People using mouse and keyboard on xbox

On xbox people using a xim to use a mouse and keyboard has always been a problem but now more and more people are using them and now basically every game has someone Ximming and its really frustrating as someone who enjoys playing dps.
I have reported multiple people for this and they never get banned even through it is clearly cheating as they are using a external device to enhance their gameplay.
Blizzard please do something about this.

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They cant do anything because its extra cash for xbox.

Once xbox releases an official “controller” what is basically a mouse with a keyboard you guys will be outmatched permanently unless you adapt.


If you are talking about the new keyboard designed for xbox it doesn’t allow you to use it for games like overwatch, a xim is made by a external company who give $0 to xbox and lots of people using controller can still compete with pc it just means we need to put in extra work

There’s a big difference between people ACTUALLY using this device “basically every game”, and then you being convinced that someone is just because they are better.
(not to attack you)

Have you ever used this device? Do you understand how it works?

I’ll let you know (as a previous XIM user)

The device connects into the xbox, “emulating” a controller. You also have a real controller plugged into the XIM device at all times, and the XIM bridges the gap between the mouse / keyboard and controller, by translating the movement from the mouse and keyboard via the XIM and tells the xbox it’s actually coming from the controller.

It’s like using your mind to control somebody elses arms.

SO, because of that, the device is virtually undetectable. If you have an issue with it, you are better off contacting Microsoft directly, rather than Blizzard / Overwatch.

I’d also want to add, that there are more and more games starting to provide native mouse / keyboard support for Xbox AND playstation, so honestly I wouldn’t expect this to go away any time soon, but to actually start seeing more of it.

This is probably their plan to run companies like XIM out of business. Can’t beat 'em, join 'em.


Currently that is true, but it’s up to the game developers themselves to decide if a game will support mouse and keyboard, and there is a list of games already that are allowing this.

https : // www

There is a device called the titan 2 for xbox as well that let’s people make custom scripts although this is less important for overwatch since I can’t think of too many things you would need a script for.

Essentially ppl plug the xim into the titan 2 and plug the titan 2 into the xbox.

The custom scripts just act as if it’s buttons u pressed on the controller as well.

Consoles should have kb/m support for OW by now. Not sure if its bliz or ms/sony thats dragging their feet, but its pretty dumb to expect everyone to use a controller when other options exist, imo.


I’d like to know, how can you honestly tell if someone is using a xim or a controller? I’ve seen gameplay by both on YouTube and I honestly couldn’t tell the difference. I used to think “oh they are flicking the heck out of all their shots, must be xim” but then I saw gameplay of people doing the same thing with controllers so idk.

Honestly, as long as i’m allowed to use my controller on the PC version, I could care less if someone uses XIM on console. Good aim doesn’t equal a win.


Yeah it just gives a unfair advantage


Overwatch and FPS games in general suck on console, just play on PC lmao. :rofl: It’s 100x better.

Most people brag about it in chat or it’s obvious when playing a character like widow when they are doing massive flicks.
However people on controller can do big flicks but typically can aim as well if they do

This meme response is so old. People who play on console don’t care what your opinion is.

So unless they are bragging about it there’s really no way to absolutely know for sure is what it sounds like.

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Blizzard have said they’re looking into a way to detect this which is good because it clearly is an unfair advantage and that’s cheating per the rules.

So? It’s Blizzard’s game. If they want to ban players from using keyboard & mouse in their game on console they can and neither Xbox nor PlayStation can do anything about it.

Not if Blizzard don’t allow it’s use in their game on console, which they’re looking at doing as I mentioned above.

It’s really not, because not everyone wants to use keyboard/mouse to play games. That’s why they play on console. Even with console supported keyboard/mouse there will still be a lot more players preferring to play with controller.

I for one am very glad that Blizzard are looking into a way to block keyboard/mouse use in Overwatch on console.

To give you an example of what the titan 2 could do is cause Baptiste to have zero recoil. His gun has a predictable upward recoil so if one were to script it with the titan 2, his primary fire would just be a lock on since the primary fire script would correct for that.

A lot of these battleforce games etc have huge recoil that makes the advantage of a titan 2 much more apparent than something like overwatch. I think giving baptiste recoil was probably a bad thing. Another example is fornight scripting for building so that the console version can essentially mirror the way things are done on PC rather than the weird building ppl do on consoles.

You think so? Remember its Xbox who lets Blizzard use their consoles and they even pay for it to do so.

That’s not how it works at all.

It’s Blizzard’s IP. No one else can tell them what to do with it.

Ashe unscooped shhots, Lucio jumping :thinking:

Its detectable in certain configurations and MS released an API for that intent.

Every game? I doubt.

But they do exist. You have to have an eye for it, and it can’t be because of great accuracy or shots. There is a specific way the killcam looks and the player moves that reveals that.

Blizzard either needs to;

A.) Make it reportable

B.) Enable M/KB to be used on console by design so people do not have to buy 3rd-party software in order to not be disadvantaged by those who have.