Perfect 50% winrate

I main Junkrat, the most inconsistent hero in the game. Whenever I check my replays, there is always, loss, win, loss, win, loss, win. Is this normal and if so, is there something that I am not aware about? I have been up to as high as 2850 but when I reached 2700, its as if something happend. The cycle started and it quickly drove me crazy after 3 hours of constant winning and losing.

I can play Junkrat, Sombra, Reaper, Echo and Tracer, in that order. If this is a simple skill issue, then thats fine but most of the time, it feels weird, we are all in the same rank yet the enemy team is able to play the game MUCH better than my team and i sometimes.


Very strange indeedā€¦


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Well firstly I doubt youā€™ve gotten any better, so thereā€™s that.

And what do you even recognize as good/bad play? Whatever it might be is unlikely to be objectively true, plat players donā€™t necessarily have a good understanding of the game so you might have the thought twisted with what in reality would be good play.

To me though it sounds like the matchmaker working as intended, you do not get much better, and therefore do not go up in SR. You are not being rewarded for grinding. Always a good thingā€¦ grinding shouldnā€™t be rewarded if the player isnā€™t trying to learn. Do some scrims with a team in your SR, with a coach thatā€™s a higher rank than you, like GM or so. Youā€™ll learn much more and are more likely to climb if that is your goal.

Thereā€™s nothing ā€œweirdā€ going on here, thereā€™s no ā€œfoulā€ play, just shotty analysis WHICH IS FINE weā€™ve all been there, just try to recognize it and donā€™t fall into the hole of ā€œriggedā€ matchmaking, it simply doesnā€™t work that way and youā€™ll never get better if you choose to believe it. Because youā€™ll deflect all of your personal gameplay issues/mistakes onto other things never making yourself better.


sounds too me you reached a cap on your current skill level, may i suggest a vod review so we can help out on what to improve.


These win/loss patterns are unnaturally prevalent because of algorithmic handicapping.


Weird, every time I try to play in plat I keep winning and end up in diamond-masters. Mind telling me the science behind that? It happens on every single account I make. Also happens on accounts that are aged with no SR boost. Itā€™s almost like the game ranks me where I belong when I keep playing.


I think i agree with you, in the thought that its always going to be my actions that will decide wether or not I win. Thank for your explanation, you basically told me I suck balls 24/7 in an educated manner.

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I still do too, we all do to an extent, if you can recognize it though youā€™ll find more opportunities to learn, I just encourage not trying to blame other factors. Because for one itā€™s not worth the effort, and two that energy being put into figuring out better playstyles and some mechanic grinding goes a long way

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The 50% win rate my indicate that youā€™re at the correct tier because matches are even. However, in my experience when you get around 2900-3100 you will have a loss streak that will absolutely blow your mind. You can take a break, relax, do yoga, pray to your God, come back a couple days later and the loss streak will continue until it brings you down to the tier it wants you at.


not me. i have experienced that maybe one single time, figured out the mistakes I was making and my plat playstyle wasnā€™t gonna work out in diamond, applied a new one over a period of time and climbed just fine

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I agree that anyone can climb, Iā€™ve never disputed that. The forced loss and win streaks when you get near thresholds and the way blizzard handicaps matches on the way to the tier you belong at makes for an awful experience. The OP describing the other team being obviously better than his is a sign of things to come IMO.


Thereā€™s no such thing as a forced loss lmaoooo you canā€™t control what humans do bro

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Semantics, ā€œforced lossā€ is just a label given to whatā€™s happening, itā€™s not a literal translation. If the matchmaker creates a match that only people playing 2000SR above the current tier could win then I call it a forced loss. Maybe you prefer ā€œprobable lossā€ or ā€œbroken match,ā€ I can live with that, letā€™s just not call it a fair or balanced match.


you are doing it wrong, i keep telling people to make a sacrifice to ODIN. it will all make sense after you do that

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Winrate is not a direct product of algorithmic handicapping, it is an indirect product of MMR but it is only directly a product of what happens in game.

Itā€™s a 6v6 game with random people dude, itā€™s always going to be a coin toss. The only way to secure wins is to VASTLY outperform the enemy team (or queue up with people at your skill level and climb).

There are WAY too many variables to take into account for their to be a truly balanced game. There is defo some luck involved, but there is no ā€˜riggingā€™ going on, no one is special :stuck_out_tongue:


Bā€¦ bā€¦ buā€¦ butā€¦. My mommy always said I was important :ā€™(

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Junkrat doesnā€™t do good on comp because the enemy team can simply run Phara and shut him down.

You do seem to like playing teleporting assassin type characters (Tracer, Sombra, Reaper) any particular reason why? They do have the same weaknesses, which is Cassidy. Unless you have some particular reason to learn all 3, it makes sense to pick 1 instead because the more characters you play the longer it will take to rank up because you spend so much time trying to master them all. I get why you need a 2nd main, so you can counter what junkrat is weak to. But why main 5 characters in 1 role?

perfectly balanced ā€“ as all things should be

  • Thanos
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But itā€™s not supposed to be a coin toss all the time. When a player is better and more experienced than others at their rank, they are supposed to be able win games and rank up easily. But algorithmic handicapping (MMR) flips the odds against their favor by sandbagging their teams with the worst players.