Performance based SR clearly aint working

I don’t know… The performance-based SR system was always a mystery but as a main healer, I always earn the same amount of SR when I win which means my performances are steady.

It’s very rare for me to get 30-32 SR for a game won now. It happened more when I had a lower rank 3 years ago (Did I carry as a healer ?).

I played my last competitive game for the season a few hours ago and I didn’t do very well and we almost lost on Busan (2-1 very close game). I only won 23 SR so I guess the performance-based system did work on my end.

But I’m sure it sometimes messes up as we can often die because of a teammate and I’m not sure the game can read that very well…

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under normal circumstances.

if a Diamond player sandbagged all the way down to Bronze, the first match he went tryhard in Bronze, he would gain over 50sr.

Sorry to be pedantic, but I’m pretty sure this has been documented on youtube by players.

There are far more factors actually that describe the relation of MMR to SR, Kaawumbaa’s guide is the ultimate resource:

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I’ve read it through for the last five seasons.

how else could someone get 50sr+ in a match other than PBSR?

assuming the match was 800sr vs 800sr

I guess if they hadn’t played in a long time and won, this could boost it.

but if you’re a Diamond player smurfing in Bronze, I think it’s safe to assume that PBSR gains could eclipse that of the win alone.

MMR is a mysterious formula that we know next to nothing about. What we do know that you lose SR if you lose and gain SR if you win, but that does not mean the same for MMR.


AFAIK the #1 factor in SR is wins/losses. If individual performance could allow you to gain SR even though you lost then it would disincentive working as a team.


This is a big part of the problem… we have no idea what the system thinks is good play or if it even knows when dying is fine. Stalling in a viable tactic but I am guessing the system just thinks you suck.

Also I have had games where I died first every team fight on Rein but we rolled the enemy… and I have had games where I didn’t die as much as the rest of my team. I am willing to bet the system thinks that more deaths = bad.


I’m pretty sure that’s not possible. Across a whole season? 70% win rate even across 10 games would be 7-3, and normal SR gains / losses would be around +100 SR.

So, please define your terms.

What is a 70% win rate?

What does it mean to climb?


I was referring to Rag Tagg, a great Overwatch YouTuber who has moved to Apex.

He was a masters Orisa and he posted a vid on what a bag of crap Pbsr was (back when applied to everybody).

He noted that his gains with Orisa were so bad that he needed 70% win rate to offset his Sr losses to stay even.

He also noted that Sr gains bad when playing with his Bastion friend. When playing without a Bastion his gains were better. He guessed that Bastion was killing stuff so fast that his damage was sub par in those games.

I was stuck with a 60% win rate as Mercy back in the day. Just switched to Torb and I was getting massive Sr gains for doing nowhere near as much in a game.

System is obviously horribly broken but since it applies to plat and below scum, nobody cares.

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That’s mix and matching different systems, rank tier issues and so on and trying to apply what happened back when PSR was a thing in all ranks vs now. It’s just not the same issues or problems, at all.

One is a person looking to break into the top sub 1% of all players that’s GM. The the other is players in the lower 85% of the player base trying to break past 3k. It’s like pointing at someone and saying them being unable to do 1000 pushup is the same thing as not being able to do 10 or 20…

it’s not the same issue or scale, at all.
I have not seen since launch anyone ever post stats that show a 55% or higher win rate of all games played over a decent amount of games (100+) that wasn’t slowly ranking up.

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So you’re saying that the system isn’t broken now? Because any system where a player on 70% win rate can’t climb is utterly broken.

And it’s damn opaque.

One game I don’t do so great, something like only 8 kills, 2 deaths, 4k heals and about 10 total assists. 21 Sr gain.

Another game I get 24 kills, 6 deaths, 17.8k healing, 10 off assists and 24 def assists. 23 Sr.

Seriously, what the hell?

One Lucio veteran told me that a good way to get off assists is to amp speed just as your team’s Dva bomb gets some kills. As long as baby Dva in the aura you get assists for any bomb kills…

Broken system is broken…

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Both of those games have been adjusted below the standard 24 SR gain. PBSR adjusts SR gains and losses based on how likely it was that you were going to win the match as well as the opaque statistics based comparison with other people who play the hero you played in the same tier.

Honestly, 21 and 23 SR gains aren’t really that bad. Are you getting larger SR losses?

In the “Performance Modifier” section.

and that acutally punishes you!!!

but that’s not what happened or what happens now.

Your random blip story is back from many season ago in an area of the system that has since been changed. It’s also a masters level player looking to break into the rare air that is sub top 1% of the entire player base. Oh and by the way at around the same time I went from meh no one cares low plat to meh no one cares low-ish diamond with a 58% win rate.
Sort of punching holes in this “Oh can’t rank up with 70%!!” vibe.

I mean by all means please link a person’s who’s stats are 70% win rate at 140w/60l and still unable to move up and out of the metal ranks.

sure the system feels cruddy, requires more games played and more wins in those games than blizzard seems willing to admit. Yet it’s far from the shattered broken “no one can rank up!!!” sort of system some players look to spin.

Almost every single player who has ever posted here on this forum about being hard stuck has the same issues. It’s either a losing record, did not play enough games for their SR goal or as a cruel twist IS winning but it’s like 51%-53% and that’s just not good enough.

thats a flawed system from the get go, cuase not every game is the same, there are so much variables that you can easily win with low dmg and still carry hard as example. So you get punished for carrying the wrong way.


That’s why the statistics based adjustment is a very small part of PBSR. According to Scott Mercer:

Are you a Platinum-tier player or below? If you performed particularly well or worse than what is considered a typical performance during a match, then there’s a small SR modification to reflect that.

SR gains and losses start at 24, and get adjusted by several things in Scott’s list.

no, thats the reason it’s flawed, it should be game based!

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What are these horribly flawed SR gains and losses you are receiving, and what makes you think it’s the statistics portion that’s harming you?

The reason I ask is because every SR gain or loss is game based. They start at +24 for winning, and -24 for losing. There are no adjustments that can change a -24 to a positive on a loss, nor can they change a +24 to a negative on a win.

The faster adjustments are there to help get alt accounts adjusted more quickly and out of gold games. Everyone is constantly complaining about so many things, but they’re there to work together to solve the problems people complain about.

Then there’s the myths that just don’t exist, and people still complain about those too.

i don’t think it’s harming me in climbing, it makes smurfs possible. They should be instantly pushed up or kicked if 5 times in a row dominating,.

So, does PBSR do too little, or too much? Should you (and smurfs, because until people report them for gameplay sabotage, they’re just like you) gain 24, or 24+PBSR adjustments?