“People just need time to figure out Sym”

I like the new TP and the increasing DMG from the beam, but i miss the throw-shield-thing, the option for a shield-gen and the lock on beam.

But new sym is strong, you just need a team that will commit. The games that me and my freinds lost the hardest were games vs a team working with sym.

It was a troll post made by some one that people thought was a buff.

Tick rate is absolutely the same at 9. Saw it my self when I saw junkrat HP drop from 23 to 14 on death cam.

symmetra is a mistake, she belongs to trash tier of which she is in right now.

despite a lot of this being discussed earlier you felt the need to reexplain something that has already been explained at least once previously in this thread.

Not sure what you want to call it, but polite isn’t it my friend.

Idk friend, but she got reworked so I guess that’s the reason, thnx for answering yourself.

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I still hate this “Im smarter than you so im always right” and “Esports baby!” attitude from them. What they wanted to get with new Sym is impossible (for example the Teleport out of Grav or the charge primary on barriers and kill tanks) and they wont admit it.

No, i dont say that everytime they are wrong. Sombra and Torb is better now, Mercy is fine currently.

They will rework Sym again if shes underperforming in OWL


Because she was “no skill” with her auto-lock beam, and in general wasn’t good choice for attacking. Rework attempted to fix this stigma of “no skill” hero, but new players still prefer less team-reliant heroes, and previous Symmetra players didn’t accept it too well either.

You have to make your teammates help you for Symmetra to work, which immediately leaves out of picture many players. And it’s just to make her reach her “normal” level, not even good or great.

she sneak up on me
oh wait are you one of those if she gets close you got outplayed ? in an action packed game with 12 heros flank routes and so many things to look down to, i cant manage to have an eye on every corner with a 360 angle

rein is fat noisy and slow
mccree has to aim, or at least put himself in danger
symm has a small hitbox no risk no implications, just click on e, throw an orb, hold lmb you won gg ez claps

mccree is high risk, his fb has a long cooldown, his fth can miss and actually empties his gun, and burns his only mobility tool, symm doesnt have all of that, and in addition had turrets to trap you and kill you with 0 counterplay to it
thank god this is gone now, we can play in peace and learn the game without some guy just bullying you for fun

haha i knew it
outplay: play better
i can walk up to anyone with any character
doesnt make me a better player
nor give me the right to take off 10s off their fun

right now no one hates her, most people just dont find her cool enough to be in their roaster.

it’s more fun to play to the other side by far, throwable turrets are less cancerous then 6 none throable, she’s more consitent now, and has a higher skill floor and ceiling, nothing unhealthy other then her lack of good skins

YOU can’t. That’s YOUR problem.

And Symmetra doesn’t need to evade just you to sneak up on you. She needs to avoid -every- single person on your team.

About as much as Symm used to. Flashbang isn’t any harder to land than her old M1.

Unless the opponent actually manages to hit you, in which case you just spent a bunch of time circling around an entire enemy team and still got killed.

McCree’s not on any higher risk than Symmetra for that position. Hell, since McCree actually HAS a mobility skill, you could argue he’s -lower- on the risk. FTH can miss, yeah, but you can even fail to land Symm’s old M1. It just takes drastic effort to not hit a stationary target.

And turrets trapping you with no counterplay? What? Turrets didn’t trap you unless you walked into a full nest of six, which is free win for you because nests are garbage, and no counterplay? Any durable hero can just swipe once and they’re all gone.

If you think turrets have no counterplay, the issue is -definitely- on your end, bud.

Because turretbombing is somehow -not- a worse version of what she used to be.

Because no one took the angle I took and no one went in on the subject of how her pick and winrate changes reflect what’s happened to Symmetra. So I decided to help out.

But apparently, you are asking questions to which you apparently already know the answer, so you can get pissy when people respond with a polite answer meant to explain things.

And yes, that is a polite answer. I don’t care if you -think- you had this explained to you before in this thread, because you didn’t, and you can’t hold me responsible for mind-reading you in an effort to find out what you already know and what you don’t.

That is a completely nonsensical response to that question.

Is your brain always this tangled up?


I never saw the second half

is it sombra ana zarya?

And the insane durability of her teleporter.

I disagree.

First of all, it’s actually part of the problem that Symmetra was practically gutted and reassembled because us true blue Symmetra mains worked hard to learn her, we spent hundreds of hours on her, and most of that dedicated experience went out the window with the rework; and now veteran Symmetras have to contend with smarmy “learn to aim sweaty :)))” jerks trying to tell us how to make our hero work when they have barely touched her before or after the rework.

We’re it any other hero with some kind of mainstream popularity that was genuinely gutted and Frankensteined into a less functioning hybrid of two currently existing heroes, people would be mad. And they would be even more furious if someone condescendingly tried to tell them how they work when they already have more experience. Symmetra is literally the only rework where actual Symmetra players were completely screwed out of having an upper hand from prior knowledge.

And no, 2.0 had FAR more depth and versatility and creativity than 3.0 could ever hope to achieve. 3.0 is actually mind numbingly straight forward compared to 2.0. 2.0 also could make imaginative use with her kit and win fights like Wonder Woman, the only difference was that she was formidable in her own right and she didn’t need to rely on her turrets to finish the job.


that’s the whole playerbase
that’s everyone’s problem

and it’s very easy

alot more unreliable then holding a button
0 risk

which is another reason to rework symm 2.0

fail to aland autolock and mash space bar to avoid shots while your opponent is supposed to be a god tier player to do anything about it
not skill
not positioning
just the purest form of death of brain, and getting rewarded for it
wait i guess moira is more braindead after all

you put 6 turrets
wait for someone to get cought throw a ball of m1 and you win
next respawn he will sure counter you, but he did die and you did get value with no counter play
besides i’d lke to hear what all this it’s your problem you could be doing if you were in my place
but let’s be honest here
you wouldnt play symm if you wanted to learn the game, you just want to have your fun at the expense of the other 11 players

cooldown HAHA symm 3.0 is stronger, she just requires more of skill, you cant just walk up to someone and feel good about it anymore, and i’m thankful that the devs fixed that
now you can still feel good by playing moira
ater all she’s a more braindead less counterable version of symm

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They have teammates and their own abilities. Most of the roster can counter it in some way. Ana for example only needs to land one sleep dart and she’s out of the woods. Moira can fade. Brigitte can shield bash. Mercy can GA out of there. McCree can Flashfan. Reaper can Wraith. Soldier can run off.

You’re acting like it was an instant kill, but the first target had about 3 seconds to respond, using any method available to wipe her out before she got the kill. If the target or their team are paying attention and react accordingly, she was pretty easy to shut down. I’ve been up against teams that consistently knew how to respond when I went in, and I’d need to be very careful about timing my assassinations, measuring cooldowns and enemy attention.

So I’m curious: Did you play assassin Symmetra at all, or is it just something you’re complaining about?

I never encountered any nests, because I played at a rank where nests were recognised as being an incredibly inefficient way to use your resources, so they never cropped up.

Not to mention that she still has this. The rework changed little in regards to nesting. Actually, that’s not true, the rework strongly encourages nesting.

That said, nesting is godawful to play on both sides of the coin, so yeah, I want that removed as well. Sentries should be for recon and sentry duty, not damage.

No. Now you can do it at a distance, with absolutely zero risk.


I given up on the hero.

I wish she was more like she was before.

But I have moved on, because she just keeps failing with each patch.


on a small jumping hitbox, with a projectile that has a windup time
you clearly dont play anything else the her (and i just checked your profile and it’s true) if you played any ana you’d know that a 12s cooldwon skillshot isnt counterplay to a hold a button through a barrier while i melt your remaining 80 hp with no aim, because i got close to you, and thus you diserve to die to me

genji can too, if it’s not a cooldown

due to your jumping around there is a high chance that fan misses


with 8 hp remaining
running away isnt counter play
and that’s why brig was nerfed hard
there is counter play and outplay
symm can be hard counterplayed with winston

no one can outplay her
and it’s another reason why she was such a cancer

if the target is a got like top500

and that’s why you got to plat?
or is it that most golds just cant deal with a hero who autolocks you dead with no counterplay?

i did
and i felt disgusted about how easy it was to frusrate people

nests are an easy way to secure key kills and build you ult charge and it does work with the appropriate set up
not that it requires any skill, i’d say research


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Nests aren’t key kills. They happen almost by chance, you don’t get to pick and choose who dies to them.



Honestly, I love seeing posts like this. Its like a big “I told you so!”. So many people called this but here we are.

What can you do about it though? Its not like they listen to us anyway.

I mean, I created Sym 4.0 which is better than 3.0, but obviously Im biased and it will never be looked at or even considered as a serious suggestion. All we can do is wait for some OWL player to suggest changes.


I only became a master Sym, but being a grandmaster hero doesn’t determine her limitations. You can find that out even in quick play when facing against heroes played right. Even the best Sym will tell you she has limitations. If she ever got high in ranks it was mostly due to teamwork than skills. There are heroes in this game that can solely be game changers and Sym isn’t one of them.

Then again before 3.0 if you was good at sneaking into the back lines without no one noticing and using the Teleport ultimate. That was the game changer then, but not now. Today’s is just a barrier ultimate that can block attacks from distance meaning only blocking out snipers unless they go through it. Not overly effective, but decent.

Are you saying a no one could womansplain this to you about Symmetra being a niche hero?

Nothing changed.

She got reworked due to complaints if you ever did your homework. She wasn’t a healer on support side which was a downfall so they moved her to dps changing her performance making it worst. There’s not much difference besides pick rate. Even Jeff picked up later on that she wasn’t legit as he thought due to statistics, feedback and visual footage on YouTube.


It’s been a lot longer then that probably going back to the year of release. It’s just steadily gotten worse and more noticeable since then.


Not to be that person, but overbuff from 2 months ago says you’re 2800sr,
So even if you were a masters sym, you fell pretty hard, which I highly doubt was just from the hero rework.
But maybe you were and maybe it was :woman_shrugging:

More grandmaster and t500 syms have appeared since her rework, just because you fell, doesn’t mean others had the same issues.

complaints can have merit.

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