Performance based SR clearly aint working

Just had a game wich we, closely, lost (due to enemy abusing OP heroes and a probably boosted player, 2 dps having to flex to support and things like that)
I literally had gold damage, elims and objective kills, 25000 damage blocked, and you say me I should lose 26 SR for that? Are you serious? this was a match i played at my full potential, I played easily as good as last match, where i gained 30 SR, and I’d even say I played better. Can this system pls STOP to punish people for having bad teams or for not being able to handle the huge unbalances in the game?


At least you gained net 4 Sr.

Sadly skill levels all over the place at mid Sr.

I’ve found, as tank, that some teams so dysfunctional that I’m better off playing another dps instead. Then I can try and make the big plays that don’t need my team’s help to follow up on.

Some games are unwinnable. Last season lost 3 in a row due to morons, feeders and throwers. Then won a bunch and hit career high. Sadly the game doesn’t encourage formation of solid long term teams.


your performance is measured against people in the same situation as you, not your team

you have to be better than someone playing the same hero on the same map and same side (attack defense)

medals are you compared to your team

also 25 SR is the normal loss/gain so you literally are 1SR off and that’s more likely to the team SR difference than your performance



Medals compare your general stats (which also are ineffective indicators of actual skill) to your teammates. Each of you are playing different heroes and different roles, so the medals quite literally compare apples to oranges. The performance-based skill rating compares a wide variety of hero-specific statistics and metrics (some that we can’t see) in comparison to other players, in other matches that use the same hero(es) that you did.

Furthermore, Performance-Based skill rating only applies to Platinum and lower ranked players, and only constitutes a minor influence on your overall SR adjustment. Other factors that influence the adjustment include your strength of schedule against the opponents (i.e. comparing your personal MMR going into the match versus the average of your opponents), how frequently you play competitive, and how high up the ladder you really are.

In the end, it is still important to improve on each of the heroes you play, but not to take advantage of performance based stats, but to learn and find ways to effectively win games at any cost.


Theres literally written: Compare to your teammates
So if I am better at damage than my entire team, why should I lose so much SR? and as sais, I really played good in the match. Just read the post please.

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What do you want from him? He literally just explained how it works and that you SHOULDN’T compare yourself to your teammates because system doesn’t care about your medals.
Check the average stats for the hero on this level and you will know how should you perform.
That being said: the system sucks.


I think the biggest factor is how easy you are to kill.

My largest gains are from matches where i died less than twice and largest loss was when i died too frequently.

Yup, did the last part. Tank not working, switched to dps. Then went support on attack.

21 Sr gain.

Lesson is, just one trick and don’t flex.

And, obviously, being such a great system, the metrics are clear and transparent for players to learn from… Oh wait, they’re not.

Ergo, gaming the system us exactly how best to climb.

When you have tank players on 70% win rate can’t climb, broken system is broken.

Has Pbsr been upgraded recently to be less of a crock, or is it still garbage?


PBSR is not perfect but removing it is not going to fix the skill variance issues in lower elo. It’s only going to make it worse.

BTW a lot of the skill variance issue is really caused by all the alternate accounts in this game. NEed to deal with people playing “alternate heroes” in 1000 SR below where there mains are taking advantage of the fact they understand winning conditions and what not better than other people at that rating level.

Make no mistake alternate accounts are what killed his game.


Honestly I don’t blame the idea of it all. The concept of trying to match players of equal skills and coming up with metrics based on that.

The flaw really is that the design of Overwatch directly runs into the face of Elo/Glicko systems. The only way it would have ever worked is to have fixed teams with fixed characters being given a rating, something totally impossible to do in a game meant to be played online.

Also, it was marketed for sale, that was the point of the system really. If instead of called ‘Skill rating’, which is a misnomer because so much of it isn’t, it should have just been called ‘matchmaking number’, it wouldn’t blame players for what Blizzard did with it. Of course, no company with half a brain would ever bite that kind of bullet.

This is why it also makes no sense to say people at the very, very, very top of the SR system are there by luck. Nothing could be farther from the truth. To be at the top, in this game, you have had to have gotten there by putting up with one of the worst systems ever invented for figuring out which teams should play which. So by the time you get to the top, you are just stupidly awesome.

Of course, I would think Blizzard want to sell more of its games to all its players, whether they are awful, bad, average, good or great. So the problem is wondering if this game is really fun for people who lose as well as win. Is Overwatch rewarding enough to encourage more people to play even if they do badly?

Great games do exactly that. People lose, but enjoy it so much they keep coming back.


Do friggin great… but you got a two stack of smurfs that are throwing so you lose. Your SR goes down.
Just great.

No one knows anything about how the game is being played so keep doin what ur doin

Yeah this.

Played in a few stacks this season and I think lost more than I gained. But at least losses were us losing to better teams. I can learn from where we, and I, fell short.
Game’s were fun and often close.

But losses in solo queue…

  1. Leaver
  2. Thrower
  3. One trick idiot that was countered all game.
  4. Feeding morons.
  5. Instalock dps that are utter crap.

None are good ways to lose…

good thing you can now watch the replays and avoid those people, or realize they aren’t worse than you and stop keeping blaming others

Yeah, so the deliberate thrower isn’t worse than me?


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Anyone who thinks this way about a loss probably does belong where they are. There are no OP heroes and labeling people as “boosted” isn’t something people who take responsibility for their losses do.

This is completely silly, not to mention just plain straight up wrong.

Medals compare some of the most relevent, objective stats for a team-based, objective-focused FPS (such as damage, healing, and objective time), to the rest of your team.

There are 6 players per team. That means 5 other people besides me that I’m playing with. If I have the most kills and damage, I am currently performing the best out of all of the damage. If my primary role isn’t even damage, what that means is that I am currently doing better than all of our DPS. You can’t argue this out of me, the notion that this is not the case is insanity. A DPS’s only purpose is to deal damage and get kills, that’s it. Even if you argued that a DPS could be forcing opponents to move or flee, that is still damage, and if that hero had the situational awareness to constantly do that throughout the fight, they would have great damage–at least on par with someone randomly spamming on a DVa or something.

So if this is what’s going on, then the game has literally put me, the best DPS on my team, with a team of sub-par shooter players. This means that if I do bad, the chances that we are going to lose, unless the opposing team has the same circumstance, is very high. This isn’t the way this should be.

Here’s the bottom line: If two players are on the same team and are both DPS–let’s say they both pick McCree–they should be good enough where on average, they each 1v1 each other at a 50/50 ratio. If our two DPS were to 1v1 and one of them dies 90% of the time, then one of those two people shouldn’t be on that team. That’s ludicrous.

Have the developers never played at a lan party? You had the people who weren’t very good at fps, the people who were decent, and the people who excelled. All of this tactical talk about positioning and strategy and countering is nonsense compared to twitch–the player who head shots most often is going to wreck you, this is why things like smurfs are even a problem–because those players WRECK YOU and your entire team.

Just try it. Let’s get two players of unequal twitch skill that are even in the same rank and have them 1v1 over and over again. One of them is going to dominate the other, yet they could both be in the same rank.

That’s the problem here. I feel like the developers are considering all of this outside noise too much here, when what it boils down to is sheer twitch skill. Twitch skill COMES with this situational awareness. You wouldn’t be able to get a ton of kills without it.

Then the only outlier becomes team composition, which frankly shouldn’t be such a huge issue. You leave it up to the players to decide how to best counter, but the players have no idea who’s actually good at what.

Imagine there was a ranking system for heroes for a moment. Say the game gave out hero medals depending on where you stand in your rank for a given hero. Maybe you’re so good with Winston that you’ve won a platinum Winston trophy. Suddenly I know how important it is to counter that player if they play Winston, because right now it’s a crap-shoot. In half the games, I can counter players when I’m playing the hero meant to be MY counter, and in the other half, I can’t counter the players I’m meant to counter. That’s all because the reference points for player skill are distributed across THIRTY heroes right now. I mean, HOLY CRAP!

How can you compensate for that? What if by randomness, you get someone on the opposing team who is just extremely good on Genji, and it just so happens that not a single player on our team can play a Genji counter well enough to actually counter him, so he stomps our team more or less single-handedly? There’s no compensating for that.

Bottom line is that the match making is kind of a joke. I mean, I guess it is what it is. Seems like about half the players here don’t seem to give a damn, and the other half feel like they might just stop playing.

I mean, Blizzard makes their money on this game from the game’s purchases, and when loot boxes become illegal in the US (which is coming soon), then things will have to change quite a bit I bet.


yeah but an actual game of overwatch is not determined by your “twitch skill”

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No… it means you’re playing a support or tank in a very aggro heavy play style and many of the tank/support roles have have no problem keeping up with classic DPS heroes when it comes to stats.
Yet it comes at a cost…

you’re trading something else off for those stats or your team is trading team resource to keep you alive to get those stats. It never comes for free…

now if everyone is on the same page team play wise, like say a stack or just randoms who roll with it that’s fine. If you are winning then that play style “works”. If you’re hard stuck or sub 50% win rate over all etc then I don’t care how good your stats, you are doing something wrong with in the team structure of the game.

As you’re not getting bad teams over and over and over an entire season of say 100 games to not move up out of a given SR, even more so if it’s a low SR.

It’s not about stats… at all. It’s all win conditions and helping your team reach and then leverage those win conditions.


Out of curiosity, what were your stats per 10 and what hero did you play? Stats per 10 can mean the difference between subpar performance and god-tier. I don’t believe the performance-based SR cares about stats per match.