People Who Say Comp is More Balanced Are Incorrect

Can you site where you read this? Like seriously you like to make things up.

This, and I think over time they need to reposition the MMR to be “close”. I dont want my MMR to be higher than my SR.

If other people have their MMR close to their SR, and my MMR is ABOVE my SR, that means any game where my SR is close to the top of the range of my group or even in the middle, that means my entire team’s MMR is definitely LOWER than my MMR.

he also said that mmr can be accurately calculated within 5 games. the man cant be trusted.

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He claimed that “Smurfs aren’t a problem because they’ll be placed in their proper rank very fast”. I don’t know why so many people idolize him, he was kinda… not very smart with stuff.

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to be fair, that’s not entirely a lie. its disingenuous but not a false statement. the issue is, it ignores throwing to stay low.
as much as people like to hate on mmr and pbsr, it does one thing really well and that’s make it hard for people to stay low. like, I would have to consistantly throw games to be in pbsr range and Im not the t500 player I used to be. its difficult to stay more than 500sr away from your main.
obviously that’s assuming the smurf is actually good at the game but I get the feeling you wouldnt be calling it an issue if that werent the case.

he was the only form of communication with the community. its straight up that simple.

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Assumptions notwithstanding, if you think I actually idolize him, you’re sorely mistaken.

Is there legitimate information that supports the contrary?

  • Besides anecdotal experience?

To be fair… It was explained why it fails… Because people. People who throw to be lower in purpose.

That isnt anecdotal. And I think on PC its less pronounced. Throwers, smurfs, and in general, people who pick up their friends controllers are more a console problem. I would bet most of us who complain about the MMR are consolers.

PC folks have bigger issues without that. But i definitely continue to believe that ranked is broken. I adjust my thoughts to broken on console.

I could ask the same think about Jeff’s claims. there is years of player experience stating the opposite but just because Jeff worked for blizzard aka had something lose aka an incentive to not be completely honest, all of a sudden companies are always truthful?

its like every company that claims not to sell you data. we all know they have a reason to lie.

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Just so you know I wasn’t assuming anyone in this thread idolized him.

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This triggers me so bad, lol. You trickle and feed all match, giving the enemy ults for every team fight and then expect me to go 1v6 in overtime? Lmao! I will just pick Lucio and repeatedly speed you back to the meat-grinder.

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It sucks because I’m forced to trickle with them or sit in spawn all match, so I have to rush in there hoping to somehow get on the point at the same time as our suicidal Reinhardt and kill at least one person.

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I will just watch them die. Sometimes that terrible K:D ratio will wake them up a little. I’m not going to sacrifice my stats just because my teammates are playing poorly. I’ll bide my time and pick off the cocky stragglers while the team keeps trying to 1v5. Play smarter, not harder, imo.

Just wanted to be very clear on that.

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Felt that. Literally quit the game for years because I tried to do mercy in comp. My voice chat was muted. But turns out some people can manage to type a paragraph about not doing my job while they ran into a 1v6.