Supposedly the match making system works well. Supposedly (despite master level streamers proving otherwise) the system quickly moves you to where you need to be.
How can this be though if in game value, as in, actual value added to the team isn’t accounted for in every game?
Let assume something for sake of argument.
Team A = 2500 SR
Team B = 2500 SR
as in, all players are EXACTLY 2500 SR on both teams. Now, the match plays out and let’s assume one team wins. What happens to the losers?
They all receive let’s say -20 SR. This is more or less how the system works yes?
My question is why aren’t in game actions, value added to the team, accounted for? If 5 people play their role with 5% of the tier average for the role, and one player is 20% below average for the role/tier … why isn’t the potato charged more for the loss?
two off tanks? that’s fine, majority of the lost SR will go to the tanks and not penalize the poor DPS who have no ability to DPS from protected space and the supports are running for their lives 24/7.
do you actually have bad healers? if they’re below average for the role/tier then they’ll assume a larger amount of the lost SR.
got an idiot hard locking widow refusing to change despite double barrier and 2 beefy DPS? That’s fine, she’ll be taxed much harder for the loss.
did you just crush it, getting all the golds, AND adding value to the team in your role? great, that loss cost you very very little due to the other 5 potatos on your team.
I’m not 100% how to do this, however, i’m 100% positive that unless you account for each game, and what happened within each game, you’re not actually moving people quickly to where they need to be. further, you’re round about encouraging selfish play.
if you change it to at least a partially shared risk pool, i think you’ll see players playing more of a team game by default.
i patiently await the assaults on my rank which somehow invalidate my argument’s premise …