People not wanting to play against certain heroes

Because it was a potent disable with a long duration. It was a balance change. Feeling less oppressive isn’t the same as not liking playing against another hero.

No one likes being frozen but they’re not going to remove that ability from Mei.

I find it fascinating that sombra mains can make any topic about them

and how much they will twist and misrepresent whats said to make themselves look like victims

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People dont like to play against Sombra because it feels “oppressive”. Which is just another buzzword to avoid using OP, since they knew the stats wouldnt back it up. So translated, they didnt like playing against it.

In this case this was a pandering to whiners balance change.

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This part is pertinent to the discussion. Apparently a ban for balance reasons feels like a sledgehammer, therefor unwanted, but an actual sledgehammer nerf is just peachy with them based on past actions like Sym, D.Va, and Sombra.

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It’s funny because Sombra dictates how and what the enemy can play

It’s really how you want to interpret it. I see it as he speaks about directly choosing what the other team can’t play in a given match, and you should deal with things how they are in PVP game.

It has nothing to do with getting feedback from the gameplay experience and changing it according to the public opinion.

In regard to Sombra state specifically, I think they just can’t admit that they build with inherently flawed mechanics, and they are really scared to buff her because of that, in a similar state of Bastion.

Extremely well - said :clap::clap:

Apparently developers really expect players to pick either winning or fun, but not both.


Overbuff is highly inaccurate. Genji & Soldier were 4th most played in GM iirc, whereas Overbuff showed them far lower.

Her “stats” are irrelevant as we don’t have her actual statistics.

Those who play her succeed with her, but see that she’s niche. That’s not bad. Being bad in GM doesn’t mean the hero is bad.

You refuse to acknowledge what I’m saying so I’m just going to stop the convo here.



My guess is that sombra will get some serious buffs once they have an opportunity to release a hero who can more easily spy-check.

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Not sure you saw my “corrected” statement that Jeff made:

"Basically, it’s a PvP game. You don’t get to pick what your team does. The challenge is overcoming the enemy team with teamwork, ingenuity and skill. It feels really off to me that your team dictates how or what I play. "

This is what he ought to have said. We won’t do bans, because thats not in the spirit of PVP, but we will uhold bans of players for playing off-meta characters or unpopular ones for reports by people… bit contradictory in principle.

It would be nice if they reverted her hack and EMP nerf…

Or, at the VERY least, give us a 2s cooldown on translocator again if we manually destroy it

To summarize, challenge often is to overcome both enemy team and your own.

That wouldnt even fix anything because she wasnt even in a good state previous to that patch. OWL stopped using her in 2-2-2 even in her old state she was in.

She needs a bit more than some reverts.
I really hope they eventually fix her hack visuals and preferably add wall hacks to them.
They need to adress the coordination issue.

Sounds good, isn’t good in reality but is often a fact of life.

I find it the opposite where as Sombra it’s not working for the team because the enemy’s Brigitte is flailing my butt with her mace, and the Zen and Moria on my team don’t give two you-know-what about it because they rather play DPS supports. So I switch to a Bastion because I don’t play Sombra against Brigitte, and proceed to burn her down to dust.

To me or means that Widow and hitscan whiners and complainers should listen to that comment.

Not liking going against a certain hero doesn’t necessarily mean that hero is badly designed, but if it’s a view of the majority it certainly can suggest that.


I agree but I guess it’s never too late to realize how wrong they were in the past. The OW team may have felt that our community and these forums were starting to get too controlling because they’re dictating more and more what system should be released on the game (Role Queue, map bans, hardcore nerfs etc…)

I hope this settles a new era for the game.


I just don’t like the mindset being expressed. He basically said it’s OK to troll the other team, because they’re “the enemy.” It’s a game. Games are not fun when you have no one to play with, so maybe stop scaring away people from wanting to play with you?

Imagine if Overwatch games were invite-only instead of a big anonymous matchmaking pool. Mei and Torbjorn one-tricks would get sorted out really fast. Instead, the system enables bad behavior and shields players from consequences.