People Leaving Paris XD

lmao it’s true tbh. Sym loves koth and 2cp.

Definitely needs another choke point for the first point. Overall, Paris does suck.

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This shows why blizzard’s leaver penalty is so weak and absolutely garbage. If getting a map you dislike outweighs the penalty you get when leaving, then the penalty is pathetic and needs to be drastically increased.

Yes paris is not fun and yes it should be changed. But the leaver penalty needs to be much harsher asap I still can’t believe blizzard doesn’t realize it after all this time and the leaver plague that exists in comp.


No, the situation is more like…

“Ugh, the office manager made decaf coffee again. Does anyone like it? No? Everyone else want caffeine too? K then, I’m gonna poor this pot out and make some fresh.”


Yeah, the entire game mode needs to be reworked.

They ripped it from TF2.

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All 3 have massive single chokepoints that the majority of the cast without some manner of enhanced mobility have to slog through which scream “PUT A BASTION HERE ON DEFENSE” Volskaya at least has the side flank.

Since they cribbed so much from TF2 they really need to take a look at TF2’s map design (notably anything that isn’t 2fort or dustbowl)

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My 2 least favourite maps aren’t 2cp. Am I weird?

I get that not everyone likes 2 cp maps, but you can’t deny that they improved HLC. It’s much easier to take point A after the rework in my experience.

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Yeah, it’s nice to see a community being toxic and breaking the game together (just like all the things they did on the forums for 2 years to get role queue).

This reminds me of the very “smart” #DeleteBrig movement.

I hope you are all proud.

Do you know this is ban material and that you’re confessing it on the official Overwatch forums, right ?

This is just your opinion, there are people that like that map just like others can hate the maps you are fond of.

Leaving a game so that it’s canceled is just as pathethic as people playing in a premade of 6 with one of them being a smurf that sacrifices themselves by leaving the game early so that their lower rank friends don’t lose a game (when they realize the enemy team is way better and has high chances of winning the match).

I see more and more toxic threads like yours get 30 or even more than 90 likes (like that one thread that antagonized all the DPS players) which says a lot about what the OW community is turning into since they know they can get anything from the devs by whining.

I can’t believe this is actually allowed but I guess you’ll win in the end. This announces the upcoming restriction on the game to come live : map bans (before hero bans) in Competitive.

I have less and less hope for this game’s future and it’s not because of the game itself (that I still enjoy to play) yet because of this community’s constant pleasure to destroying it.

If any of you toxic people think Overwatch is turning into crap, don’t blame anyone but yourself.

I hope you get banned eventually, Coldfire.

Have a good one.


Damn, am I the only person that really likes Paris? Great… now a map I like will potentially get deleted. Damn it.

I really like paris, its way better than most of the other 2cp maps

What is wrong with your name?

Idk why but calling it Cuba is funny

You can ignore the map in configuration but not in CP/QP for a good reason. Just switch your hero to adapt the map then. Only rL ist a good reason to leaving CP.

Bad as leaving normally is, this is one case where it becomes a saintly act and I hope more and more people start doing this.

Blizzard really needs to get the message that most players are not happy with the majority (Paris being the ultimate) of newer map releases, so that besides delivering reworks to them, they don’t continue to make the same mistakes with future maps.


I used to swap to Sym whenever 2cp comes up because I can only win Lunar Colony and Paris using Sym lol. But now, if I’m playing support, I can only hope my DPS/tank knows what they’re doing lol.

It’s sad because it’s really a beautiful map.

The first choke is absolutely ridiculous. It’s just like Eichenwalde 1.0, where there was only one path to the first point (under the bridge). They need to add another place to attack on that map.

I think Horizon Lunar Colony could benefit from this as well.

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I think Blizzard made ridiculosly defense favoured maps just to try to kill GOATS with the map pool and they didn’t think about the long term consequences of them just being bad maps. I mean when is the last time anyone finished Havana without a 6 ult push? That final point is unbelievable trash game design.


Most new maps are horrible anyway except koth ones

Eichenwalde : got reworked because point a was too easy tod defend

Horizon : reworked + 2cp


BlizzardWorld : too easy to defend because too much chokepoints

Rialto : pretty okay but unplayable as attack in qp

Paris : :slight_smile: as bad as the real Paris :slight_smile:

Havana : pretty okay but last point is bad too easy to defend.

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isnt it like tradition to draw on 2cp maps in certain higher ranks or is that only when they have a cheater?

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