People have no idea what C9 means

Even writing c9 when is not and laugh on other people mistake it is… see the irony?

Ultimately - but it does once it’s updated in the official reference, not when little Johnny misuses it during a match. It’s a bit like how the term “racist” is currently co-opted from it’s original meaning. It’s probably going to revert in time as it’s too restrictive in use.

thats still not a c9 my friend lol

Who cares??? People type c9 for the memes. The game is 6 years old, it’s nice to have fun things to yell out during a match just for fun. No one means any harm and most people know what a true c9 is but who cares? I’ll type c9 for basically anything and sometimes I get a laugh out of it or 2

Oh no, how DARE someone say C9 when it wasn’t a C9… we must report them!

If someone says C9, who cares?.. move on with your life. Never have I known someone to get offended by someone saying C9.

Sorry op but you’re wrong. C9 has evolved in meaning to become literally anything that causes a loss.

its weird but sometimes i think i hear say “c9” but it really is some other voice line. when she eats an ult or something i think. have to look it up later

If you didn’t “C9”, why does it matter what the other team says? They are either wrong (and should be pitied for their ignorance) or trolling (and should be ignored).

WHo has that clip from xqc saying somehting like “logging on is a c9, logging off is a c9, winning is a c9”

There was a time when people would say thicc at anything, not knowing what it means.

It was cringe.

not gonna lie, i say c9 just to make the enemy mad

If it gets people typing getting annoyed in chat and distracting them it makes them more likely to lose a fight if they are wasting time typing instead of playing the game lol.

The number of times I’ve had to explain that a c9 is when a team ignores the objective to chase a kill and then loses a game they would have otherwise won is… uncountable.

I even tell them to go look up the video of Cloud9 leaving Volskaya point A to chase a kill, which was the origin of the term and they just… don’t get it.

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Exactly. If I can type 2 non-toxic characters in chat and know that someone is going to be distracted for the next 30+ seconds, then it’s easily worth it.

Usually best-aimed at people who seem to be easily-tilted.

Psychological warfare :wink:


Imagine people have to educate before they can talk… :sweat_smile:
The whole world would go down by tomorrow

Just pretend people know what they are talking about. What a illusional thinking that is

What’s that “ioi” you are C9ing about?

You lost, c9 lol

I report and move on with my life. Simple.

I both agree and disagree at the same time.

The original C9 is as you describe by Cloud 9.

However the term has been adopted widely to describe many instances when players unwittingly forget about the objective causing the timer to run out or allowing the enemy team to make unwanted progress.

you’ll get over it
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