People need to know when to stop playing

I often read post about someone saying," I just lost X SR today" Or " I lost 10 games today and dropped two ranks"

People need to seriously stop playing if you are having a losing streak, you just aren’t bringing yourself down, but your team to.

If are losing more than 2 games in a row , I recommend that you either queue up for another role,play quick play until you get your groove back, or just stop playing for the whole day.

Most losing streaks start because people just can’t put the game down and move on to the next day.


I think everyone should just stop playing, permanently. Maybe then they’d start actually working on fixing the game’s issues.


Unfortunately the Overwatch addiction is a real thing.


You should always end on a streak the game tries to get you to a 50/50 chance of winning so the more you play the more you come close to that equilibrium. My advice go on a ten game streak and stop.

I mean if you drop far enough you will start to win again because your abnormal loss streak means you’ll likely get an abnormal win streak eventually.

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I probably would have dropped the game completely by now but all of my friends play ow so I have no other choice :slight_smile:

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What is even the point of playing the game if not going to play it?

No other game threatens me with lose streaks just because of playing it too much.

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That’s not true. You would miss Ashe.

More like blizzard addiction. They design their games to be as addicting as possible. It’s why all their graphics are cartoony with bright glowy colors now, it actually releases feel good endorphins in people. Blizzard will always have their junkies.


True. Ashe doesn’t feel as great anymore tho :sob:

They had me on a leash for awhile, so I can’t judge others, lol.

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I support this fully, if I get three win in a row I’m done for the day. Four losses and I also quit.

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Person in game: GLHF! <3
Me: This is Overwatch, much like WoW, none of us are here by choice anymore.

People in game: I felt that way too deep, I actually feel attacked.

Actual sequence from a week ago or so.


Where’s that Mr. Burns meme about “Don’t forget, you’re here forever”, that feels appropriate here.


My approach has been the following when solo queuing:

Regardless of what main mode I play in…

Lets take QP RQ.
Play a game. If I win, play till I lose. If I lose, play till I win.

Play no more than 5 games total.

I do the same thing for other modes. What I have noticed:

I get days where you do nothing but lose every game you play.
Days where I win every game.
And days where I only get to play 2-4 games, depending on how soon I get both a win and loss before managing to play the max of 5 games. lol

I also repeat this strategy on my alternate accounts. One of which I play nothing but QP RQ and I treat it like mystery heroes in that I go with whatever the game gives me at the start.

The other account I only use to play Comp on.

Welcome to Gambling Addictions.
“If I just play ONE MORE round, I can turn this around! … DAMN IT! I lost the house!”

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Overwatch isnt a game, its a lifestyle.

sounds like an advice for someone who has a gamling problem.
I noticed that OW is the only game that recieves healthy advice treatment for how to play it, not even CS GO has this kind of culture.

I just want a cool border portrait :weary:

Same. I have more hours in overwatch than any other game and it was a very unhealthy competitive addiction that involved lots of alcohol. 2 months sober now…from alcohol and overwatch :slight_smile: