¦

The game uses to many metrics to determine what rank you should be in. The fact there is no clear information how anything is determined is mind boggling.

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That sounds like a completely different topic. We were talking about SR gains and losses, and how much they should be influenced by statistics.

Are you defining a smurf as any account that has an inaccurate SR (such as alt accounts), or only ones that have intentionally deranked in order to play against the opponents they have now?

thats the same topic, cause in smurf games you automatically loose more cause your stats are worse.

OK, all kinds of jumps there.

What are these?

Lose more SR? I havenā€™t found that to be the case. Honestly, many games that I was destroyed by enemy smurfs have been small SR losses for me.

Donā€™t forget, the current PBSR statistic contribution to SR gain / loss is minor.

it should be major, only for winning team-

Played my first placement matches on my second account.
In one match we got a duo, both locking dps heroes (tracer+ doomfist) on Oasis.
I swapped of the dps i had chosen to fill main healer. (chosen baptist since tanks run bunker and our second healer was moira )
I noticed my tank and healers where pretty good, but the 2 dps were constantly off on their own (like most dpsers in these ranks) and consistently dying.
When the enemy already had 52% vs 0% and where kind of spawn camping us, i had enough of it. I swapped to dps and had gold damage/kills in no time. We took the point at first try and could hold it till we won. 2nd map was also an easy win. Even if the 2 dps kept getting them self get killed way to much (and of course never swapped off those 2 hard countered dive heroes)

So sometimes it is better to not play 2-2-2 and play what is needed most. We really needed damage and kills more then we needed healing, so i swapped, and turned a loosing game into a win.
Only bad thing is those 2 dps got carried hard and got win SR while they defiantly not deserved it. The next game they enter they will probably ruin the game for the rest of the team.

So many (especially dps players ) are ranked wrong in mid tiers. A dps player of rank high gold /low plat should already know when he is getting hard countered, let alone higher. All players above plat should know how to fight as a team. Know winning conditions. And team setups. If not you should not be able to rank up this high. But somehow this is happening a lot. Even on master you have now players who have no clue how to play this game.

Because you climbed with 58% doesnā€™t mean that someone didnā€™t get stuck at 70%. That is what happened.

How do you know itā€™s changed? Did Blizz come right out and say system was a bunch of crap and itā€™s been overhauled?

From my own experience, at 1700 was scoring 20 per win, 30 per loss with Mercy. Swapped to dps and got far better Sr gains. Easier to kill bad players than support them.

Played her again at 2200 in a short stomp game where our Genji carried us. I hardly healed or rezzed. Got 27 Sr.

What a bunch of crap. I play well in silver and Pbsr spanks me. I play badly in gold and get super gains.

Stupid broken system.


Yeah for the PSR issues past 3k.
It ran into issue with off meta heroes at higher SR. Totally different issue than why itā€™s still in for sub 3k.

Look the bottom line here is win percentage of all games played is all that maters. If a person canā€™t see it then they canā€™t see itā€¦ I donā€™t know how many times I can just circle back around over the same basic ground.

The game doesnā€™t rank up players who donā€™t play a lot of games while winning a huge chunk of them. The PSR stuff below 3k doesnā€™t impact oneā€™s SR (go or bad) as much as playing a ton of games and winning most of them does when it comes to SR gains.
One of the main issues in lower SR is the full commitment to only DPS can win, only DPS can carry, stats mean anything/something etc etc etcā€¦ No, itā€™s really just about winsā€¦

I donā€™t think we should punish ourselves.

Blizzard has implemented a ladder that requires time and obsession.

The ratio at which you lose and gain SR is so small that climbing out of your rank requires a full days work. Thatā€™s not a joke.

Itā€™s not enough for people who have a day job, with great game sense and mechanical skill to have an opportunity at decent games. No, you literally have to take on Overwatch like a job.

Ranked is not performance based. Itā€™s continuous time played based. The metrics may lean towards performance, but ultimately itā€™s your SR that counts towards your rank and when weā€™re talking incremental net gains of 5 - 25 SR based off wins and losses; in the grand scheme of things 500 - 1000+ sr is literally unobtainium unless you keep a poop sock in your desk drawer.


I think that Jayne mentioned gain of 10 Sr per hour if youā€™re at your true rank, but not yet at your full maximum.

Sounds about right. The problem is that this game allows you to fall or rise as much as 800SR in just a weekend if you play all weekend. On dozens of occasions Iā€™ve gone up and down 400SR between Friday night and Sunday night, itā€™s insane. Itā€™s actually basically saying that Iā€™ve moved up or down skill by a range that covers 25% of the whole player base in the middle of the bell curve in just 48 hours. Thatā€™s laughable. Similarly, games on weekdays are just atrocious, and you can easily lose 400SR between Monday night and Thursday night.


ā€œlearn and find ways to effectively win games at any costā€

Why do you constantly say meaningless and insulting things like this?

The entire premise behind your post is an assumption that players arenā€™t trying everything they can to win.

What is the ā€˜costā€™ we need to learn to pay to win a game with 5 throwers?
What is the ā€˜costā€™ we need to learn to pay to win when your team is tilted, or all DPS, or against smurfs, or when you have leavers on your team?

What are these ā€˜costsā€™ that you so brazenly assume we are not paying?

Please, elaborate.


Not every match is winnable. However, every match has something to learn. I myself saved three matches by switching off the role I wanted to play because it was enough to carry the match in that instance. There were a couple of games that were not, unfortunately. However, I look at my overall season and not be tilted over any single match. Unwinnable games due to uncontrollable factors suck, but doing everything in your power will allow to eventually climb in the long run.

Mute offending players, or if absolutely necessary, leave team comms. Focus on your game. I have won dozens of games that have gone toxic.

Again, not every match is winnable, but do your best and be the positive influence that changes the game. It works!

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You gained a net 4 SR so either the system estimates you to be higher than where you are or the game was a higher MMR game than where you are currently. The nature of the game includes variances so naturally there will be games that feel unfair.

Yeah but he still lost the game! It doesnā€™t matter how good he preformed at the end a loss is a loss. and while it would be nice to not lose any sr for playing great itā€™s not the point of a competitive mode

Well, thoroughly annoyed by Pbsr now.

Gaining 21 per win. Losing 27 per loss. Was funny in my last loss to have a thrower in my team and lose 28 sr for that.

Guess itā€™s time to not play Lucio anymoreā€¦ According to the Pbsr system Iā€™m a terrible Lucio. But, wait, Iā€™m rocking a 76% win rate with him (as at 1am bst, 4 July 19). Wouldnā€™t that indicate that Iā€™m quite good with him?

Oh well, Pbsr is obviously utterly perfect, so Iā€™ll try to find a hero that I can abuse stat padding for and get better Sr gains with them. Like when I dumped Mercy and picked up Torb, back in the day.

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