People who complain about "broken" heros

people who complain about “broken” heros have obviously never played them, or have very little time on them.

I’m a prime example of this as i thought doom was the most broken crap ever a few months…until i actually played him for a few hours and realised why he needs all this CC and all these shields. same goes for other “broken” characters like sombra or bap.


When I was brand new I used to think that Zarya was very OP since everytime I shot her while she was using her bubbles she never took any damage :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

But now I understand how her cooldowns work, so I don’t have any issues playing against her.

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sometimes that’s true a couple months ago i thought mcree was busted so i mained him for a little bit then got my all time dps peak winning 8 games in a row with him.


Naaah immortality field is most definitely broken LMFAO


Doom isn’t broken. However he was a while ago which caused him to get nerfed. Now Doom is currently in a good state.

Just shoot the giant circle above them. Easy.


Mhm sure.

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To catch a bus you have to think like a bus.

OR: to defeat the broken heroes, you must play the broken heroes yourself to figure out how they work and the most frequently used strats.

Sombra mindgames and unusual turret placements immediately come to mind.

Baptiste is kind of a little too much tbh.

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I mean it doesn’t matter how much I play baptiste. If he put it around a corner or simply behind his tanks with a shield… It don’t matter.

Or simply ya know… using it to block an instant damage ult like rip tire or pulse bomb, there is no counter to that because he simply throws it as the ult goes off.


Disagree on Bap, as someone who plays him regularly. He doesn’t need IF and it’s too strong.

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That’s called being outplayed. Do you complain when people find cover or a sniper shoots the Rip-Tire or Lucio drops the beat or any of the other dozens of matchups like that?


No because shooting and hitting a rip tire that is dodging is harder and takes effort.

Lucio beat is AN ULTIMATE. The fact you’re comparing an ABILITY to an ULTIMATE in the first place should prove my point.

Also no… a baptiste clicking a singular button and tossing out an ability that literally makes PEOPLE IMMORTAL, is not being outplayed. It’s called his character is simply busted and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Please go put this opinion on yours, towards any high level player and please watch them laugh at you because of how ridiculous you sound.


I can’t help it if the high-level players aren’t as good as they think they are if they’re STILL struggling with a stationary ability on a THIRTY SECOND COOLDOWN on top of other Bap nerfs.

Wait out the lamp, break the lamp, or kill the Bap. He only has vertical mobility which requires charging up, lamp only has like 150 health, and freezes HP at 25, AND requires teammates to be bunched up together to work to boot.

I suppose next you’re going to complain about Torb’s turret if the Torb is good at placing it where it can’t get shot? It’s functionally identical to ImmoField, just offensive instead of defensive.


Broken =/= OP. Broken heroes / characters are commonly purposely kept underpowered, because they are a headache.

Doomfist is broken because he needs all these unfair mechanics to even do anything.

Doomfist is a broken concept, that has been worked around to make it playable. Doomfist also cannot be balanced, because he rely on so many layers of bandaids / broken mechanics to work. Not to mention, doomfist is feast or famine.

There is a reason why he is getting reworked for OW2.


One of few people I’ve seen on the forums who actually has a brain, thank god. I’ve played a lot of Bap, peaked 4.5k with him s22. He is broken af. Window is op, immo is op, his damage, heal burst and healing are all fine.

It does not matter that immo is on a 30 second cooldown. Same way it doesn’t matter res is on a 30 second cooldown. These aren’t abilties that you look to use and interact with your enemy, they’re just these last resort, “oh well guess we have to use this one” abilities. The cooldown is meaningless because once they’ve been used they have guaranteed value. Personally I think immo needs it’s radius reducing for starters. Fitting an entire team in it feels wrong and unfair. As for res I’d go with giving the person who got ressed a percentage of their max hp upon being ressed. Mainly to address the power or ressing a tank to full hp.


Wait a second did you seriously just said that immortality field, an ability that makes your whole team immortal on a cd is balanced…and you’re also comparing it to lucio’s ULTIMATE. There must be something wrong with you.


omfg did you read what i said? i said i USED to think he was broken but now i dont. didnt know i needed to spell things out for people

I dont like doomfist, i not going to play a lot of doomfist. Simple, why should i do it? Dont i hate myself enough?

Good baps dont waste IF. I honestly thing it should be damage reduction field with longer duration and less of a cooldown