People hated Mass Rez because Mercy was invulnerable, now she rezzes a Tank in front of the enemy team

She was a problem. I’m sorry you miss winning the game with a click of a button. It is actually quite unfun. You literally just proved my point “The only advantage in Overwatch that wins game is everyone using their ult at once.” Do you really think it would be fair for you to press a SINGLE button to revert all of these expended ults? Hell no. You should play something other than mercy to understand how people might feel if all your hard work was reverted.

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Judging by the last post another one of those

The enemy can just use all six ults and instantly win the game but Mercy should have mass rez to hard counter that strat

I guess

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And that is quite stupid, because 6 ults should not equal 1.


Her hitbox actually gets bigger, because not only do her wings open more (which are targetable and will damage her if shot at), she lifts her arm, which can be shot at, and she raises her head in the air for easier headshots.

When Mercy resses, she is locked in the animation. Even if you’re look at the ground, Mercy’s model will have her head raised in the air during res.

So in actuality, her hitbox gets slightly easier to hit due to Resurrect’s animation making her body and head more open.

I don’t see why not. How is it you use all those ults and can’t kill the 200 HP healer with a stream showing you exactly where she is? That’s sad. Your entire team can’t see a yellow or blue stream by the Mercy and you waste all your ults and still couldn’t take her down.



Because you can hide as Mercy. Very popular tactic btw. Don’t call me pathetic please, it hurts my feelings.


You can come out hiding with any character and ult it means nothing.

People struggled to kill the Mercy when she’s “hiding.”
People struggled to kill the Mercy when she flew in a STRAIGHT LINE to Rez the team.
People struggle now to kill the Mercy DIRECTLY in front of the TEAM to Rez the TANK.

It’s not the rez, it’s the player base. They should have either removed her invincibility or reduced the amount of people she can rez.


Ok they did it


I don’t mind Mercy as she is now, but I honestly have to agree.

Even in my GM games on my alt, I can res in VERY obvious locations and nobody bats an eye. In GM. The “best of the best”. And even they can’t look at a Mercy sitting still next to them for 2s.


The first nerf was insta rez and no invulnerability. But when she ult the cooldown was reset.

Now it’s a slow rez 1 every 30 seconds and people still can’t get her.

  1. Mercy’s ult meant a lot because it was extremely overpowered. Also, (NO SHIP) it would be hard to kill a hiding Mercy because you can’t see her. Has that occurred to you?

  2. She flies very fast, in a straight line. I don’t think you would know how hard it would be to catch a Mercy flying at full speeds because she’s all you play.

  3. Yeah people do that because you are probably playing in a low rank.

And no, it’s not the player base, it was the fact that you could press a button without cast time to get the entire team back.


Risky rezzes are hecka fun to pull off


1.) So, because your team has tunnel vision and doesn’t know how to flank, her rez is a problem. How about think of going around? You know she’s always in the back line anyway.

2.) If you see her coming towards the team that just died you can all literally focus fire. I’ve seen Reins firestrike and soldiers or other characters finish her before she can rez the whole team.

3.) If you read above responses you’d see this occurs in all ranks.


Rein does 100 with fire strike, and soldier doesn’t have aimbot.
This argument has no purpose, because mass rez is never going to come back. Just be happy with ur singular rez :slight_smile:


LMAO. So, half her health is gone and you think Soldier needs aimbot to finish Mercy off?

This just speaks volumes. “I need aimbot to kill a Mercy because her rez is unfun to play against.”

I don’t think you’d need say more.


You never stated that it was hypothetical that they would both be on the same team first of all. Second of all, how about you hop off of mercy for 2 seconds and learn how difficult it can be to kill her when she flies .

You assume based on what exactly that I only play Mercy?

I often kill her just as she gets the rez off on purpose. And then we kill the poor sod who got rezzed for extra ult charge.

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I play multiple characters :roll_eyes: