Perfect 50% winrate


Youtube and Twitch beg to differ lol.

You are missing my point anyway, the biggest 12 variables are the players themselves, we aren’t robots and inconsistency is a thing. I just played a game where we attacked pretty well, got the point but then got steam rolled on defense.

Why? Because one of dps decided to play front line Bastion lol. That is not Blizzards fault.


No, YOU are missing MY point. Inconsistency is a thing. But probability is a thing too.

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But you are still missing the overall point…

How can a top 500 streamer make it to GM in 10 hours? Did Blizz give them a free ticket to win games or, are they just better than everyone else and so rank up?

Tell me the probability that someone would play meta heroes on the first round, and then switch to Bastion and get hooked over and over and be useless.


According to some people, they just get lucky every single time. No skill involved.


Last season I was in silver with a 40% WR. This season I was 2.4 with a 63% WR. Game makes no sense. Give up trying to understand it. Look at it more like a roll of the dice rather than something you have any effect over the outcome.

Yes, very good players can break through. But those are the 1%. The other 99% are stuck on the never-ending grindfest no matter how hard we try. I’ve been playing the game for 2,500 hours. I’m orders of magnitude better than when I started, and yet a brand new player who basically throws every match gets placed in the same rank.

That just sounds like you dropped to silver because of the 40% WR and climbed back up to gold because of the 63% WR. Besides you’re literally saying you went up a single rank. That’s nothing crazy, especially for seemingly being a Mercy main. Mercy relies so heavily on your team that your rank will fluctuate more.

I simply don’t get where this notion comes from. I started playing the game around when it launched. On PS4 I climbed from gold to high diamond. Then moved to PC and climbed from high silver back to high diamond. I was never miles better than others, I just steadily climbed as I got better. I’m somewhat interested in the coaching scene and the people who get vod reviews and try to improve, will climb the vast majority of time. This isn’t luck, it’s called improving.

I know it sucks that new players are placed there but it’s better than placing smurfs in bronze. Those new players get placed there but drop very fast into bronze.
As for you getting better, so did everyone else.


This. I’ve played on too many accounts and ended up in the same small SR window on all of them to think it’s anything other than a consistent system that is working as intended.


99% is factually incorrect. Even when I got Diamond my first time, climbing my alt account to Diamond only took a week.

  • Diamond (based on 2019 stats) made up 10% of the player base

Once I climbed into Masters, climbing an account from silver/gold to Diamond (3000+) would take a single night of extensive playing (8 or so hours).

  • Masters (based on 2019 stats) made up ~3% of the player base
  • Grand Master was ~1%

Easily relative too…. What exactly?

Not really. With respect to rank, there’s a fairly consistent level of performance that allows the system to constantly place people in these matches where, in order to out perform their peers, they’d need to ACTUALLY be better.

But if you drop that player down 500 SR, they’d absolutely sleep through those games.

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i usually sit around the area you are describing and I have never had a loss streak over 6 in a row

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Nah, this proves nothing. It proves they belong in top 500. What we RARELY if ever see is a top 500 taking a “hard stuck” account with existing stats anywhere past Plat. Basically using someone else supposed “Dead and stuck” account and bringing it up. I’ve only seen one player do this so far (thanks to some folks linking me to their vids). Would love to see others but almost never happens. Almost like its not possible :thinking:

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Almost like you are clearly breaking TOS :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I do gladly do this and prove it wrong, just need someone to supply me with it

So you’ve seen it happen, but it is potentially not possible? :smiley:


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I’ve seen it once. One time. And it was a helluva journey. Impressive to say the least. Never seen it work ever by anyone else. So either everyone is lying, or its literally 1 in a million that it happens and its an outlier.

Just as bad as making an alt, throwing to bronze, and climbing back up. All break the TOS in the name of “GIT GUD”

Feel free to supply an account

Which is why the vast majority does Unranked to GM =]

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I know many people that could take my account and get it out of gold :smiley:

It’s not a mystery, i’m bad and they are not lol.


Which doesn’t count, because its still using their best stats to make them GM. Those are pointless efforts, we’ve seen people do it, its not hard for them nor is it impossible, but its also taking THEIR stats so it knows they are good. The real challenge is taking a hardstuck account and bringing it up.

Again, I am more than willing to do this if someone can supply it to me. I am a GM tank and Support player and can confidentely and easily rank up from low elo all the way to GM

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You have to realise going from Bronze to GM doesn’t add any challenge to the run for GMs. Let alone going the extra mile to acquired a hard stuck Bronze account.

I think the Bronze to GM you’re referring to is Stevo’s Symmetra one since that’s the most famous one on the forums. It wasn’t “a helluva journey”. In Bronze the games were pure stomps even with him just having fun and barely trying. When he gets higher, he starts to have more losses. He gets to diamond with a record of 43-7 (86% WR). If it isn’t, well there’s a second one haha.


That’s what I meant, who wants to slog down in bronze and stomp? That’s the helluva journey. Also Diamond is not GM but still that’s pretty damn good for a supposed hardstuck account

I honestly don’t know what you think at this point. First you say it’s impossible and now you agree with me that it’s easy.