People forgot how to play tanks

He is right though, anything that’s low risk high reward is no skill. The reason why Tracer is even considered high skill is because of her risky play.

People who actually think Tracer is risky ti play are hilarious

Or Dive for that matter
Playing the nost mobile heros all at once will never be a risky comp

Tanks tanks tanks, i tell you i started this season at 2200 SR on tank. I am now at 2050, i don’t think i have gotten a single double shield comp in any game i have played. The other tank goes something like roadhog and doesnt contribute anything. The DPS has always been garbage. The supports i swear if im not playing support no body is. Each time i play its like 5 DPS all over again

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How is it not?
You can’t get one shotted by brig anymore whoooho but there is still enough CC, one shots and sustain for Tracer to still be risky.

Don’t make it seem like sitting behind two shields and holding M1 is skillful, it’s not.

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Well we can’t blame him to not play tank.
We know majority of the playerbase don"t like to play tank, because we can see it when we compare DPS queue time et Tank queue time.

And with the lack of tank players in this game, i don’t think we can be so peaky lol.
Better get a tank who is bad (well everyone has the right to be bad in a videogame) than no tank at all xD

I like to play tank sometimes, but personnally i think this role is not really as rewarding as the other roles.
And by his current design, i think the tank role feel more frustrating and can sometime feel very empty we you play it.

Also, the tank’s job in this game is by far the less intuitive.

When you play DPS or Healer, your role is really clear.

When you play DPS you have to make dmg. You see an ennemie : you shoot at him. And you have medals which easily show your dmg input.

When you play healer you have to heal your teammate. You see a low HP ally : you heal him. And you have medals.

But when you play tank. Your job is not really clear and concrete.
When you discover the tank role, you just play like a DPS but with less dmg but more HP.
Then the more you play you hear about things like “making space for the team”, which isn’t clear or intuitive for many people.
Also you have no medal for the tank role, and no way to mesure your capacity of “making space for the team”.

In short, Tank role is the less popular because :

  • It can be the most frustrating role because it’s the most team dependant.
  • It’s the less intuitive role
  • this game interface feel like tanking isn’t as impactfull as healing or making dmg
  • You have not as much tank characters as DPS characters
  • And finally, you add to all of that an oppressive META like double-shield who restrict even more your possibilities as a tank player

That’s why tanking, for many players, feel like a chore.

This is a big problem, especially at low ranks like me(silver). I play Rein a decent bit and I always try to push a team fight. As soon as I think it’s a good time to fight(we get a lucky pick, enemy wastes an ult or big cooldown) I push in and usually my team will follow. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always better than standing until my shield breaks and we all die.

IMO rewarding for playing tank (specially lootboxes) should be removed because too many people just play whatever as tank because they want the prize. That should reduce a good deal of bad tanking.

I mean, most tank players at the lower ranks are just bad at the role in general (I wouldn’t even hold myself in high regard, and say that there’s a lot I still need to learn).

That being said, there’s more to tanking than just throwing down a barrier and blocking damage. All too often I see Orisas just plop their barrier down 15 feet behind the payload, take absolutely no space, and then wonder why the dps can’t get any kills. I always say I don’t care what tank you’re playing, just create space please.

I got a weird queue the other day with 10 diamonds, 1 master, 1 plat. The plat and master roles were both our main tanks. The masters rein just WRECKED our plat rein. Had shield when it mattered, blocked every one of our reins shatters, got every shatter past our rein, charged ult twice as fast, pinned and destroyed our rein over and over. It was like watching a child box mike Tyson.


I am actually hunting for advice while tanking in competitive if anyone has any good advice. I was a flex player before the 2-2-2. So now im stuck sense some maps im a better dps or healer then a tank.

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Same here.

Maybe it’s a PS4 thing, but people are allergic to using barriers.

Just feels hopeless as so many if your team run forwards and get killed over and over.

Barrier is only as good as your team’s willingness to use it.

Most value I get with Orisa a lot of times is dropping ult and hopefully winning team fights with it.

Oh so that means dps and roadhog/zarya. Only 1 word. Omegalul

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Main tanking is currently bloody awful and unfun.

At my elo, 2k, the best tanks are Hog and Zarya as rabid dps won’t group up or use barriers.

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Yep and I get to the top 1-2% of ranks doing that. It’s not really an insult to someone if they can get to those ranks just taking the loss every time someone won’t main tank or heal (pre role queue) and still getting there. Post role queue I get to the same rank taking the loss every time there’s no main tank if I’m tanking.

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Funny, because I have the same opinion about DPS players while playing tank :frowning: . Most of the time they can’t secure kills and are dying while trying to flank. Shield is mostly used by the supports, but if there’s another shield tank I’ll swap to Zarya or DV.a to make up for the missing DPS in team fights. I’m in the same elo as Gazzor^ despite the shield heavy meta, Zarya and hog can be real blessings in a team fight.

You’re implying people ever knew how to play them in the first place.

That’s a bold claim.

How they could forget? From what i saw on this forum everyone was playing hog and dva/zarya to skip dps waiting times anyway, not barrier meta :smile:

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I’ve been seeing bad tanks since the roll queue.
Before that, players only played the tank role because they wanted to.


They did not forget, they are 3 year DPS mains like myself who never play tank, because we don’t want to wait 10 minutes in queue.

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Because he doesn’t want to play tank and he’s not wrong dps players playing tank or just bad tanks that got boosted from no skill double shield.