“People just need time to figure out Sym”

that’s the whole playerbase
that’s everyone’s problem

and it’s very easy

alot more unreliable then holding a button
0 risk

which is another reason to rework symm 2.0

fail to aland autolock and mash space bar to avoid shots while your opponent is supposed to be a god tier player to do anything about it
not skill
not positioning
just the purest form of death of brain, and getting rewarded for it
wait i guess moira is more braindead after all

you put 6 turrets
wait for someone to get cought throw a ball of m1 and you win
next respawn he will sure counter you, but he did die and you did get value with no counter play
besides i’d lke to hear what all this it’s your problem you could be doing if you were in my place
but let’s be honest here
you wouldnt play symm if you wanted to learn the game, you just want to have your fun at the expense of the other 11 players

cooldown HAHA symm 3.0 is stronger, she just requires more of skill, you cant just walk up to someone and feel good about it anymore, and i’m thankful that the devs fixed that
now you can still feel good by playing moira
ater all she’s a more braindead less counterable version of symm

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They have teammates and their own abilities. Most of the roster can counter it in some way. Ana for example only needs to land one sleep dart and she’s out of the woods. Moira can fade. Brigitte can shield bash. Mercy can GA out of there. McCree can Flashfan. Reaper can Wraith. Soldier can run off.

You’re acting like it was an instant kill, but the first target had about 3 seconds to respond, using any method available to wipe her out before she got the kill. If the target or their team are paying attention and react accordingly, she was pretty easy to shut down. I’ve been up against teams that consistently knew how to respond when I went in, and I’d need to be very careful about timing my assassinations, measuring cooldowns and enemy attention.

So I’m curious: Did you play assassin Symmetra at all, or is it just something you’re complaining about?

I never encountered any nests, because I played at a rank where nests were recognised as being an incredibly inefficient way to use your resources, so they never cropped up.

Not to mention that she still has this. The rework changed little in regards to nesting. Actually, that’s not true, the rework strongly encourages nesting.

That said, nesting is godawful to play on both sides of the coin, so yeah, I want that removed as well. Sentries should be for recon and sentry duty, not damage.

No. Now you can do it at a distance, with absolutely zero risk.


I given up on the hero.

I wish she was more like she was before.

But I have moved on, because she just keeps failing with each patch.


on a small jumping hitbox, with a projectile that has a windup time
you clearly dont play anything else the her (and i just checked your profile and it’s true) if you played any ana you’d know that a 12s cooldwon skillshot isnt counterplay to a hold a button through a barrier while i melt your remaining 80 hp with no aim, because i got close to you, and thus you diserve to die to me

genji can too, if it’s not a cooldown

due to your jumping around there is a high chance that fan misses


with 8 hp remaining
running away isnt counter play
and that’s why brig was nerfed hard
there is counter play and outplay
symm can be hard counterplayed with winston

no one can outplay her
and it’s another reason why she was such a cancer

if the target is a got like top500

and that’s why you got to plat?
or is it that most golds just cant deal with a hero who autolocks you dead with no counterplay?

i did
and i felt disgusted about how easy it was to frusrate people

nests are an easy way to secure key kills and build you ult charge and it does work with the appropriate set up
not that it requires any skill, i’d say research


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Nests aren’t key kills. They happen almost by chance, you don’t get to pick and choose who dies to them.



Honestly, I love seeing posts like this. Its like a big “I told you so!”. So many people called this but here we are.

What can you do about it though? Its not like they listen to us anyway.

I mean, I created Sym 4.0 which is better than 3.0, but obviously Im biased and it will never be looked at or even considered as a serious suggestion. All we can do is wait for some OWL player to suggest changes.


I only became a master Sym, but being a grandmaster hero doesn’t determine her limitations. You can find that out even in quick play when facing against heroes played right. Even the best Sym will tell you she has limitations. If she ever got high in ranks it was mostly due to teamwork than skills. There are heroes in this game that can solely be game changers and Sym isn’t one of them.

Then again before 3.0 if you was good at sneaking into the back lines without no one noticing and using the Teleport ultimate. That was the game changer then, but not now. Today’s is just a barrier ultimate that can block attacks from distance meaning only blocking out snipers unless they go through it. Not overly effective, but decent.

Are you saying a no one could womansplain this to you about Symmetra being a niche hero?

Nothing changed.

She got reworked due to complaints if you ever did your homework. She wasn’t a healer on support side which was a downfall so they moved her to dps changing her performance making it worst. There’s not much difference besides pick rate. Even Jeff picked up later on that she wasn’t legit as he thought due to statistics, feedback and visual footage on YouTube.


It’s been a lot longer then that probably going back to the year of release. It’s just steadily gotten worse and more noticeable since then.


Not to be that person, but overbuff from 2 months ago says you’re 2800sr,
So even if you were a masters sym, you fell pretty hard, which I highly doubt was just from the hero rework.
But maybe you were and maybe it was :woman_shrugging:

More grandmaster and t500 syms have appeared since her rework, just because you fell, doesn’t mean others had the same issues.

complaints can have merit.

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I consider myself a Sym main, and I was against the rework from the start (the wrong things were addressed).
Because I find more aspects of her playstyle more difficult and less reliable now, I play her less (very sadly), but more consistently on the maps that I think I can do ok on.
So overall (if I’m a representative sample of the population) my personal Sym pickrate is much lower since I pick her for maps I am really confident on, but this skews my winrate to look higher.

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100% true, c’mon Blizzard! let Symmetra unlock her true potential! :ok_hand:

She’s a DPS so if she sucks it’s just “give it time”. If she were a support the forums would say “she’s unfun, she’s clunky”.

Question: why players would pick Symmetra for DPS, if they have less team-dependent, more mobile and overall more reliable heroes to pick? Other than loving character, of course.

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still an easy way to secure a random kill
a bit like scatter

Autoaim wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, given how close we had to get to make that lock on in the first place . It made the game and the hero a little more accessible for people who have difficulties aiming.

I personally have no issues tracking and building her current gun up to full charge, but she is less of a deterrent for heroes she used to counter. They all have new counters in sombra, brig, and moira but it does seem symmetra has lost her place a little. Tracking genji and lucios at her range is a bit of a nightmare, and other characters do everything she can more effectively.

Slow turrets - mei has freeze
Barrier busting - bastion has better range, sym needs to be up close for endless ammo gen to work
Barrier - is an ult, we got 4 tanks that can drop one every few seconds
Endless tp surprises - great but its normally just me using it. Translocate gets me as a single target around better.

Honestly i wonder how OG sym as off support/dps and her 75hp shields would fair now hero stacking isnt a thing


As someone who played Symmetra since launch through all her ups and downs, I’ve been having an absolute blast with her since 3.0 came out. She’s definitely a completely different hero to the old one though, but one who no longer is only strong on particular points on defence, but any map, attack or defence, and has more of a role too.

I’m on the fence about her popularity staying low, it’s encouraging to see her actually show up in pro play now and then where she didn’t at all before, but it’s also nice to play Competitive and not have to face her all the time, or have other people pick her off me.

I don’t quite know why she’s still got the ‘easy hero’ label any more, yes, people die to turrets and it feels cheap but she’s extremely input-heavy and needs huge position awareness because of how squishy she is, it’s taken a while to learn the nuances of her new kit:

  • How to not stand too close to walls when deploying teleporters or wall ult so they don’t fail

  • How to place teleporters where there’s railings

  • How to get turrets through gaps without them getting stuck on surfaces midway

  • How to time an ambush to land 2-orb assassinations

  • How to place a teleporter in a grav in such a way that it’s useable before the Dragon shows up

  • When to tell a team to take a teleporter and when to just use it yourself

  • How to counter flankers with carefully positioned and repositioned turrets and orbs

  • How to kill a Winston or DVa diving at you

  • How to place teleporter mid-fight to get out before it gets too bad

  • How to get that sweet spot distance from a Reinhardt that is out of hammer range but keeps your beam charge going on his shield while also staying protected by your tank

  • How to bait hook from a Hog then build beam on him while he vapes for the finisher

  • How to counter-shield-dance an Orisa with a teleporter and a spread of turrets so she can’t block them all and gets melted

  • How to pressure a Widow with teleporters

There’s just so much depth and flexibility to this beautiful hero, but it does require more practice and co-operation than most people are willing to put in, especially those who resent losing the old hero, who will hopefully be reborn in Echo as a shield-giving support.


TBH just finished QP as Symm a few times…
I think she’s FUN but her main fire needs the auto-lock back and the TPer needs to be instant and 30 second available.

Other then that she’s fun.
The only thing I did not like was my team mad that i played Symm and we’re losing because of me, despite me holding GOLD medal for kills and objective kills… I mean comon.

Symm is not a bad dpser if you play her well.

Symmetra 2.0 was more about brute force and had a kit that helped if any mistakes were made.

2.0 barrier could allow you to primary someone to death with no aim requirement.

Instead of needing to think of a plan to deal with a barrier she could just use secondary fire.

Her 2.0 teleporter would allow her to get quickly back to the point after dying (Possibly undoing a mistake).
The shield generator would enable more brute force.

Symmetra 3.0 is extremely powerful but to get full value out of her kit you need to be able to think quickly not just use brute force.

Where/how you place her teleporter and ultimate is the difference between them being invaluable or useless.

A lot of people have a problem with teleporter because they want to use it as a reactionary ability but it is a positioning tool.
As a positioning tool it is extremely powerful but you need to understand the value of the position where you are placing it, Apparently some people just place it randomly …

Practicing Symmetra 3.0 isn’t just about learning to aim better or reacting faster, It is about learning better positioning and different ways to use your kit.

I enjoyed both versions but 3.0 feels like there is a lot more to separate my skills from someone just picking her up for the first time (Skill floor) and I feel like I have so much more control over the outcome of a fight.

I was a Symmetra main with 2.0 and I am a Symmetra main with 3.0.

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Thats what happens when you make a close range hero without any survivability.

I can’t speak for everyone but I destroy with Symmetra harder than I ever did before her rework.
I’ve had a few times where my friends have simply told me, “You know what to do.” on certain maps, asking me to play Symmetra. That never happened pre-rework, despite maining Sym in both periods.

However, I guess the same holds true to you too. Your experiences may suggest Symmetra to be weak and I can’t deny what you’ve been through as a Symmetra player.
But you also can’t speak for the community as a whole, so I prefer you wouldn’t shove words into people’s mouths.

“Hard work and dedication pays off.” ~ Symmetra

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