the average genji players are god gamers and could get to gm with any other character don’t you know, lololol.
that’s the sum up of genji players in general.
i just wish this wasn’t true but it kinda is.
hypocrisy thy name is genji.
the average genji players are god gamers and could get to gm with any other character don’t you know, lololol.
that’s the sum up of genji players in general.
i just wish this wasn’t true but it kinda is.
hypocrisy thy name is genji.
Genjis stats are constantly going up while you guys are saying it will go down over time. You need to look at reality. What you think should happen doesnt, but the exact opposite. Genjis old pickrate pre buff was sitting around 1.5%-ish. Sometimes a bit lower or a bit higher.
He isnt just played because its Genji. People enjoy being OP and want to exploit that for as long as they can.
They will go down, idk what else to tell you, thats what has happened every single time a popular hero gets a buff, every single time, even if they dont get nerfed afterwards, they go down in pickrate.
Genjis old pickrate was 2-3% in gm, which was already trending upwards before the buffs were even anounced.
He is also just played because hes genji, even if he was a trashcan tier hero he would still have 1-2% pickrate because so many people love playing him.
If people wanted just to be op they would train widow and hanzo, because being able to 1shot when your aim is good is shattering to the enemy team. While the only counter is a lot of shields.
They will go down.
Source: Dude trust me.
Other heroes which reached Genji lvl of stats were considered OP and then fell down after being nerfed to a balanced stat.
Do you want me to go fly over to blizz headquarters to get you info they will never give me?
There isnt exactly any way for anyone to prove what will or wont happen. But same has happened before, popular heroes got buffed, they shot up in pick %, then slowly started going down,
And then after people stopped playing them they fell into obscurity like moira and bap for example.
and i state again.
i do not think genji is balanced.
i think genji is too strong
i think some aspects of genji should be nerfed
but i dont think genji is overpowered.
Its amazing isn’t it? Like how denial works. Timeline:
Nothing wrong with those Buffs huh? Nothing weird happening and that comparison is totally FINE.
I mean, none of what you say makes any sense at all in terms of measurements. Yes, objective data is a good measurement for how strong a hero is. In fact, it’s the only measurement. Your feelings don’t matter. My feelings don’t matter. What matters is scientifically-accurate data that tells us exactly how often a hero is picked and how they perform.
You can’t look at that and then say, “Well, this doesn’t say what it plainly and objectively says because of my emotions.” That’s now how science works. This same thing kinda keeps getting repeated in the same usually pro-Genji circles here and it’s by far the silliest thing they claim.
You’re basically looking at a round world and saying, “Yeah, I know the objective data proves that the world is round, but I feel in my gut that it’s flat, and so do a lot of other people, so it’s flat.”
News flash: The world is round, and it literally doesn’t matter why people pick a hero for the data. All that matters is that he’s getting picked a ton and winning a ton. The why doesn’t factor into his performance.
“use it properly” what excactly does that mean? pray to god mcree misses his flashbang?
Blade alone is extremely easy to shut down
i think the misnomer that you have to be good to get value ot of genji is a ridiculous claim.
and i don’t buy it.
i never have.
he’s not any different to the vast majority of characters in the game.
Dont miss your first dash, have your targets planned out before you commit, have an idea of your dash-slash combo, etc
In aggregate, people will trend towards what is good.
I think you have to be “good” but i dont think you have to be so good as others seem to imply most of the time
I think you have to be good to get value with most of the characters, unless youre in bronze-gold, then being painfully average is good as well i suppose. But in general i think you have to be at least good with a hero to be able to get proper value from almost any of them, even if a hero is easy to play you still have to be good at that hero, genji is no different.
This was wildly different at the start in 2016 when the heroes were different, and the skill division of each hero was a lot clearer, but nowadays its a lot different.
and that cant be stopped ny a mcree pressing E
dash slash combo? am i missing something?
Isnt that what you do when you nanoblade did genji get a 5th buff?
Uhh even on normal blade, your first steps should always be
Dash through a squishie, use ult, slash, dash, so you dont use 2 slashes for the first enemy
Yeah if you dash, ult then you get a slash dash combo not a dash slash?
You can either wait for flashbang to be on cooldown or deflect it. If youre literally at hugging distance, he cant throw it around the Genji deflect.
Corrected my post, read it again
Dash through a squishie first, then slash, then dash
I thaught you were talking about something esle at first
exactly, and even if you fail you can still fail upwards sometimes.
genji isn’t black and white in that sense like players would make you believe.
genji can do genji things that they themselves didn’t even think of but it just randomly happened and fell into their laps.
just like it is for every other character in the game.
obviously less characters, more distinction between them is easier to spot, there’s bound to be overlap at some point.
And even then back in the day , people who are now plat could be t500 because of how the game was, so smaller things were seen as big deals back then