People not wanting to play against certain heroes

:roll_eyes: Oh please… woe is you. The OW team definitely has player enjoyment as one of their highest priorities… :man_facepalming:

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Same with Doom

I think it’s main goal - get so far, that there is no one left to compete with you, when you reached the top.

After all, it’s competition, and for someone to climb, someone else has to fall down.

Well, I guess that’s another way to win - make the game so unenjoyable that everyone else quits, and then you’ll be first place by default :rofl: But that also makes you last place.

Destroying enemy’s morale is important element of winning.

Your objective isn’t only to win, but also to make sure, that opposite team will never gather their strength to counterattack.

Good take. It’s one thing to dislike a particular hero because they shut down your preferred strategy, but you shouldn’t be making balance decisions based on gripes. Most of the nerfs and buffs I’ve seen are when a hero either proves too effective in their niche, which is what I feel happened with the last round of Sym nerfs, or when a hero’s abilities end up spilling over into their strong matchups as well, which explains the Sombra, Mei, and Hanzo nerfs.


people wonder why the forums are bad.
because everyone takes everything out of context and go on a tangent with it


so jeff is fine with hanzo being #1 dps for over half a year, but mercy, sym, sombra were nerfed crap tons within months of being good. Even moira and bap got nerfs after 2 months of being picked all time.

anyone got his mailing address so i can write a very nice letter about how being biased is unfair to the players?

heck might as well learn hanzo since they dont want to fix his problems he’ll end up being #1 hero for longest time…even more than moth mercy’s 1 yr stretch.

People won’t like hanzo regardless of what they do. He’s still going to have one shots. This reverse fall off isn’t going to happen. He’s a damage hero that has raw damage and some mobility but by no means is his the best mobility. He has some utility but again by no means is it the best utility either. He very much depends on damage to be viable. You can nerf storm arrow a little but he still has to be able to dish out damage to keep up or buff utility and nerf damage to keep up.

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Ive had many threads shut down because of people not liking the way I was talking about their hero.

That’s how a hero ban in Overwatch would have worked as well. The same hero would be banned for both teams. Jeff pretending that a hero ban is “Your opponents telling you what you can’t play” isn’t a lie but it’s not exactly the truth either. It’s distorting the argument in a disingenuous way.

While some characters might be annoying, Sombra was undeniably overtuned and oppressive. At one point it was a free teamfight win because how powerful hack is.

I was pointing out that hero balance is a developer restriction to both teams as opposed to a player restriction like the original post was saying.

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It’s one thing to fix/prevent a hero being too oppressive and fixing their balance so both sides can enjoy the game.

It’s another to have the other person literally tell you no, you’re not allowed to play. It’s completely different, hence why Jeff made it a point to mention unbalanced picks and unfun picks separately.

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Maybe that’s what you ment to point out but it’s not what you said…

It was implied which is why I am trying to clarify. Jeff’s quote is about player imposed restrictions. Hero balance is a developer restriction.

we dont like that heroe because the balance problems

What confuses me about that stance was:

It feels really off to me that the other team dictates how or what I play.

You’ve got single hero’s that completely dictate not only what hero’s an entire team must play but also what style of play that entire team must utilize in order to have a fair shot at winning against them.

You’re not going to run an Ana/Zen/Bap into Doomfist. Tanks will often get shredded unless they play Barrier against Hanzo. A good majority of the dps roster become useless the moment the enemy switches to Widow, often forcing a mirror Widow to contest her.

Like, some hero’s do completely dictate what the enemy plays. What’s really is scary is that has been a fundamental game play design of Overwatch from the very beginning. Counter picking heroes is the entire reason you can switch hero’s mid match.

The very thing he’s defending is 'causing the problem he’s against in the first place.

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yea they are not capable of understanding this completly.

People that don’t want to play against certain hero’s need to grow up.