People not wanting to play against certain heroes

The other reason I listed was that people do not like playing against certain heroes. To this, I am going to give an answer that is not going to be very popular. Basically, it’s a PvP game. You don’t get to pick what the enemy team does. The challenge is overcoming the enemy team with teamwork, ingenuity and skill. It feels really off to me that the other team dictates how or what I play. So if your reason is that you don’t want to play against certain heroes, I think we’ll agree to disagree on this point. We’ve changed out minds in the past. But that’s where we’re at for now.

I find this fascinating, because as a Sombra player the balancing state of her of the last 3 years screams the actual opposite. They mentioned multiple times how people feel “oppressed” by her and shes unfun to play against so they need to be extra catious to balance her. They even nerfed her multiple tiimes even though her balance state didnt warrant it.

To me that was clear pandering to the complainers.

So them now coming out saying pretty much “just deal with it” if you dont like a certain hero, doesnt really fit their actions. But then again they didnt always seem to be in the same boat.

Title and Topic Edited by the Moderation Team to remove Developers or other Players that were called out by name.


It’s basically them telling you that they don’t care about bad hero designs.
Suck it up, your enjoyment is low priority.
I’ve lost what little faith i had left in the Overwatch team when i read that.

Just because something is beatable doesn’t mean that people want to engage with it.


As a brig player I can not agree more


It says in the text that they have changed their minds before, I’m guessing Sombra was that time

You are comparing two different points.

Jeff was talking about hero bans saying that you do not get to choose what your opponents do.

You’re talking about hero balance. When a hero is balanced the restriction is to both teams at the same time.


This right here. Let’s not misconstrue what Jeff is saying now, that gets real old. The context was hero bans.


Nerfing a hero into unviability so that hero doesnt get played anymore is basically a soft ban. You can still play the hero, but will lose more often than not. Different approach to the same result.


I like it. I love seeing Jeff put his foot down. It’s been awhile.


And just because you hate something doesn’t mean everyone does.


Just because there’s some people who don’t mind something doesn’t mean the general consensus can’t be otherwise. I’m sure there were plenty of people who thought Moth Mercy was balanced at release. Should all the complaints have been ignored then?


-Everybody after a dev says literally anything


This is the point to be made with regards to hero bans. Your “soft ban” argument which revolves around game balance still allows for those heroes to be played by those who choose to play them. Your “hard ban” which revolves around removal of heroes from the pool does not. That’s the topic at the very heart of this debate. Should a player or team be allowed to dictate to another player or an opposing team what they can and cannot play?


It you want to Win in a competitive Game, playing an unviable hero is set up for failure. What’s the point of being allowed to set yourself up for a loss? Most people aren’t dumb and won’t pick the hero, which is reflected in her pickrate. Same result.

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No but overwatch is always allowed people to pick what they want. Hero bans takes that away. They’re standing by that.


Might be the same result, but the means of achieving that result are different. One way allows choice, the other doesn’t. Let players pick their heroes and win or lose based on their choices rather than remove the choice from them entirely. If players don’t give a rats you-know-what about being permanently bronze so long as they get to play their favorite non-meta hero and have fun doing so, that option should be available to them. They won’t climb rank, they don’t care. They’ll stay rock bottom, and you won’t because you’re making better choices at hero select. Why does it matter to you?

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Someone should answer with don’t make the gamestate such a crap and then expect people not to complain about the BS you put in your game.


Sry but saying we won’t ban heroes to make it easier for you but we might end up nerfing them into obscurity is hypocritical in my book.

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Even heavily nerfed heroes have mains who love playing them. Throwing them all under the bus just to ensure those heroes don’t appear in your matches isn’t any better.

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You’re being ridiculous. If that’s the connection you want to make. You do you. But hero bans aren’t coming. And this small little theory isn’t changing sombra either. This is pointless.


Why aren’t you complaining about role queue?