People have no idea what C9 means

So sick of seeing enemy team claim we c9’d when mei froze us at the spawn so we couldn’t get to the point. zarya gravs keeping us from getting to the point, sigma ults and lifts us off the point, DVA bomb kills everyone on the point…none of those are c9’s you idiots!

google, reddit, whatever, but learn what a c9 really is dummies!

I should illustrate what a c9 is…

I’m sombra…i run to the payload, i move the payload to the end while your team is busy running around trying to kill my teammates far away from the payload. You c9’d since you didn’t pay attention to the point and just let us move it while focused on other things. That’s a big difference from the zarya grav that prevented us from getting on the point…do you see the diff?


I had a great C9 moment on Havana. The payload was going through the distillery, on round 4, the enemy had killed 4 of us and were chasing the rest of us down. They left the payload behind and overtime got them.

Now THAT is a C9.




I’m pretty sure they’re saying it as a joke. They know you didn’t C9, kind of like when an opponent types ez after a very long and close match.


A lot of people actually don’t know what a true C9 is, though. I’ve come across a lot of people who simply think it means “somebody on the other team was alive and didn’t touch the point”, no matter what the context was.


You expect from people to know the meaning of an obscure term from 5 years ago?

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What C9 is: You lose a game you should’ve won because you forgot about the objective.

How people use C9 in game: You lose the game.


Nah, I’d be willing to bet a solid 90% of the people who say it have no clue what it means.


Actually, i do occasionally ask what they thought c9 meant. Being pushed off the payload by wholehog is c9. /facepalm


But… that’s not a C9 either. That’s a backcap.

A C9 is when you win a teamfight during overtime but get off the point prematurely (usually to chase kills) and thus, lose a game you may have otherwise won.

It seems like you yourself aren’t quite familiar with the meaning :wink:

Now, having said all that: it can be especially funny to call something a C9 if you know it’s going to make someone spend the next 5 minutes angrily typing out the proper definition of a C9. I know that’s why I do it :slight_smile:


In fact I report them each time isn’t a real c9. Is only a way to be toxic.

Perfect summary of what it is / how it came to be, don’t think I have something else to add to this ~


You should see me on the OWL match threads or the live chats :sweat_smile:

I’ve even coined “9C” to differentiate what I term a pseudo C9 in which a team never even bothers to play the objective (let alone abandon it)…personally feel like it happens more frequently than an actual C9

You see some GM streamers use it incorrectly so it’s not a low-level thing or anything. Even seasoned players don’t seem to know the definition of a c9.

I mean the term has basically been messed up from the beginning. Nearly any time some one fails to touch the pay load the OWL commenters called it a C9 as well. If the payed officials can’t even call it right, you can’t expect players to be any better.

That said it is annoying to have any loss blamed as C9.

I’m not sure if this would classify as a C9 given most of the enemy team (and my team) were dead…

id call that a "only guy alive was unfortunately bastion"9

im confused why people keep talking about cloud 9 during my ranked games