Percentage of wins and loss should account for value added to the team

Blizzard purposely is not revealing the exact measures used to prevent people from stat padding. They say so in the next paragraph of the one you copied.

Especially at the higher levels of online competition where every point of SR matters, we want players to not be distracted and worry about how to optimize around the personal performance adjustment. They should just be trying to WIN. So after we get back from the holidays on January 2nd we’re going to turn off the personal performance SR adjustments for players in the Diamond skill tier and above.

Old post or not, unless you have something newer showing otherwise, their old post is still relevent.

If you have potatoes on your team, the other team has potatoes, too.


I feel like I discussed this already in my earlier replies, but- if, for example, you win a game of Overwatch and gain 25 or 26 SR, then 2 or 3 of that SR is gained through your performance being calculated as “better” than that of your team. Similarly, if you win a game and get 22 or 23 then that means you may not have contributed as much to the win. I think it’s worth mentioning that I’m assuming the neutral SR gain would be 24 for sake of argument.

Now, if you lose a game and only lose 22 or 23, then that means you played well because you didn’t lose a full 24 or 25 SR.

This is speaking from personal experience, although I haven’t played below diamond for some time and haven’t heard or read any updates on performance-based SR gains (which I believe exist from ranks >500- 2999).

I found my proof ^ :slight_smile:

doesn’t feel like it. further, is support’s performance properly accounted? it doesn’t feel like it. i’ve never had gains and losses as DPS like support.

support just feels completely luck of the draw. when i win, its usually a stomp. when i lose, its usually a stomp. i don’t feel like i’m really a factor in either scenario regardless of the performance i have. in close games, reward for a crushed win feels the same as a below average win.

it just feels off for support, always has, still does IMO.

There will always be games that feel that way. If you’re looking to improve, I would be willing to look over a vod of yours and pick out any problem areas in your play.

there is nothing to improve on as support in ELO hell. i found and fixed what was keeping my accuracy down. so what now, heal more? game to game this stat means nothing as in most cases in silver/gold the games where you heal the least are absolute stomps you win or lose badly. you can’t do anyhting about these games other than BOHICA. die less? i already average near the top 5% (lucio) or i’m in the top 20% (all other supports) … and i’m in $%^&*(# silver. you know how hard it is … actually its not hard at all the people shooting at me are god awful too. point is, i can’t stay at any rank i gain.

same thing always happens as support. over time, the players youre placed with drag you down. the reason for this is you don’t have enough ability to offset losses with solid play by you in your role in that game.

dps is the only role that can solo carry games consistently. as tank and support, you can be adding a ton of value and still lose badly due to other players being awful … is how the game feels.

btw, starting to see a lot of this in my games. it isn’t just me. I’m seeing mechanically sound (for the tier) supports that are the only players reliably hitting shots and abilities. feels like support players are really having a hard time in low/mid ranks with all the awful dps and worse tanking. in order to improve, as you suggest i need to do, one needs a baseline from which to draw conclusions.

so i ask, what am i? platinum like i used to be at and stayed at for a long time? gold like i climb to all the time? or silver, the rank i always slide down to now when i get into loss streaks that just can’t be broken no matter what i do? which is my baseline? this system has placed me in all these areas. on the PTR, i climbed to a breath from platinum from an initial placement of 1697 in 20 some games before the PTR ended. which palyer am i? the one that easily climbs, or the one that gets trown into games with teammates that can’t perform?

i would like to improve, not sure where to start though.

I’ve seen games carried by baps, lucios, sigmas, reins, zarya, hogs, etc. Hell, I’d argue that with double barrier, dps is probably the least impactful role. If you’re looking for ways to improve, watch back your replays. Watch them from your teammates’ perspectives. Watch from the other team’s perspective. See where you could’ve made decisions that would’ve turned a lost fight into a win. Go watch mL7’s bap one trick to gm series. He carries nearly all of his games. And sure, he’s mL7, so it’s unreasonable to expect your performance to be the same, but you could at LEAST shoot for performance that allows you to carry up to diamond or masters with a wider hero pool.

Stop worrying about stats. Many people have top1% on elims and dmg that contribute both of those things at the wrong time. There are plenty of dps moiras that get 4 golds and complain about it when they’re the ones playing wrong anyway.

Consider Choihyobin, one of the best off tank players in the entire game (pro player playing for SF Shock). He must have outrageous stats on Roadhog right? because he plays hog more than every other hero, right? Nope.

Damage – top 36%
Elims – top 46%
Obj Kills – top 69%
Obj Time – top 87%
Self Heal – top 56%
Deaths – top 42%
Acc – top 38%
Hooks - top 60%

Actually incredibly mediocre stats. Worse than most people I’ve seen in plat. But his winrate? 60%, even at 4665 SR. He’s doing things right that aren’t reflected in stats. Stats don’t accurately track what damage/healing/elims actually matter in a match. Getting one pick every fight, but at the right time, might be better than getting 4 picks every fight, but at the wrong time.

Again, go watch your replays and try to find things you could’ve done differently. The matchmaking system isn’t keeping you from climbing. Playing support isn’t keeping you from climbing. Your teammates aren’t keeping you from climbing. You’re the only one that has the potential to help YOU climb.

If you want other people to give you tips, I recommend posting a video of a replay to /r/OverwatchUniversity and asking for help. There’s a ton of high level players there looking to help people out all the time. They might recognize something in your game that you could improve that you haven’t noticed yet.

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Again, if you want to improve submit a vod for us to watch so we can identify mistakes, or errors in your gameplay that you may be unable to see on your own. I don’t think you’ll find very much success focusing on arbitrary statistics, and focusing on this aspect of your gameplay will more than likely continue to contribute to a poor and toxic perception of the game. Goodluck.

fine, you’ll see. i’m not a @#$%^&$ silver player, in any game, ever. been playing competitive FPS since quake and this is the only game i’ve ever been hard stuck in low ranks. never been number 1, never will be - i’m not silver though.

That’s great that you’re not silver, but you have to perform well enough to prove it to the game. If you can’t consistently win games, then the matchmaker will think it’s done its job correctly. The only person that can change your rank is you.

ok, and when i do change my rank, only to slide all the way back … which one of those changes is me? both?

how am i getting different results day to day? as in, completely different results day to day, game to game. all this is ‘just me’ yes?


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You can try my topic if you are looking for a proof. As you can see there , i was gaining more sr for wins than losing sr for lost games. There are exceptions sure, but you can definititely see usage of bpsr there.

Not all of it is you, but you’re the only consistency in the equation. There are games that are unwinnable (smurfs/throwers/leavers), but the enemy team will get those as often as you will. The games that are even, though, you have to win most of the time. Also consistency is a problem in anything skill related. Pro sports teams can perform wildly differently from game to game. Overwatch players do the same thing.

Just stop worrying about rating and other nonsense and just try to win games. Stop thinking about stuff that doesn’t matter.

When I climbed an alt up to diamond and then went on my main back in gold I could get around 40 sr per win and -15 per loss until I came close to diamond then it ofcourse slowed down because I couldnt outperform the other people in diamond.

well, today i’m 1-6. most recent 3 losses, average 21.1% on fire and 7 sleeps. not my best but if i’m that on fire … almost 1/4th of the time on fire for 3 games in a row … all losses.

clearly i need to be on fire 50% of the time? these streaks can’t be controlled, its BS.

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And? What has your skill in other games ranking systems got to do with Overwatch? It’s a different game and Silver is where you ranked.

With that attitude you’ll honestly never climb because you think you deserve to be higher than you are which because you’re not higher than you are means you’re a Silver player until you develop your skill and climb higher.

A little self reflection goes a long way and addressing others in your games are potatoes won’t help anyone. Not only is it downright rude but honestly if you’re not winning matches then it’s time to stop believing you’re a godlike player better than everyone else and do some learning.

Climbing is possible with game sense and the right mentality. Flaming other players, being toxic and complaining on the forum about being badly done to won’t help.

Just focus on yourself honestly.

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Also you have to outplay the others in that role and rank to climb.

Being on fire isn’t a “skill” metric. It’s just arbitrary. It means that you got value, sure, but that doesn’t mean you did anything that contributed to the team winning the game. Like I said, stop worrying about stats and things that don’t matter. Just look at what wins games and what doesn’t. You could have 10% on fire and win 9/10 games or have 90% on fire and win 1/10 games. It’s irrelevant.

no, silver is where i have fallen to - slowly - after being platinum for along time. then, ill rush up to gold, and slowly have that SR eroded back to silver. jump up to gold, slowly back to silver. wash, rinse repeat.

this isnt my first comp FPS. this isnt my first comp fps team game. this is however the first system i’ve played in that continually has my SR slowly going downwards despite skill metrics climbing.

again, 100% bought into the freesync hype and went away from 144hz. that was a big mistake that cost about 10% in all my accuracy scores. thats been fixed for two weeks now, with an associated increase in those metrics … yet like today … nothing i could do in those 6 losses.

and its all my fault? those other 5 … you know what i’m done arguing. i’ll just go back to being 100% toxic and get my enjoyment by pointing out how awful the players im with are. its the only consistently amusing thing in the game.

feel free to continue monday morning QBn my gameplay. i don’t care anymore. time to jump in an ruin 5 other player’s night.

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