Obscure term!? Everyone and their child in gaming knows what c9 is.
That like not knowing what “lol” means…
Obscure term!? Everyone and their child in gaming knows what c9 is.
That like not knowing what “lol” means…
League of legends???
Not everyone has joined the game at launch.
Yeah I see C9 used incorrectly a lot. People don’t realize it’s when a team forgot about the point while someone on the opposing team caps behind them.
Sadly a lot of people get confuse what c9 is, and what getting outplayed is. being push off the cart with lucio’s boop or winston’s ult, toss in the air with sig’s ult, block from reaching the cart with mei’s wall or body blocking, etc. is not c9.
c9 is more along the line of back-capping the enemy that was suppose to win the game. They got lured away for some kill points.
Most are not and have no idea what C9 is. In fact, I’d argue that the only time a true “C9” occurs is exactly the situation it was named for; when a team should win, but literally steps off or fails to step on the point/payload to lose against the clock. That is it.
The accepted definition: To actually C9 in Overwatch is to not stand on the payload or objective despite being capable of doing so, and losing the round or game for it . It is not dying to a team fight and being unable to run back.
The key point is this: it is not a C9 if the enemy in any way prevented you from touching the point; it is a distinct failure to do so when no resistance could have prevented it.
Yelling “C9” by the winning team when they literally had a 5 v 1 on the point is beyond absurd, its just plain stupidity.
If you think people are joking, this might be true in say Masters+, below that half the players have never once looked up how their character works, watched a video on technique or playstyles, etc. To think they begin to know what a C9 is, is laughable.
Full Read: https://blizzardwatch.com/2019/09/26/c9-overwatch-what-is-it/
The “correct” definition of c9 is losing because you left the objective when (this is the important part) YOU WERE WINNING THE TEAMFIGHT
however, the more common definition is simply forgetting about the objective
Please read : To actually C9 in Overwatch is to not stand on the payload or objective despite being capable of doing so, and losing the round or game for it . It is not dying to a team fight and being unable to run back.
Doesn’t even have to mean you ever touched it.
The common definition is just wrong.
I love to counter - “no, it was a B8”.
thats excactly what I said, read before you correct me
LOL I did read it - you were not quite right. You don’t even technically have to step off or having touched it. Please read.
Yes, you do, the term “c9” originally came from a game where the team cloud9 left point even though they were winning the fight
that is the technically correct definition, all other definitions are simply mutations of the original one
It’s funny how those who say it wrong due to ignorance or trolling eventually are actually right just based on the accepted meaning changing over time.
I don’t think you get the nuance here.
Then by that definition nothing means anything; I reject that because its just intellectually lazy. It’s in vogue to simply make words mean anything you want to suit how you feel. in time it just becomes a bunch of savages grunting at each other.
I think everybody knows what actual c9 is. But it was perverted in a way to troll. Thus, even if you are unable to touch the point because of end of the world is started outside, you are still c9ing.
This really doesn’t matter. Streamers use this term for its original meaning, backcaps, and even forcing people off the point (“I made them C9”). The meaning has changed significantly because of this.
People saying it in scenarios that don’t match any of those three examples are most likely just trolling.
It’s very much a pet peeve of mine as well but it’s just the reality of it. The popular usage of a word will ultimately define it.
Funny to come across this thread, as I was in a game with an actual C9 yesterday.
Final point on Lijang Garden. We have it capped at 99% and overtime is running. Enemy team starts throwing ults like crazy, forcing us off the point. Instead of staying on the point and flipping the cap, the enemy team chases our surviving members across the bridge. They got a team kill, and immediately lost the game.
Classic C9.