“People just need time to figure out Sym”

You must have terrible eyesight?
arguing Sombra’s winrate vs Sym, not sym vs sombra, Sym has 57% across all tiers, Sombra is 47%.

thnx for agreeing with me

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you left stuff out, i think she’s incredibly strong, but for the general masses that have very little teamwork or coordination ability wont even touch her because they can’t even scrape the surface of what symmetra can bring to the table in terms of fighting prowess.

if you want to play with symmetra, make sure you have a team that you play with frequently and you can actually utilise the character and you’ll see how you will skyrocket up the ranks.


The general idea is that Symmetra is a niche hero.

If a hero has a moderately high to very high pick-rate, that means they’re generally usable. In a lot of scenarios, they can do a lot of work and flow well with the game.

Symm 2.0 had a very low pick-rate, but a very high win-rate, specifically because she was so niche. In her very specific situations, she was very strong, and in the hands of the players who mastered her, she got a lot of work done. She wasn’t picked up for general use because she was either too niche, or too difficult to play.

Now, Symm 3.0 has a lower pick and win-rate, which means that she likely became -more- niche, being suitable for fewer situations, and even within those specific situations, she became a worse pick, doing less work.

To visualise it with some hypothetical flat numbers: She went from being 70% win chance in 7 scenarios, to being 60% win chance in 3. If the former was a ‘troll pick’, the second is effectively no longer in the game.

The rework was supposed to make her more of a viable choice, but in the end, her metrics went -down- from what was considered one of the worst heroes in the game. She’s played less, and either A) Even hardcore Symmetra mains can’t get her to work as much as 2.0 did or B) she’s useful in fewer situations, and her impact in even her optimal scenarios was diminished.

Overall, she’s worse off.


cuz no one likes symm

'm not
she’s strong

the kind of heros i want nerfed like moira brigitte (rip) and prolly the only hero who’s easier then symmetra and does a better work torbjorn (who is i’d say pretty fine for a builder)

that doesnt apply only to symm

you mean how cancerous she was and hated? – walks into you – you die and cant do anything about it – she was cancer

i have no idea what you’re trying to say
but leave my fav hero alone


Aside from the fact that you can still do plenty even if she did manage to latch onto you due to the wind-up buying you time: Why was she that close in the first place? She had no mobility and almost no survivability to close the gap, you had plenty of time to kill her. You died because you let a close combat specialist get into close combat with you, as opposed to killing her before she got the drop on you.

And it’s not like it’s any different than letting Reinhardt walk up to you, who, by the way, had the exact same range back then. And now there’s McCree as well, and Mei’s still a thing too.

Symmetra was the only one that was singled out for hatred because people latched onto the auto-aim to declare it ‘no-skill’, but you won’t hear them whine about Reinhardt or Mercy not needing to aim at all.

Marksmanship isn’t the only skill in the game. If Symmetra got into close combat with you, she already outplayed you.

EDIT: And it’s not like she’s any less hated now, since her turrets took over from where she left off. It’s just less fun to play for both sides of the equation.


She is actually a better hero than she was before, but that doesn’t mean people who never played her before are gonna pick her up, most people don’t like sym. If her winrate dropped, well I don’t mean to be rude but, it’s probably because most of the people who played her relied a lot on her auto aim, and can no longer rely on that anymore. This is obvious because she had a disproportionate pick rate if compared at higher ranks to say, bronze and silver (as in, she was picked ALOT more at those lower ranks where people are worse at aiming).

I mean there was literally a post on the forums saying don’t change her because a lot of disabled people played her.

If you want sym buffs that’s okay, but just because she became harder to play well doesn’t mean she is a worse hero, otherwise many a bronze genjis and widowmakers would be crying for them to be buffed right now.


You’re right. Instead let’s look at those tens of thousands of games of statistics that state she’s worse.


I have figured her out, she needs 30 more ammo and some way to stay alive, she can melt enemies but she doesn’t live that long.

mansplain this more 4 me
I couldn’t possibly have figured that out on me own, I am but a simple person.

So a hero that is picked more = more viable? Fantastic!

and yet haven’t more people reached t500 with sym 3.0 when compared to sym 2.0 where some popular streamers could barely maintain GM rank?

But what would I, a simple person, possibly know.


Generally speaking you know this game is a huge mess, instead of trying to make every hero viable for at least 90% of all scenarios you end up with a bunch of “niche” picks, the problem in this game goes deeper than just the heroes, the level design is specially bad since it encourages picking heroes with more mobility in all situations, having no resource management also makes the game way more “spammy” than any other shooter that is not Paladins (cuz it also has the same issue with resources), let’s not even forget how entire kits can be trash tier and ultimates are just too powerful for their own good.

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I couldn’t have summed it up better myself!

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Sym is fine. The only thing she needs is a quicker cast time to her tp and she will be golden.


You can take it back much further than that. Don’t forget Brack’s “you think you do, but you don’t” comment when people said they wanted a legacy WoW.


Oh. You’re one of -those-.

Pro-tip: If you’re going to end your statements with a question mark to feign being polite, but then follow it up with major attitude when someone answers your question, your ruse isn’t working and you still look like a stuck-up jerk.

So one or two more people among the top five hundred players getting marginally more use out of her somehow outweighs the decrease among ALL other ranks? And that’s even assuming there ARE more T500 Symm players now than there were before, as I haven’t seen anything, so I’d like your source.


be more condescending next time :slight_smile:
people love that

they removed her lock on, it stands to reason that taking away the crutch lower sr people used to rank up on her had a negative effect, no?


I would pick Symmetra 2.0 and even 1.0 in ranked on certain maps such as Eichenwalde, Volskaya and Kings Row, because I’d know how useful she’d be to defend with all your heart.

I have not picked her at all since 3.0. I really feel like merging damage and defense hurt more than what a lot think. Sure, defense heroes were mostly DPS too, but not only as Symmetra was not really a damage character, and not fully a support. But since it mainly affected Symmetra, people didn’t mind much.

So they reworked her to get rid of the ‘crutch’ and give her more personal value, but instead the result was that she got less value overall as her pick and winrate declined.

No, great rework. Fantastic job.

If Symm 2.0 was supposedly that easy to do well with, why was she seen as a throw pick instead of an easy win?

You’re calling me condescending after you respond to my honest and polite answer to your question by calling it ‘mansplaining’… What a piece of work you are.


It’s been over 2 years and people are saying the same about Sombra.


if you are interested, some pros ran a pretty effective 2-2-2 with symmetra.
The comp was Sym-Reaper Rein-Zarya Brig-Lucio with brig being swapped for zen when they needed longer range damage.

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New sym plays nothing like old sym. You have to relearn the character to be effective. If you’re creative with how you utilize her kit, you can put in a lot of work and some fights can be won by you alone. Her ultimate is very powerful if you understand the situations it works in and how it can support your team to win a fight.

There is a lot of depth to this character that simply didn’t exist prior to the rework. Her survivability is low and I think she needs 50 more shield health, along with a quicker cast on TP. Everything else about her is just fine the way it is. If you struggle with her weapon, practice your aim and learn to get better with how you use it.